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Stjepan Krst rises from the ashes
By Marko Pulji | Published  09/28/2010 | Bilingual , Croatians in B&H | Unrated
Stjepan Krst nie iz pepela
Stjepan Krst: upna crkva sv. Ivana Krstitelja odmah nakon rata - the parish church of St. John the Baptist immediately after the war.

The “Gornji Kraj” Association was founded early in 2007 to encourage and intensify the return and survival on ancient hearths. The organization is comprised of 5 villages of the former municipality of Stolac: Ljubljenica, Stjepan Krst, Gornji Brtanik, Donji Brtanik and Dabrica. All of these villages were almost 100% destroyed and devastated in the last war, and returning is difficult. Until now, not even one fifth of housing has been rebuilt, infrastructure is mostly destroyed, and electricity has not yet arrived in 2 villages (only partially in Ljubljenica, Stjepan Krst and Dabrica). There is a great risk of marked and unmarked minefields, all of which present a grim picture of life in these villages. But we have not given up or gotten tired of rebuilding and returning, and with that aim we have set up an association to break the deadlock and through the institutions of the system, lift this region more easily on its feet and return its prewar splendor! 

 Organization's mission

-              encourage the reconciliation process in BiH;

-              to encourage the process of sustainable return, especially of minorities in BiH, with special emphasis to eastern Herzegovina and  the HN;

-              finding opportunities for the reconstruction of destroyed housing;

-              finding opportunities to rebuild destroyed infrastructure in rural areas as a precondition for sustainable return (roads, electricity, water, telephone...);

-              finding opportunities for sustainable return, with special emphasis on employment in agriculture;

-              finding opportunities for starting small businesses and self-employment, with the aim of employing returnees and socially vulnerable people;

-              development and modernization of agriculture, with special emphasis on organic food production and restoration of livestock;

-              cooperation with relevant organizations and financial institutions in the country and abroad for the successful implementation of development projects at the local level;

-              moderate the use of natural resources, with special emphasis on environmental protection;

-              informing and educating members about new technologies in agriculture;

-              representation and assistance to members of the association in matters relating to personal activities;

-              preservation of natural and cultural heritage;

-              development of rural tourism;

-              performing other activities in accordance with the law.

Udruga „Gornji kraj“ je osnovana poetkom 2007. godine da bi potakla i intenzivirala povratak i ostanak na stoljetnim ognjitima. Obuhvaa 5 sela bive opine Stolac: Ljubljenicu, Stjepan Kri, Gornji Brtanik, Donji Brtanik i Dabricu. Sva sela su u prolom ratu skoro 100% unitena i devastirana, tako da povratak dosta teko ide. Do sada nije obnovljeno ni 1/5  stambenog fonda, infrastruktura je dosta unitena, elektrina energija jo nije stigla u 2 sela nikako (samo dijelom u Ljubljenicu, Stjepan Kri i Dabricu). Postoji velika opasnost od obiljeenih i neobiljeenih minskih polja, to sve zajedno predstavlja teku sliku sadanjeg ivota u ovim selima.  Meutim nismo odustali ni posustali od obnove i povratka i s tim ciljem smo osnovali Udrugu, to jest da bi stvari pokrenuli s mrtve toke i da bi kroz institucije sistema lake digli ovaj kraj na svoje noge i vratili mu prijeratni sjaj!


 Misija organizacije

-              poticanje procesa pomirenja na prostoru BiH;

-              poticanje procesa odrivog povratka, posebno manjinskih na podruju BiH, sa posebnim osvrtom na istonu Hercegovinu i HN;

-              iznalaenje mogunosti obnove unitenog stambenog fonda;

-              iznalaenja mogunosti obnove unitene infrastrukture u ruralnim podrujima, kao preduvjeta za odriv povratak (putovi, struja, voda, telefon,...);

-              iznalaenja mogunosti odrivog povratka, sa posebnim osvrtom za upoljavanje u poljoprivredi;

-              iznalaenje mogunosti za pokretanje male privrede i samozapoljavanja, a sve u cilju zapoljavanja povratnika i socijalno ugroenog stanovnitva;

-              razvoj i osuvremenjivanje poljoprivrede, sa posebnim osvrtom na ekoloku proizvodnju hrane i obnovu stonog fonda;

-              suradnja sa relevantnim organizacijama i financijskim institucijama u zemlji i inozemstvu radi uspjenog realiziranja razvojnih projekata na lokalnom nivou;

-              umjereno iskoritavanje prirodnih resursa, sa posebnim osvrtom na zatitu okolia;

-              informiranje i edukacija lanstva o novim tehnologijama u poljoprivredi;

-              zastupanje i pomo lanovima udruge u sporovima iz njihove djelatnosti;

-              ouvanje prirode i kulturne batine;

-              razvoj seoskog turizma;

-              obavljanje drugih djelatnosti u skladu sa Zakonom.

  Ljubljenica: novi vodovod - the new water main

Currently completed projects by the Association:

- Development of project documentation – the water supply project in the returnee village Ljubljenica in the municipality of Berkovii (RS).  The contract was signed on August 16, 2008 in the municipality of Berkovii and completed in the same month.

             Project was realized with aid from :- Handicap International (036 558350, ),  - the municipality of Berkovii (059/860151)  - „Gornji kraj“ Association Ljubljenica with 1000 KM   (063350400, ).

