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 »  Home  »  Music  »  Ivana Marija Vidovic organized the 6th Epidaurus Festival Plus in the Bukovac House in Cavtat in Croatia
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 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  Ivana Marija Vidovic organized the 6th Epidaurus Festival Plus in the Bukovac House in Cavtat in Croatia
Ivana Marija Vidovic organized the 6th Epidaurus Festival Plus in the Bukovac House in Cavtat in Croatia
By Darko Žubrinić | Published  07/6/2012 | Music , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Celebrating 157 years since the birth of distinguished Croatian painter Vlaho Bukovac

Ivana Marija Vidović, distinguished Croatian pianist, poet and humanist, founder and director of the Epidaurus Festival,
with a girl in local Konavle dress, both in front of the Bukovac House in Cavtat

Vrhunski doživljaj u Kući Bukovac
Prava simbioza umjetnosti

Koncertom i predavanjem u slikarevoj rodnoj kući u Cavtatu obilježen je sinoć (4. srpnja) rođendan velikog hrvatskog slikara Vlaha Bukovca (1855-1922). Unatoč vrućini događaj je okupio brojne poklonike njegovog života i djela. Zanimljivo predavanje o Bukovčevom djelovanju u Pragu, u kontekstu češke povijesti umjetnosti, održala je V. Borozan, a osobito su oduševili glazbeni gosti iz Španjolske. Karizmatični par iz Seville, MarĂ­a Esther GuzmĂĄn na gitari, učenica legendarnog Segovije i Luis Orden na flauti prvi su put zajedno svirali u Hrvatskoj, a Cavtat i Bukovac su im 'pravo otkriće', kako su kazali. Svojim vrlo prožetim muziciranjem kroz djela Debussyija kojem se ovim programom obilježilo i 150. godina rođenja, vodili su nas fantastični glazbenici. Nesnosna vrućina nije omela vrhunski doživljaj u Kući Bukovac, a tražila se stolica i djelo više.

Glazbeni par prošetao je nazočne kroz prekrasne partiture impresionizma nastale pod perom FaurĂŠa, Ravela, španjolskih majstora iz istog perioda, AlbĂŠniza i Granadosa u čemu je trijumfirao 'španjolski nerv' prepun ritma, strasti i divne melodije. Toplina izvedbe pridružila se klimatskoj pa moramo uputiti velike pohvale kako fantastičnim gostujućim umjetnicima i predavaču tako i organizatoru i predanoj publici.

Bio je to i prvi koncert klasične glazbe u Kući Bukovac, no zasigurno ne i posljednji obzirom na pozitivne reakcije koje je izazvao. Kako se moglo čuti od organizatora, ovakvu suradnju bi trebalo nastaviti i tradicionalno umjetnošću obilježavati rođendan Vlaha Bukovca. - Bila je ovo prava simbioza umjetnosti u posebnom ovom prostoru u društvu krasnih djela Fin de sičcle gdje smo samo gosti našeg velikog i neponovljivog umjetnika - rekla je pijanistica Ivana Marija Vidović, umjetnička ravnateljica Epidaurus festivala, u sklopu čijeg je 'Programa plus' i organiziran ovaj događaj.

Fotografije: Miho Skvrce

The interior of the Bukovac House in Cavtat during the life of Vlaho Bukovac 1855–1922

Attentive listeners during the concert in the Bukovac House

Autoportrait of Vlaho Bukovac from 1911

Romantic portrait of his House in Cavtat by Vlaho Bukovac

Announcing the concert of distinuished Spanish musicians. Ivana Marija Vidović on the right.


Prvi koncert u Kući Bukovac

Rođendan velikog hrvatskog slikara Vlaha Bukovca proslavit će se u njegovoj rodnoj kući u Cavtatu, u srijedu 4. srpnja, predavanjem o umjetnikovim češkim danima i koncertom španjolskih glazbenika. Riječ je o Programu Plus 'Epidaurus festivala' (održanog od 9. do 19. lipnja u Cavtatu) u suradnji s Kućom Bukovac.

