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(E,H) Hrvatski profesionalni vatrogasci Vas pozivaju
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  03/4/2003 | Community | Unrated
(E,H) Hrvatski profesionalni vatrogasci Vas pozivaju


Croatian Fireman

Dear visitor!

I would like to introduce you to an interesting profession which
unfortunately is not enough appreciated in Croatia. We are talking about
professional fire fighting, a profession you have probably many times seen
on TV. How many times have you wondered how it would be to do this job? And
why somebody goes out risking his own life to save other people's lives.
People he probably does not even know.

My name is Kruno and I am editing the pages of the Fire Department of the
city of Bjelovar.

Through these pages we whish to bring this profession nearer to all the
people who want to find out something more. Additionally we want to inform
them about preventing a fire and how to properly put out a starting fire.

The pages are translated into the English and the German language . This is
because we connect with colleagues all around the world and through the
Internet we make contacts and achieve cooperation. This way we learn how
this job is done in their countries and how much do people appreciate the
work fire fighters do.

Thanks to the pages, in the last two years (of their existence), we did the

a.. An article about our unit was published in a magazine in New Zealand
b.. We have signed a friendship agreement (the only one's in Croatia) with
the rescue organization American Rescue Team International
c.. Last year we hosted colleagues from the fire fighting unit of the city
of Zary in Poland and this year we will sign a friendly cooperation treaty
between the Fire Department Zary and the Fire Department Bjelovar
d.. Our pages are accessed from around (literary) the whole world, from
all continents
e.. Our old guestbook has around 350 entries from fire fighting colleagues
around the world.
In the near future we want to work on the promotion of fire fighting in
Croatia and the acquaintance of fire fighters and other people around the
world with our fire-fighting unit in Croatia.

This year we celebrate 130 years of fire fighting in the city of Bjelovar.
For this reason, until October when the main ceremony is held, we whish to
mark the anniversary in many different ways.

For example, it is my wish to invite a musical band to do a video clip in
our Fire Department (in the garage, among the fire trucks, the gear etc.).
At first I thought of the band U2 because they, among other things, do a lot
of humanitarian work. We fire fighters do humanitarian work, too, so we
could join these two activities.

I would like to invite foreign news agencies that might find it interesting
to make a report about how this profession is executed in Croatia.

At the end I would like to invite our people, Croats, who live outside
Croatia and who can come to our ceremony in October, to contact us by

Greetings from the man of the Fire Department of the city of Bjelovar.

Now I call you to visit our internet site ( ) and get in
touch with us by e-mail ( ).



Zelio bih Vas upoznati sa jednim zanimljivim zanimanje koje nazalost nije
bas cijenjeno u Hrvatskoj. Rijec je o profesionalnom vatrogastvu. Zanimanje
koje ste vjerojatno mnogo puta vidjeli na TV-u. Koliko ste puta se zapitali
kako je raditi ovaj posao? I zasto netko ide riskirati svoj zivot da bi
spasio zivot druge osobe. Osobe koju vjerojatno i ne pozna.
Moje ime je Kruno i uredujem stranice Javne vatrogasne postrojbe grada
Bjelovara. S tim stranicama zelja nam je pribliziti ovo zanimanje svim
ljudima koji zele saznati nesto vise. Takoder informirati ih o tome kako
mogu sprijeciti nastanak pozara, te kako na vrijeme pravilno ugasiti pocetni
Stranice su prevedene na engleski i njemacki jezik. Zato jer se povezujemo
sa kolegama sirom svijeta, te preko interneta stvaramo kontakte i suradnju.
I saznajemo kako se ovaj posao obavlja u njihovim zemljama. Te koliko ljudi
cijene posao koji vatrogasci obavljaju.
Zahvaljujuci stranicama u ove dvije godine (koliko postoje), napravili smo
- objavljen je clanak o nasoj postrojbi u casopisu u Novom Zelandu,
- potpisali smo prijateljski sporazum (kao jedini iz Hrvatske) sa
spasilackom organizacijom American Rescue Team International
- prosle godine smo ugostili kolege iz vatrogasne postrojbe grada Zary u
Poljskoj, s kojima cemo ove godine potpisani prijateljsku suradnju izmedju
postrojbe Zary i postrojbe Bjelovar- na stranicama imamo posjete iz (doslovno)
cijelogasvijeta, sa svih kontinenata- u knjizi gostiju je oko 350 upisa od kolega
vatrogasaca iz cijelogsvijeta.

U skoroj buducnosti zelimo raditi na promoviranju vatrogastva u Hrvatskoj,
te upoznavanju vatrogasaca i drugih ljudi sirom svijeta, sa nasom
vatrogasnom postrojbom u Hrvatskoj.
Ove godine obiljezavamo 130 godina vatrogastva u gradu Bjelovaru. Stoga
zelim do desetog mjeseca (kada ce se odrzati glavna svecanost), na razne
nacine obiljeziti ovu obljetnicu.
Npr. zelja mi je pozvati muzicku grupu da snimi spot u nasoj postrojbi (u
garazi, medu vatrogasnim vozilima, opremom i dr.). Najprije sam razmisljao o
grupi U2 zato jer se oni izmedu ostalog bave i humanim radom. Takoder i
vatrogasci obavljamo humano djelo, tako da bi spojili ove dvije djelatnosti.
Zelio bih pozvati strane novinske agencije, kojima bi mozda bilo zanimljivo
snimiti reportazu kako se ovaj posao obavlja u Hrvatskoj.
A za kraj zelio bih pozvati nase ljude Hrvate u inozemstvu koji mogu doci na
nasu svecanost u desetom mjesecu, da nam se svakako jave na e-mail.

Primite puno pozdrava od djelatnika Javne vatrogasne postrojbe grada
Bjelovara! Pozivam Vas da posjetite nase stranice ( ) i javite nam se .

Edited for CROWN by Nenad Bach

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