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Srdjan Bulat shines in Valencia
By Marko Puljić | Published  04/24/2010 | Bilingual , Music , People , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Srdjan Bulat wins three awards at the Xth International Guitar Competition of Alhambra

Srdjan je u vrlo jakoj konkurenciji 28 ponajboljih svjetskih gitarista iz 16 zemalja (Spanjolska, Italija, Rusija, Kina, Japan, Peru, Urugvaj, Brazil...) osvojio TRI NAGRADE:
- nagradu za najbolju interpretaciju spanjolske glazbe (od koje je bio sastavljen gotovo cijeli program natjecanja. Interesantno je napomenuti da je Srdjan bio jedini ne-Spanjolac u finalu, ujedno i najmladi finalist)
- nagradu publike
- drugu nagradu strucnog zirija

Srdjan, facing strong competition from 28 of the best guitarists hailing from 16 countries Spain, Italy, Russia, China, Japan, Peru, Uruguay, Brazil...) won three awards:

- award for the best interpretation of Spanish music (which comprised almost the entire program of the competition. It is interesting to mention that Srdjan was the only non-Spaniard in the finals, and also the youngest finalist)

- audience award
- second prize by the expert jury

World Renowned Classical Guitarist
From Split, Croatia



Sunday, May 16th 2010

6:00 p.m.

International House
1414 E. 59th Street
Chicago, Il 60637


Persons with disabilities that may need assistance
should contact the Office of Programs & External Relations
in advance of the program at 773-753-2274

Source [PDF]

Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljić
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