GASPAROVIC WINS SLOVAK PRESIDENTIAL RACE... Ivan Gasparovic, leader of the extraparliamentary Movement for Democracy (HZD), defeated three-time former Prime Minister and leader of the People's Party-Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) Vladimir Meciar in a presidential runoff of 17 April, international news agencies reported. Gasparovic won by a convincing margin of nearly 60 percent as against slightly more than 40 garnered by Meciar. Gasparovic is to take office on 15 June, six weeks after Slovakia joins the EU. Turnout was 43.5 percent, according to CTK. According to TASR, Gasparovic won in all of Slovakia's eight regions. Upon learning of his victory, Gasparovic pledged to try to find common ground with Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda and said he wants Slovakia's EU integration to be smooth. Dzurinda congratulated Gasparovic, according to TASR. The premier said he will "strive to have a good relationship with the president because this is in Slovakia's interests," Reuters reported. Parliamentary speaker Pavol Hrusovsky said the electoral outcome signifies "the final defeat of Meciar's policies." All leaders of the four-party center-right coalition stayed away from the poll, saying there is "no lesser evil" to chose from. MS