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(E) Lavender from the Isle of Hvar, Croatia
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  02/23/2002 | Miscellaneous | Unrated
(E) Lavender from the Isle of Hvar, Croatia
Melissa Pintar Obenauf 
Toll Free: 877-906-8314 
Sachets of Lavender from the Island of Hvar 
Our lavender from the island of Hvar comes packaged in the most elegant sachet imaginable. This classic white, cut-work lace heart is infused with the intoxicating fragrance of lavender which we import directly from the Croatian island of Hvar. One of the most beautiful landscapes in the Adriatic Sea, Hvar lies to the south of the island of Brac, and is the longest and sunniest of the Adriatic islands. The profusion of lavender fields on Hvar contrast vividly against stark white stones and azure blue seas. Visit “Heart of Croatia” Gifts at and look under either “Featured Items,” or go directly to the category of “Aromatherapy.” 
Here Are Some Aromatherapy Benefits from Lavender: 
                        The clean, fresh scent of lavender is considered to be an excellent relaxant and a mood elevator. Lavender has been used since Roman times to help soothe emotional extremes, and today is often used to relieve moods of depression. Hanging in your closet, lavender also repels moths from sweaters. Use it as a sachet in your drawers, or under your pillow at night to encourage a restful night’s sleep. Our heart-shaped sachets, filled with the delicate aroma of lavender from Hvar, make truly elegant gifts. Available exclusively through “Heart of Croatia” Gifts at 
“Kao Sto je ruza miris srca “Roses are the scent of the heart, 
Tako je lavanda miris du5e” Lavender is the scent of the soul” 
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