In the presence of His Excellency prof.dr. Fedor Devide, plenipotentiary of the Republic of Peru in Zagreb
Kristian Kreković's self-portrait, Palma de Mallorca 1971
Mrs. Ljerka Galic, Matrix Croatica (Hrvatska matica iseljenika), initiator of the exhibition.
On the right
Vladimir Novak with his wife Marijana.
The exhibition of portraits by Kristian Kreković has been organized by Matrix Croatica, Pasionska baština (Passion Heritage),
and Croatian-Hispanic Society in Zagreb.
The exhibition is accompanied with printed catalogue in Croatian, English and Spanish.
Vladimir Novak, Mrs. Aida Elizabeth Vincenti de Devidé, Mrs. Marijana Novak, and prof.dr. Fedor Devidé.
His Excellency Mr. Fedor Devidé is plenipotentiary of the Republic of Peru in Croatia.
Ivica Maričić in the middle, on the right Mr. Tomislav Bošnjak from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia,
and Mrs. Dorotea Jondrić, newspaperwoman.
Dr. Željko Hanjš, Ms Marina Kreković (distant relative of Kristian Kreković), and prof.dr. Mirko Polonijo
My friend Boris Matak - Cveba with his wife Jadranka at the exhibition
Sofia, queen of Spain, solemnly opened the Kreković Museum in Palma de Mallorca in 1981. An article published in Diario de Mallorca.
Sina Kreković (1915-200?), wife of Kristian Kreković
Prof.dr. Tomislav Šikić, prof.dr.
Mervan Pašić, and dr. Željko Hanjš, of the University of Zagreb
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