Dr. Vjera Borozan svoje predavanje 'Vlaho Bukovac u kontekstu češke povijesti umjetnosti' fokusirat će na komparaciju djela Jaroslava ČermĂĄka i Bukovca, na Bukovčev boravak u Pragu od 1903. do 1922. godine, gdje je bio profesor na Praškoj akademiji, te  na djela njegovih studenata  nastala u okolici Dubrovnika 1908. godine. Predavanje počinje u 20 sati, a potom će u 21 sat koncert održati Luis Orden, flauta i MarĂ­a Esther GuzmĂĄn, gitara. Ovaj duo smatra se jednim od najistaknutijih ove vrste u Španjolskoj, a iza njih su nastupi u brojnim svjetskim koncertnim dvoranama. Bit će to, ujedno, prvi koncert klasične glazbe na adresi Bukovčeva 5, većinom uz skladbe najpoznatijeg impresionističkog skladatelja Claudea Debussyija, čija se 150. obljetnica rođenja slavi upravo ove godine.

Ulaz na koncert i predavanje bili su besplatni. Dođite, otkrijte još ljepote o velikom našem umjetniku i nadasve čovjeku – pozvala je umjetnička ravnateljica Epidiurus festivala, pijanistica Ivana Marija Vidović koja je događaj potaknula i osmislila.


The first concert at the Bukovac House

Birthday of the great Croatian painter Vlaho Bukovac was celebrated in his native house in Cavtat, on Wednesday July 4th , with a lecture at 8 pm given by the Czech dr. Vjera Borozan and concert at 9pm of eminent Spanish musicians. This is a ‘Program Plus' of the Epidaurus Festival (held from June 9 to 19 in Cavtat) in collaboration with the Bukovac House museum.

Dr. Vjera Borozan featured 'Bukovac in the context of Czech art history' and focused on comparing the works of Jaroslav Cermak and Bukovac, on Bukovac's stay in Prague since 1903. to 1922., where he was a professor at the Prague Academy, plus the works of his students who worked in Dubrovnik and its surroundings in 1908. The lecture began at 8pm, and a concert at 9pm and featured MarĂ­a Esther GuzmĂĄn, guitar and Luis Orden, flute. This duo is considered to be one of the best of its kind in Spain, with number of performances in many famous concert halls worldwide. This was the first concert of classical music at Bukovčeva 5 in Cavtat in the native house of the great Croatian painter which nowadays treasures a fine collection of his wonderful works since it became a museum in 2004. The music programme included mostly master pieces by the most famous impressionistic composer Claude Debussy, whose 150th Birthday anniversary’s been celebrated this year.

Entrance to the concert and lecture were free. Come and discover more about the beauty of our great artist and even more importantely a great man – as the Epidaurus festival artistic director, pianist Ivana Marija Vidovic said. She herself is a spiritus movens of this important event.

Spanish musicians Luis Orden, flute, and MarĂ­a Esther GuzmĂĄn, guitar

O glazbenicima

MarĂ­a Esther GuzmĂĄn, gitara

Potječe iz glazbene obitelji čija tradicija seže još do glazbenika španjolske kraljevske kapele, a nastavljena je bez prekida do danas. Maria Esther svoje je prve nastupe u javnosti imala s nepune četiri godine pri Lope de Vega kazalištu, s jedanaest je osvojila prvu nagradu koju dodjeljuje španjolska državna radiotelevizija (RTVE). Bila je učenica jednog od najpoznatijih gitarista svih vremena Maestra AndrĂŠsa Segovije. Studirala je na visokom glazbenom konzervatoriju u Sevilji, potom osvajala brojne državne  i međunarodne prestižne nagrade. Ističu se gostovanja diljem Europe, Azije i Amerike, gdje vodi majstorske tečajeve, te nastupa kao solistica, solist orkestrima, te surađuje s brojnim ansamblima. Uspješno djeluje već duži niz godina u duetu s flautistom Luisom Ordenon, i s gitaristom Takeshi Tezukom. Do sada je snimila 26 nosača zvuka. Nagrađena je izvanrednom nagradom za gitaru 'TrujamĂĄn' zbog izrazito bogate umjetničke karijere koja joj je dodijeljena u 'Palau de la Musica' 2011. godine u Valenciji.

