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Weaving workshop bridges past and present |
By Vladimir Mihajlović |
Culture And Arts , Business
Reviving traditional crafts to aid sustainable development
The CODD Story
The idea of a loom and handweaving is something that brings us back to the past, at the time of our ancestors and folk tradition. But the weaving workshop was a means by which the grassroots organisation CODD (Civil Organisation for Development Dalj) from Slavonia/Croatia encourages a better future for their municipality.
The situation in the Municipality of Erdut is, at this point, quite unenviable. High rates of unemployment, depopulation and emigration of people, and low interest of young people for life in the rural areas hinder the development of this territory, rich in resources and tradition. But in such a situation it is enough to identify and initiate ideas that will revive the forgotten potential of this region, and significantly contribute to the quality of life of local people. And perspective is changing.
Enthusiasts from CODD recognized this opportunity in a revival of traditional crafts, especially weaving, which revitalized the rich culture of the Slavonian region, while at the same time promotes employment and sustainable development in this area. Special emphasis was thereby placed on education and achieving the rights of women as the most poorly used force in this area.
Since its establishment in 2002. CODD’s idea was that the transfer of entrepreneurial know-how, experience and encouraging the tradition of weaving and the manufacture craft work, can contribute to the advancement of this region through rural tourism as one of the strategic directions of the Municipality of Erdut.
Over the past 8 years CODD held numerous trainings and seminars for local people, from startup businesses to computer literacy, womens empowerment workshops to awareness raising campaigns, which have benefited several thousands of beneficiaries. However, the main social entrepreneurship activity is the weaving workshop, which makes clothing and decorative objects in a traditional manner. This enterprise not only is the engine of self-financing, but also a place of employment and education for women from local areas, thereby providing the basis for the independent production sector, which follows the plan of development of rural tourism.
The lack of a unique distribution center through which the products can qualify for the broader market, requires considerable independent efforts in marketing, but the association still manages to be present at all major trade fairs and exhibitions in Croatia. CODD's goal this year is to strengthen it's presence, mainly at the coast and foreign countries, and in this way open doors for rural tourism in the area of Erdut and Slavonia.
Our clothing and decorative objects made in the traditional way will be presented at exhibition CROATIAN ART&CRAFT EXPO.
New York Galllery, MC, 549 west - 52 street in time from 30 to 31 July 2009 year.
Interested in our products?
Please contact us http://www.gord.hr e-mail: gord-codd@inet.hr tel: +385-31-591195
| PRIČA GORD-a (Građanska organizacija razvoja Dalj)
(Autorica: Rozalija Muhek)
Pomisao na tkalačke stanove i ručno tkanje nešto je što nas vraća u prošlost, u doba naših baka i djedova i narodne predaje. No upravo je tkalačka radionica sredstvo kojim Udruga GORD (Građanska organizacija razvoja Dalj) iz Slavonije nastoji potaknuti bolju budućnost svoje općine.
Situacija je u općini Erdut u ovom trenutku prilično nezavidna. Visoka stopa nezaposlenosti, depopulacija i iseljavanje stanovništva, te sve manji interes mladih za život u ruralnom kraju koče razvoj ovog inače resursima i tradicijom bogatog područja. No i u takvoj situaciji dovoljno je prepoznati i pokrenuti ideju koja će revitalizirati zaboravljeni potencijal ovog kraja, te značajno doprinijeti kvaliteti života lokalnih ljudi. I perspektiva se mijenja.
Entuzijasti iz udruge GORD prepoznali su tu priliku u oživljavanju tradicionalnih zanata, prvenstveno tkanja, kojime revitaliziraju bogatu kulturu slavonskog kraja, a istovremeno potiču zapošljavanje i održivi razvoj ovog područja. Poseban naglasak pritom stavljaju na edukaciju i ostvarenja prava žena kao uglavnom slabo iskorištene snage ovog područja.
Od osnutka 2002. godine GORD-ova je ideja vodilja bila da prenošenjem poduzetničkog znanja i iskustva, te poticanjem tradicije tkanja i manufakture doprinesu napretku svog kraja kroz ruralni turizam kao jedan od strateških smjerova razvoja općine Erdut.
Proteklih 8 godina održane su brojne edukacije i seminari za lokalno stanovništvo, od pokretanja poslovanja do korištenja računala, od osnaživanja žena do kampanja podizanja svijesti, od kojih je korist imalo nekoliko tisuća polaznika. No ipak, osnovna aktivnost u okviru socijalnog poduzetništva udruge jest tkalačka radionica, u kojoj se izrađuju odjevni i ukrasni predmeti na tradicionalni način. Ona ne samo da je motor samofinanciranja udruge, nego je i mjesto zapošljavanja i edukacije žena s lokalnog područja, pružajući im tako osnovu za samostalnu proizvodnu djelatnost koja prati plan razvoja seoskog turizma.
Nedostatak jedinstvenog distribucijskog centra kroz kojeg bi se proizvodi radionice mogli plasirati na šire tržište zahtijeva značajne samostalne napore u marketingu, no udruga ipak uspijeva biti prisutna na svim većim sajmovima i izložbama u Hrvatskoj. GORD-ov je cilj u ovoj godini pojačati tu prisutnost, prvenstveno u primorju i inozemstvu, te na taj način, kroz umrežavanje i približavanje krajnjim kupcima, otvoriti vrata seoskom turizmu na području Erduta i Slavonije.
Naši odjevni i ukrasni predmeti izrađeni na tradicionalni način biti će prikazani na izložbi
New York Gallery, MC, 549 west; 52 street, in time from 30. do 31. srpnja 2009. godine.
Zainteresirani ste za naše proizvode?
Molimo Vas da nam se javite:
http://www.gord.hr e-mail: gord-codd@inet.hr Telefon: +385 31 591 195 |
Formatted for CROWN by Marko Puljić Distributed by www.Croatia.org This message is intended for Croatian Associations / Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions / articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know! Or simply...enjoy and spread the word and good vibrations.
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Comment #1
(Posted by lotyang patrosi)
this is a good idea and i wish my community based organization will also reach to this end
Comment #2
(Posted by Jelka Borojević)
Poštavani gosp. Bach i Vlado Mihajlović! ŽELIM VAM SE OD SRCA ZAHVALITI NA OVOM PRILOGU O GORDU: Osjećam se presretnom i počašćenom od strane časopisa PODUZETNIK i VAS kao vlasnike !
Comment #3
(Posted by Dejana Damjanoviæ)
Sve pohvale za poduzetničku priču i sve rukotvorine. U tkanju sam i sama sudjelovala. Aranžmanom se dokazuje kvalitet unikatnih uradaka. Aranžmani za enterijer su prekrasni i svatko može naručiti proizvode po želji.
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