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(E) Do Angels Cry ? - Book by prof. dr.Matko Marusic
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  12/22/2002 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
(E) Do Angels Cry ? - Book by prof. dr.Matko Marusic


Matko Maruaić
Illustrated by Vasko Lipovac

Tales of the War

Many books have been written about war, maybe just as many as love. «DoAngels Cry?» takes a standpoint of a learned man who witnessed the war thatravaged  his country in the last decade of the 20th century. What does andwhat can an intellectual do in war? What can a 45-year-old man contribute to thedefence of his homeland? When, and if at all, should the country be put beforethe family?

In this witty, humorous, and above all affectionate collection of war stories,Maruaić catches the feelings from the periphery of war events  growingconcern for own family, patriotic emotions in conflict with everyday duties,short encounters with the warriors, battle stories heard, victories dreamtabout, and defeats mourned. The subtle amalgam of events, feelings, humor, andpatriotism depicts the 1991-1995 war in Croatia. Like war itself, this booklaughter and tears, fear and courage, tragedy and exultation, absurdity andreason. Hatred is the only feeling absent from the book: Maruaić fightsthe war with love only.

ISBN 953-176-188-4. 134 pp. 17 _ 24 cm. Soft cover. 2002.
Cijena / Price: 120 kn / 16 ¬ / 15 US$

Dragi Nenad,

Vrlo nam je drago da ste zainteresirani za knjigu.
Knjiga se za sada mo~e naruciti samo preko nas -

Medicinska naklada / Medical Publishing
P.O.Box 525
10001 Zagreb, Croatia

Phone/fax: +385 1 4616355/4617455   

Order the book through emails. ($14.95, Shipping $10)
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Please support our writers, especially ones who translate their work intoEnglish and other languages. We have been passive for too long. For too longothers are writing our own history. Now when we have talent that does it,..simply support it.


Nenad Bach

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