Luis Orden, flauta

Svoj studij flaute započinje na 'Conservatorio Superior de Musica' u Sevilji, a na kraju okrunjuje izvanrednom nagradom 'Prize of Honour' na području komorne glazbe. Nastupao je u prestižnim domaćim i međunarodnim koncertim dvoranama, a redovito nastupa s raznim komornim skupinama i orkestrima, u duetu s Marijom Esther GuzmĂĄn, s ansamblom Solistas de Sevilla, s Real SinfĂłnica Orquestra iz Sevilje i dr.  Mnogi skladatelji posvetili su mu svoja djela, neke od njih izveo je premijerno, ali je premijerno izveo i mnoga druga djela napisana za flautu. Koncerte Luisa Ordena često prenosi španjolski radio, a kao svestrani glazbenik snimio je i brojne nosače zvuka. Dva od njih realizirao je upravo s uglednom seviljskom gitaristicom Esther M. GuzmĂĄn, a četiri s ansamblom 'Solistas de Sevilla'.

The musicians

MarĂ­a Esther GuzmĂĄn, guitar

Comes from a musical family whose tradition dates back to the musicians of the Spanish Royal Chapel, and is continued without interruption until today. Maria Esther had her first public appearances when she was less than four years old at the Lope de Vega Theatre. At the age of eleven she won the first prize by the Spanish State Radio and Television (RTVE). She was a pupil of one of the greatest guitarists of all time Maestro AndrĂŠs Segovia. She also studied at the Conservatory of Music in Seville and won numerous national and international prestigious awards. Numerous performances throughout Europe, Asia and America stand out. She holds master classes and performans solo and as a soloist to the orchestras, collaborates with many ensembles. She has successfully collaborated for many years with the flutist Luis Orden and guitarist Takeshi Tezuka. She has recorded 26 CDs. Mrs GuzmĂĄn was awarded with one of the most prestigious award 'TrujamĂĄn' for her extremely rich artistic career in 'Palau de la Musica' 2011 in Valencia.

Luis Orden, flute

He begins his studies at the "Conservatorio Superior de Musica 'in Seville, and crowns with the extraordinary prize ‘Prize of Honour' in the field of chamber music. He has performed in prestigious national and international concert halls, and performs regularly with various chamber groups and orchestras as well as in the duo with maestra Maria Esther Guzmán, the ensemble Solistas de Sevilla, Orquestra Sinfonica Real in Seville and many others. Many composers dedicated their works to him and he premiered them all, but he premiered also many other works written for flute. His concerts were often broadcasted by the Spanish radio, and as a versatile musician he has also recorded numerous albums. Two of them are done with the eminent Sevillean guitarist M. Esther Guzmán and with the ensemble 'Solistas de Sevilla'.

MarĂ­a Esther GuzmĂĄn, guitar

Ivana Marija Vidović with her guests Luis Orden, MarĂ­a Esther GuzmĂĄn, and Vanesa.

Autoportrait of young Vlaho Bukovac from arround 1878

Autportrait of Vlaho Bukovac and a window of his house.

Here Vlaho Bukovac was born 1855-1922. Grateful Cavtat.

A street in Cavtat, painted by Vlaho Bukovac, with a view to the sea.

Photo of Croatian painter Vlaho Bukovac in his House.

Children portrayed by their father Vlaho Bukovac.

Ivana, many thanks!

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by M.E. )

    Thousand thanks to the CROWN equippe and to Dr. Darko Zubrinic who supports carefully such wonderful artistic concerts particularly when we come to the Croatian cultural heritage! Very nice contribution to this important artistic creation! Well done, Bravo!!
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