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Genocide's most wanted: Countries, and people, shouldn't be allowed to get away with genocide
By Dino Rulli, Ph.D. | Published  03/12/2007 | History , News , Human Rights | Unrated
8,000 men and boys were taken by Bosnian Serb forces from a town named Srebrenica

Wanted for Genocide

Karadzic                                                      Mladic

Genocide's most wanted

Countries, and people, shouldn't be allowed to get away with genocide. Yet the world often reacts slowly or indifferently when it happens. The international spotlight on atrocities and the men who commit them is too dim and fleeting to fire reaction in even the way a TV program like America's Most Wanted does.
That's not for lack of compelling villains. Take for instance a four-person rogues gallery from Serbia and Sudan. Each of its members has a record no American serial killer can match.

First, the Serbians. Former Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic and Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic masterminded the darkest moment in the 1990s Yugoslav wars and the largest mass murder in Europe since World War II.

In July 1995, about 8,000 men and boys were taken by Bosnian Serb forces from a town named Srebrenica, where they were supposedly under the protection of United Nations forces. They were massacred  their remains unearthed later in mass graves, identified from scraps of clothing or DNA tests.

Last week, the International Court of Justice for the first time called that massacre genocide. It ruled that Serbia itself was not guilty, even though it should have prevented the massacre. But the ruling doesn't let Serbia off the hook.

FIND MORE STORIES IN: Sudan | Darfur | Netherlands | Serbia | Bosnian Serb | Srebrenica | Radovan Karadzic | Genocide | Hague | International Court of Justice | Ratko Mladic
It now needs to find and hand over Mladic and Karadzic, who have been indicted by the war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, but have been on the run for 11 years. Serbia could find them in a heartbeat; until recently, it had even been paying Mladic a pension. But Serbian nationalists resist moving forward.

Sudan is similarly shielding war criminals. Last week, the International Criminal Court indicted Ahmed Haroun, Sudan's humanitarian affairs minister, and militia leader Ali Kushayb, in connection with the genocide in Darfur that has claimed about 200,000 lives and is entering its fifth year.

Much more has to happen to stop the Darfur crisis and to convince the Serbs to face up to their past and join Western Europe. A rogues' gallery with international attention  call it Genocide's Most Wanted might help force the hands of recalcitrant governments and hold accountable those responsible for mass murder.

Formated for CROWN by Nenad Bach
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