Memory Institutions in the Digital Age

Current Models of Collaboration in Croatia
By Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic
Library and Information Sciences Department, Faculty of Philosophy,
J. J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia,
Presentation at the Seton Hall University on March 15th 2007
Archives, libraries and museums, or memory institutions as they have often been called, are societal institutions which have been regarded as major contributors to the advancement of culture, education, democracy and economic progress of individuals or society in general. Their mission has always been, in principle, the same: collecting, organizing, preserving, facilitating and promoting the use of cultural and scientific heritage. The advent and development of information and communication technology (ICT) has affected all aspects of their activities and opened up unprecedented possibilities for them (in particular for presentation of their treasures). Moreover, technology-savy users of today demand global and seamless (preferably free) access to world heritage regardless of national or institutional boundaries. Faced with similar challenges, memory professionals world wide have realized that they will better meet the needs of their ever demanding users if they join forces. As a result, a number of collaborative initiatives, in particular those imploying new technology, is growing. The aim of this paper is to outline the current situation in Croatia as regards memory institutions, new technology and collaboration. Also, selected digital initiatives of memory institutions in Croatia shall be described and their main contributions discussed.
Croatian constituency, March 15, 2007
photo by Jennifer Jamer

Maja Basioli, Nenad Bach, Marta Mestrovic Deyrup, Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic, Tatjana Lorkovic
Seaton Hall Univ., CROWN (visitor), Seton Hall Univ., Rutgers Univ., Yale Univ.
Croatian Memory Institutions In A Networked Environment
Archives, libraries and museums (ALM) in a networked environment
Croatian memory institutions
Strategic issues and initiatives
ICT and digitization projects
Archives, libraries and museums in a networked environment

Information and communication technology (ICT) affected all aspects of their activities: acquisition, organization, communication, preservation similar challenges. (New) user demands technology-savy users want well organized, integrated and easily accessible information/resources "one-stop shopping"
Collaboration - success!
ALM as major components of global information infrastructure
"blurring of boundaries" among memory institutions
Memory Institutions in Croatia

Strategic / Professional leadership
Seminar Archives, Libraries, Museums - Possibilities for Co-operation Within the Environment of the Global Information Infrastructure (1997)

"exchange ideas, knowledge and experience, recognize the fields and levels in which co-operation is possible in creating and accessing information" Annual conference and course Libraries in the Digital Age - LIDA (2000)
"address the changing and challenging environment for libraries and information systems and services in the digital world"
The Best in Heritage: An Annual Presentation of the Best Museum, Heritage and Conservation Projects (2002)
"Meeting of experienced veterans and ambitious, creative newcomers from the converging variety of professions in the field of heritage, all in the context of the information society"

Ministry of Culture
Strategy for Development of ICT in Croatia (2001)
"modernization of archives, libraries and museums" (management, material processing and services)
"creation of high quality digital cultural and national content"

Ministry of Science, Education and Sport
Scientific project "Organization, Preservation And Use Of Croatian Written Heritage" (2002, 2006)
"use of ICT for effective presentation, use and preservation of Croatian written heritage"

Working group on digitization. Draft of National digitization program (2006)
"creation of long-term digitization policy and advancement of institutional, technological, professional and organizational capacities and infrastructure"
Short Bio
Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic is a Teaching/Research Assistant at the Library and Information Sciences Department, Faculty of Philosophy, Osijek University, Croatia. She obtained a Bachelor degree in Library Science and Museum Studies, and Master degree in Information Sciences from Zagreb University, Croatia. Her research interest are: collaboration of memory institutions, library services for socially excluded people, volunteers in memory institutions, reading interests and habits of children and young adults. From 2003 to present she has served as a Chair of the Organising Committee of International Course and Conference Libraries in the Digital Age, held annualy in Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia. She acted as a deputy Country Coordinator for Croatia in EU IST FP6 coordination action, CALIMERA (2003 -2005) and in in 2006 she has been elected as a president of the Croatian Reading Association. In 2000 she was given a Ljerka Markic-Cucukovic Fundation Award for Best Librarianship Student and in 2006 the Eva Verona Award which is given by Croatian Library Association to best young library professionals in Croatia.She is currently a JFDP (Junior Faculty Develeopment Program, sponsored by U.S. State Department) fellow at School of Communication, Information and Library Studies (SCILS) at Rutgers University, U.S.
Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic
Formated for CROWN by Nenad Bach
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