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First Conference Organised by Croatian Returnees for Croatian Returnees October 26-30, 2015
By Croatia Week | Published  10/19/2015 | Community , Business | Unrated
Conference to be held 26-30 October in Zagreb
First Conference Organised by Croatian Returnees for Croatian Returnees

Over 50 participants from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Ecuador, Finland, France, Canada, Hungary, Macedonia, Germany, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, USA, Switzerland and Venezuela will take part in the first ever conference organised by Croatian returnees for Croatian returnees…

“We’re looking for ways how Croats, who like us were born outside of Croatia, to show them how to recognise investment opportunities in Croatia. Croatia is perfect for infrastructure, although there are problems in the bureaucracy, which can be solved. Croats are honest, diligent and hard-working people, proud of their nationality. That’s why we came to the conclusion that it would be interesting for Croatia and for our families living abroad to connect in business. The aim of the conference is for participants to network, introduce new projects to potential investors in the Diaspora, to restore their confidence and also keep young people in Croatia. Croatia is not lacking good ideas – just funds,” said project director Josip Hrgetić.

The aim of the conference is:
1. To attract entrepreneurs and business people of Croatian descent and international companies with Croatian capital – invitations have been sent to Croatians living in more than 30 countries across the world.
2. To attract entrepreneurs and project starters from Croatia.
3. To present various opportunities and methods of investment in Croatia and EU funds.
4. To network Croats from abroad with state agencies and private projects in Croatia.
5. To present the legal framework for investing in Croatia and opportunities for use of EU funds.
6. To create possibilities for signing preliminary contracts or conclude cooperation agreements between Croats from abroad and Croats from the homeland.
7. To discuss and lay the foundations for the establishment of the Croatian World Chamber of Commerce.

The conference, which will be held from 26-30 October in Zagreb, is supported by domestic companies, agencies and institutions. The conference will be attended also by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Joško Klisović, Damira Novinić from the Agency for Investment and Competitiveness and Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, who will open the conference.

The 5-day programme will also feature 7 panel discussions featuring successful Croatians in the diaspora and in the country, including Tomislav Kuljiš from Bolivia, Darrell Šarić (Canada), Denis Rubić (Germany), David Tudorović (Australia) and Antonio Šeparović from South Africa.

Registrations close on 21 October 2015. More info and how to register here.


Your Life is Full of Croatia

Formatted for CROWN by Marko Puljic
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Zrinka Podhraski )

    Prekrasna ideja, prekrasan projekt!
    Dici cemo Hrvatsku na noge samo zahvaljujuci svemu onome sto je nasa dijaspora naucila u svim dimenzijama zivota!!
    Hvala Vam na tome :-)
  • Comment #2 (Posted by Mladen Ibler)

    Excellent !
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