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(E) Croatian National Association Helping Brenda Brkusic's film
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  07/30/2004 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
(E) Croatian National Association Helping Brenda Brkusic's film

Croatian National Association Helping Brenda Brkusic's film

Good day to all,

My name is Milan Vukovic, I am the president of the Croatian National
Association/Foundation (Hrvatska Narodna Udruga) headquartered in Los
Angeles. Vido Artukovich, vice president of the Udruga, and I had the honor
of attending the premier of Brenda's amazing film. We were so moved by it
that we recommended to the Udruga that we help Brenda by coordinating
fundraising screenings of her film.

We have been working with Brenda to have showings throughout Croatian
communities in North America and to date we have received a response and are
organizing screenings in Los Angeles, Cedar Falls, IA, Washington D.C.,
Chicago and New York.

If you live in one the above mentioned cities and you would like to help,
what can you do? You can contact us and we will give you the contact
information for your city so that you can help organize a screening or so
you have the information to attend the screening.

If you live in another city you can help her by organizing a screening in
your area. The film is so powerful that in cities with larger Croatian
populations we are holding "free" screenings where viewers are asked to
donate a contribution and the Croatian National Foundation issues each donor
a tax deductible receipt. We can do that for you as well, or of course you
can hold a screening and simply charge admission.

Another way to support the film is by going to the "Support The Film" button
on Brenda's new web site

Other suggestions for help are most certainly welcome.

Milan Vukovic 
Croatian National Foundation
(818) 610-3388


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