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Nopoki University for Peruvian Indians founded by Msgr. Gerardo ®erdin |
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic |
Education , Culture And Arts , Charity , Religion
Nopoki Centro de Investigacion y Formacion Intercultural, Peru
Msgr. Gerardo ®erdin, Croatian bishop among Peruvian IndiansDarinka Pacaya Diaz from the mission of Atalaya, and Croatian bishop Msgr Gerardo ®erdin, who always travels with his accordeon. Note that Darinka has a Croatian name! Source Wings of HopeSan Ramon Vicariate, where bishop Gerardo ®erdin is active, is indicated as a triangle in the middle of Peru Chinchero girl in lovely traditional dress, Peru Peruvian flautist... Here is a famous prayer: Our Father in Quechua language (Kechwa) Croatian bishop Msgr. Gerardo ®erdin among Peruvian Indians
Nopoki Center for Investigation and Intercultural Formation, PeruGerardo ®erdin is a Croatian Franciscan born in 1950, and a missionary in Peru since 1975. He is living already for 32 years among Peruvian Indians as a priest, and since 2001 as a bishop appointed by the rescript of Pope John Paul II. Msgr. ®erdin learned several Indian languages, and now basic Christian prayers are available in these languages. Extremely important work is devoted to Indian children, first to teach them to read and write, both in their native languages and in Castellano. A very interesting film is available on DVD, prepared by Msgr. Gerardo ®erdin and shot by Boris ©egota, a Croatian cameraman. The film, issued in 2007 by the Apostolic Vicariate of San Ramon, Peru, is entitled NOPOKIUniversidad para indigenasIt describes the efforts to found the Nopoki University for Peruvian Indians, which has just started to operate. This very nice film is accompanied with spoken description in nine languages: German (DE), English (EN), Castellano (ES), French (FR), Croatian (HR), Italian (IT), Hungarian (HU), Polish (PL), and Slovenian (SL). A very complex and notrivial task to start the university is undertaken in cooperation with the Catholic University in Lima, and with support of some other institutions, for example Wings of Hope from Canada. One of the aims of the mentioned film, as well as of this article, is to draw attention of the world public to this project which needs further support for its successful realization. During the academic year 2006/07 the Center had its first 57 students. They started their studies aiming to become techers in primary and high schools within their own local communities. A new University campus for Nopoki Center is planned to be built in Atalaya. In September and October 2007 parisheners of the Èakovec area, north of Zagreb, Croatia, were collecting money in order to help building the Nopoki campus for Peruvian Indians. On that occasion Msgr. Gerardo ®erdin delivered a talk about the project in Èakovec, and the mentioned film was shown after a mass.
CONTACT Mons. Gerardo Zerdin
Apartado 28 San Ramón (Chanchamayo) PERU
Teléfono: 331703 Fax: 331130
Bishops in Meðugorje in 2002
MSGR. Gerard Anton ZERDIN, OFM, Bishop Coadjutor of San Ramon (Peru)Msgr. Gerard Anton ZERDIN, OFM, a missionary and the Bishop Coadjutor of San Ramon, Peru, was in Medjugorje from July 4 to 6, 2002. Msgr. Zerdin initially comes from the Franciscan Province of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Zagreb, Croatia. This is what he told us about Medjugorje: MSGR. Gerard Anton ZERDIN, OFM: We read about THE Medjugorje apparitions in newspapers, we received people who showed us some materials, and we were especially touched by the desire of people to come closer to God, to use every occasion to come closer to God. They have seen that a door towards God was open and they came closer, asking for grace, wanting to transform their lives. This is a great value. This is what we want: to come always closer to God through the sacraments, to be transformed, to become better, to be more Christian. I came once to Medjugorje for a couple of hours with a pilgrimage of Altar Boys from Zagreb. It was really short. This time I stay two days. We have come to see, but even more to experience. Yesterday, we were at Holy Mass, today we went to the Apparition Hill to meditate on our vocation, on our missionary work; we went to ask God, to ask Our Lady to send us missionaries, labourers that we need, so that the Word of God may spread until the end of the world." Source: wap.medjugorje.ws |
The following five Nopoki photos are taken from a larger collection available at imatlife.spaces.live.com
Biskup ®erdin u Èakovcu predstavio misijsko djelovanje u PeruuÈakovec, 2.9.2007. (IKA) - Vjernici ¾upe sv. Nikole biskupa u Èakovcu upoznati su 2. rujna s misijskim djelovanjem Katolièke Crkve u ju¾noamerièkoj dr¾avi Peru. O tome im je svjedoèio biskup peruanske biskupije San Ramon Gerard Anton ®erdin, redovnik Hrvatske franjevaèke provincije sv. Æirila i Metoda, koji boravi u domovini posjeæujuæi franjevaèke ¾upe. Biskup ®erdin predvodio je prijepodnevna misna slavlja u ¾upnoj crkvi Sv. Nikole biskupa u koncelebraciji s domaæim ¾upnikom i samostanskim gvardijanom fra Stankom Belobrajdiæem i ¾upnim vikarom fra Josipom Vukojom. Na misnim slavljima u nagovoru nakon Evanðelja uz animaciju ¾upnika fra Stanka te na poslijepodnevnom susretu u Katolièkom domu vjernicima je predstavljen biskup ®erdin, a upoznati su i s djelovanjem misijske biskupije San Ramon i njezinim projektima. Biskup ®erdin i njegovi roditelji povezani su s Èakovcem jer je on bio ispro¹eno dijete za koje su se njegova majka i otac zavjetovali upravo pred slikom sv. Antuna u èakoveèkoj ¾upnoj crkvi kamo su èesto dolazili sami, a kasnije i sa sinom. Fra Gerard Anton ®erdin roðen je u Èentibi u Prekmurju 1950. te je 1975. kao bogoslov na poziv svog pred¹asnika u biskupstvu kao dragovoljac oti¹ao za misionara u Peru, gdje je kasnije zareðen za sveæenika, a 2001. imenovan je biskupom biskupije San Ramon, koja obuhvaæa nepregledne pra¹ume uz rijeku Amazon i u kojima u klanovima ili plemenskim zajednicama ¾ivi vi¹e indijanskih plemena. U svom 32-godi¹njem misionarskom djelovanju mons. ®erdin bio je ¾upnik u mjestu Atalayi, no misijsko djelovanje obavljao je otkrivajuæi domoroce vozeæi se èamcem po rijekama ili hodajuæi pra¹umama. Kao misionar sa svojom je subraæom i suradnicima prolazio razlièite faze djelovanja od pronala¾enja naèina kako i èime pomoæi Indijancima te do iznala¾enja moguænosti konkretne pomoæi ljudima koji govore razlièite jezike. U tom pribli¾avanju, ostvarivanju dijaloga i povjerenja puno je radio s djecom koja su bila prvi vjernici u evangelizacijskom poslanju. Uslijedilo je prevoðenje osnovnih molitvi na indijanske jezike, uz koje je slu¾beni jezik ¹panjolski, a zatim i osposobljavanje pojedinaca iz plemena za animatore koji okupljaju tamo¹nje vjernike i pripremaju ih za sakramente i za dolazak sveæenika. Misijsko djelovanje pro¹ireno je na naèin da se djeca uèe èitati i pisati za ¹to im je Crkva osiguravala pribor i konkretno poèetno obrazovanje. Biskup ®erdin vjernicima je kroz izlaganje i film prikazao najnoviji projekt osnivanja sveuèili¹ta za Indijance "Nopoki", koje je njegova biskupija utemeljila uz pomoæ i u suradnji s Katolièkim sveuèili¹tem u Limi. Protekle godine na to sveuèili¹te, smje¹teno u Atalayi, u pripremnu godinu studija upisalo se 57 studenata koji æe ove jeseni zapoèeti s redovnim studiranjem, a takoðer su ove godine na tzv. formacijsku godinu upisani novi studenti. Mladi, koji su okupljeni iz razlièitih plemena te danima putovanja udaljeni od svojih obitelji na sveuèili¹tu, gdje im Katolièka Crkva osigurava smje¹taj, hranu, pribor i ud¾benike te profesore, odgajaju se da budu uèitelji u osnovnim te srednjim ¹kolama, odgajatelji u vrtiæima i suradnici u evangelizaciji, a uz to uèe i zanat. Sveuèili¹te tako odgaja i obrazuje studente da saèuvaju svoje korijene, jezik i obièaje, a da istodobno mogu pomoæi u razvoju svoje zajednice da bi njezini èlanovi imali ¾ivot dostojan èovjeka, istaknuo je biskup ®erdin u razgovoru s okupljenim vjernicima nakon prikazanog filma koji je pripremio uz pomoæ snimatelja Borisa ©egote. Sveuèili¹te je sada smje¹teno uz ¾upu u Atalayi, a biskupija je osigurala prostor gdje æe se graditi novi sveuèili¹ni kamp u kojem æe osim odgoja i obrazovanja studenti obraðivati zemlju da bi si djelomièno pomogli u pokrivanju tro¹kova boravka i studiranja. Na kraju susreta ¾upnik fra Stanko Belobrajdiæ rekao je kako æe, poèev¹i od nedjelje 2. rujna i u iduæih mjesec i pol dana do Misijske nedjelje, ¾upljani prikupljati novèane darove za taj misijski projekt i tako pomoæi da se zapoèeti studij mo¾e dalje nastaviti, a èitav projekt uspje¹no razvijati. S dvije autorske pjesme biskupa ®erdina pozdravila je u ime nazoènih aktivna ¾upljanka Ana ®i¹koviæ. Source: IKA, 2. rujna 2007.
Is there anything else that CROWN (Croatian World Network, www.croatia.org) can do for the Nopoki University in Peru, except only publishing the above information? I think the answer is yes. The CROWN can offer the Nopoki University additional information about a famous Croatian - Peruvian painter Kristian Krekoviæ (1901-1985), whose masterpieces dealing with Peruvian culture are kept in Museu Krekoviæ, a gallery in Palma de Mallorca in Spain which keeps 150 of his works of art. The gallery has been opened by the Queen Sophia of Spain in 1981. Kristian Krekoviæ has contributed enromously to the knowledge about Peruvian history via a series of exhibtions entitled Past and Present of the Fabulous Peru in 1950s, organized under the auspices of the Peruvian Government in several countries with enormous success: in Washington, Madrid, Barcelona and Vienna. Krekoviæ's works of art have contributed, and will no doubt contribute also in the future, to selfconsciousness and selfrespect of the "bronze race" of Peruvian Indians. Kristian Krekoviæ became a citizen of Peru under the initiative of the then president of Peru, as well as honorary citizen of the town of Cusco, a famous archaeological site of Incas. Therefore I am free to offer the Nopoki University to exhibit in their halls the reproductions of portraits made by Kristian Krekoviæ. I provide just a part of the collection of 80 portraits that this painter has donated posthumously to his homeland Croatia in 1994. Here I want to express my gratitude to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia for sending me the photos of indeed beautiful Krekoviæ's portraits, which are kept in the city of Zagreb.
Kristian Krekoviæ: Indijanka u crvenoj odori Kristian Krekoviæ: Glava ¾ene u profilu Kristian Krekoviæ: Indijanka sa ¹e¹irom i maramom In order to see other portraits by Kristian Krekoviæ, go to the next page. Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko ®ubriniæDistributed by www.Croatia.org . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!
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