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Conference on victims of UDBA in Klagenfurt, Austria September 25, 2012 |
By Marko Puljić |
Human Rights , Bilingual
Carinthian state assembly to hear testimony about UDBA crimes
Hrvatski povjesničari i udruge žrtava Udbe, pozivaju Vas na tiskovnu konferenciju, u utorak, 25. rujna 2012. u 14.00 sati, koja će se održati u hotelu Palais Salzamt, Kiki Kogelnik-Gasse 3, 9020 Klagenfurt / Celovec, Austria. (Telefon hotela: +43 (0)463 / 59 09 59)
Teme konferencije:
1.) Deudbificiranje (lustracija) suradnika komunističke Jugoudbe i Stasi- ja iz javnih služba u Austriji 2.) Razjašnjenje grozota jugoslavenske tajne službe, počinjenih nad hrvatskim izbjeglicama / emigrantima (Martinović, 1975.) 3.) Dostojna sahrana hrvatskih žrtava masakra na Bleiburgu, tj. na Bleiburškome polju.
Sveuč. Prof. Dr. Josip Jurčević, povjesničar i predavač u Osijeku i Petrinji, hrvatski stručnjak za Udbu;
Bože Vukušić, publicist, govori o hrvatskim emigrantima, žrtvama Udbe;
Ivo Pomper, Marijan Luburić, Mijo Jurić i Ivan Ott: govore kao zastupnici Udruga žrtava komunističkog nasilja u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu, i Počasnog bleiburškog voda (PBV-a) Prije tiskovne konferencije, sudionici će biti primljeni u Pokrajinskoj Vladi Kärnten / Koruške, gdje će kao žrtve i svjedoci pred Istražnim povjerenstvom Parlamenta dati iskaze o zločinima Udbe. Prvi put će biti objavljeni i dossieri austrijskih državljana, suradnika Udbe. | Croatian historians and the Association of the victims of UDBA invite you to a press conference on Tuesday September 25, 2012 at 14:00 which will be held at the Palais Salzamt hotel located at Kiki Kogelnik-Gasse 3, 9020 Klagenfurt / Celovec, Austria. (Hotel Telephone: +43 (0)463 / 59 09 59)
Conference topics
1) De-UDBA-fication (lustration) of the collaborators of the communist Yugoslav UDBA and the Stasi from public services in Austria.
2) Elucidate the atrocities of the Yugoslav secret service committed against Croatian refugees/ emigrants (Martinović, 1975.)
3) An honorable burial of Croatian victims of the massacre in Bleiburg, i.e. the Bleiburg plain.
University professor Dr. Josip Jurčević, historian and lector in Osijek and Petrinja, a Croatian expert on the UDBA.
Bože Vukušić, publicist, speaking on Croatian emigrants, victims of the UDBA.
Ivo Pomper, Marijan Luburić, Mijo Jurić and Ivan Ott: speaking as representatives of the Association for the victims of communist UDBA violence in Croatia and abroad, and the Bleiburg Honor Guard (Počasni bleiburški vod - PBV)
Prior to the press conference the participants will be received in the Cartinthia state assembly, where they as victims and witnesses for the Parliament's investigative commission will testify on UDBA crimes. For the first time, dossiers of Austrian citizens who were collaborators of the UDBA will be released. | Formatted for CROWN by Marko Puljić Distributed by www.Croatia.org This message is intended for Croatian Associations / Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions / articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know! Or simply...enjoy and spread the word and good vibrations.