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 »  Home  »  Education  »  Gavran's premiere of "All About Women" in Paris and hundredth performance of "Creon's Antigone" in Avignon
 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  Gavran's premiere of "All About Women" in Paris and hundredth performance of "Creon's Antigone" in Avignon
Gavran's premiere of "All About Women" in Paris and hundredth performance of "Creon's Antigone" in Avignon
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko ®ubriniæ | Published  06/13/2014 | Croatian Language , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
"All About Women / Tout sur les femmes" in Paris on July 6th

Miro Gavran's plays have been translated from Croatian into 35  languages, including French, Hindi and Chinese.

Miro Gavran will have the premiere of his drama "All About Women" in Paris on July 6th.

The premiere will happen in LA FUNAMBLE THEATRE MONTMARTRE in the production of  "Compagnie du soir", and the show will play every day until July 29th.

Translations of the text in French were done by Anica Falamic-Brochoire and Tsolinee Vacher.

The director is Etienne Chevrel, and main roles are performed by Fanny Honore, Friedrique Renda and Tsolinee Vacher.

As luck would have it, on that same July 6th at the Theater Festival in Avignon, the formal 100th performance of Gavran's drama "Creon's Antigone" is to be performed by the ROSEAU Theater, which will then in Avignon be played 20 times in a row for the duration of the festival. Gavran's "Creon's Antigone" was translated into French by Andrea Puènik, directed by Marie-Francoise and Jean-Claude Broche, and starrs Mathier Barbier and Marie Broche in the main roles.

Works by Miro Gavran have so far been translated into 35 languages, and over 250 theatrical premieres worldwide have arisen from his dramas and comedies, while his shows have had more than three million viewers.

Tout sur les femmes
Le Funambule Montmartre (PARIS)
de Miro Gavran
Mise en scène de Etienne Chevrel
Avec Tsolinée Vacher, Frédérique Renda, Fanny Honoré

Amour, Amitié, Carrière, Famille... Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur les femmes.

Annette, 35 ans, vient de déménager de chez sa mère et peine à être indépendante. Jusque là, son amie Catherine l'a prise en charge mais voilà que celle-ci s'envole pour un voyage d'affaire aux USA. Christine, Cécile et Sandra sont sécrétaires dans la même entreprise. Tous les samedis elles font la fête ensemble. Un jour leur supérieure hiérarchique meurt dans un accident de camion. Marie invite ses deux filles à fêter ses soixante ans. Elles ne se sont pas parlé depuis sept ans. Deux vielles femmes se disputent un fringuant retraité dans une maison de retraite. Trois petits filles rêvent dans une cours de récréation en jouant à la Barbie.


Tout sur les femmes est déjà joué à travers le monde et pour la première fois en France.


Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran in Zagreb in 2008. Many thanks to Mr Gavran for the photo.

Formated for CROWN by Darko ®ubriniæ
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