-  Participation in drafting the revised Strategy for Bosnia and Herzegovina for the implementation of Annex VII of the Dayton peace agreement through the work of the Union of Associations for Refugees, Displaced Persons and Returnees in Bosnia and Herzegovina (currently the Union for the sustainable return and integration in Bosnia -, 033/239604). Participation was realized in December of 2008;

-  Assistance in preparation of project documentation for electrification of the villages of Stjepan Krst, Gornji and Donji Brtanik in cooperation with the municipality Berkovii (063/312639) - June 2009;

-   Help build the parish church of St. John the Baptist in Stjepan Krst (063/312639) – June 2009 - present;

- Participation in the committee for selection of beneficiaries of reconstruction in the municipality Berkovii (059/860151) – September 2009 - present;

-  Assist a family to get a motorized cultivator as support for returning, August– September 2009;

-   Aid 7 returnee families who had begun to intensively cultivate orchards and produce organic food in a project documenting and lobbying CEFA Mostar (now Eco Line Mostar). Today these families have more than 10 hectares of fruit and have OK certification (Eco Line, Vrapii bb - Mostar,, 036/558820)-March 2007;  

-   Last year, in collaboration with agricultural cooperatives from Nevesinje, we again plowed approximately 10 hectares of new orchards, which are planned to include 5 additional returnee families (Luka uljak 063/986086) - September 2009;

- Assistance in marking of unmarked minefields in collaboration with the civil protection in the Berkovii municipality (059/860151), August – September 2009;

-   Successfully implemented the project "CONSTRUCTION OF A MAIN DISTRIBUTION NETWORK FOR A WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IN THE VILLAGE LJUBLJENICA" worth 49,568.10 KM. HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL, the municipality of Berkovii,  and the Gornji Kraj" Association participated in the implementation of the project on a partnership basis. This represents only part of a large water supply project for the village of Ljubljenica.


„Gornj kraj“ Association Ljubljenica- Stolac, Identification number : 4227535250005,

Giro account at  UniCreditBank: 3382702200446974, 

Deposits from abroad: BA 3382704850611813; SWIFT: UNCRBA 22

Tel: 036/858000, Fax: 036/858001;
Mobile: 063/350400, e-mail:,

 Do sada realizirani projekti Udruge:

- Izrada projektne dokumentacije – glavnog projekta vodovoda u povratnikom selu Ljubljenica, opina Berkovii (RS).  Ugovor je potpisan 16.08.2008. godine u opini Berkovii i realiziran isti mjesec.

             Projekt je realiziran uz pomo :- Hendicap International (036 558350, ), - opine Berkovii (059/860151),  - Udruge „Gornji kraj“ Ljubljenica sa 1000 KM   (063350400, ).

 -  Uee u izradi revidirane Strategije Bosne i Hercegovine za provedbu Anexa VII Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma kroz rad Savez udruenja-udruga izbjeglica i raseljenih lica u BiH, (sadanja Unija za odrivi povratak i integracije u BIH -,033/239604). Uee je realizirano u prosincu 2008. godine;

-   Pomo u izradi projektne dokumentacije za elektrifikacije sela Stjepan Krst, Gornji i  Donji Brtanik  u suradnji sa opinom Berkovii (063/312639) – lipanj 2009. godine;

-   Pomo u izgradnji upne crkve Sv. Ivana Krstitelja u Stjepan Krstu (063/312639) – lipanj, srpanj, kolovoz, rujan, listopad, studeni, prosinac 2009. godine i jo traje;

-   Uee u radu Komisija za odabir korisnika pomoi rekonstrukcije u opini Berkovii (059/860151) – rujan, listopad, studeni, prosinac 2009. godine i jo traje;

-   Pomo jednoj obitelji  za dobivanje motokultivatora kao podrka povratku - kolovoz, rujan 2009. godine;

-   Pomo za  7  povratnikih obitelji u izradi projektne dokumentacije i lobiranju kod   CEFA Mostar (sadanji Eco Line Mostar), koji su se poeli intenzivnije baviti  voarstvom i proizvodnjom zdrave hrane. Danas te obitelji imaju preko 10 hektara pod  voem i imaju OK certifikat (Eco Line, Vrapii bb -  Mostar, , 036/558820) –oujka 2007. godine;  

-   Prole godine smo u suradnji sa Zemljoradnikom Zadrugom iz Nevesinja nanovo uzorali cca 10 hektara za nove vonjake koji se planiraju i ukljuili jo 5 povratnikih obitelji (Luka uljak , 063/986086) – rujan 2009. godine;

-   Pomo u obiljeavanju neobiljeenih minskih polja u suradnji sa Civilnom zatitom opine Berkovii (059/860151) – kolovoz, rujan 2009. godine.

-   Uspjeno realiziran projekt „IZGRADNJA GLAVNE DISTRIBUTIVNE MREE SISTEMA ZA VODOSNABDIJEVANJE U SELU LJUBLJENICA“ vrijednog 49.568,10 KM. U realizaciji projekta su uestvovali HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL, opina  Berkovii I Udruga “GORNJI KRAJ”  na partnerskoj osnovi. Ovo predstavlja samo dio velikog projekta vodoopskrbe sela Ljubljenica.


Udruga „Gornj kraj“ Ljubljenica- Stolac, Identifikacijski broj: 4227535250005,

iro raun kod UniCreditBank: KM 3382702200446974

Uplate iz inozemstva: BA 3382704850611813; SWIFT: UNCRBA 22,

Tel: 036/858000, Fax: 036/858001; Mob:063/350400  e-mail:,

Stjepan Krst danas. Stjepan Krst today.

 Dobrovi: izvor - spring

Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Pulji
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