160 premieres of Gavran's theatre texts all over the world
For two days running this month, the Croatian writer Miro Gavran will have two premieres in two important European culture centers.
On May 16, the APOLLO Theatre in Bratislava, Slovakia will give a premiere performance of his play ALL ABOUT WOMEN, in Jana Janković’s translation. The play is being directed by Minim F. Otzow, and the leading roles will be played by Andrea Karnasova, Dagmar Bruckayerova and Andrea Zimanyi-Profantova.
The next day, on May 17, his play ALL ABOUT MEN, in Anna Tuszynska’s translation and Tomasz Obara’s direction, will be premiered by the LUDOWY Theatre in Krakow, Poland. Krzysztof Gorecki, Piotr Pilitowski and Tomasz Obara, also the director, will be playing the leads.
The Slovakian premiere of ALL ABOUT WOMEN will be exactly the twenty-first premiere of Gavran’s play since the Zagreb premiere that took place at the EPILOG Theatre in Zagreb in the Autumn of 2000. The Polish premiere of ALL ABOUT MEN will be the seventh premiere performance of the play, starting from October, 2006, when the world premiere was held at the JANA PALARIKA Theatre in Trnava, Slovakia.
Miro Gavran has had more than 160 premieres of his theatre texts all over the world, and his plays have been seen by more than two million theatre-goers.
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