Looking for a bone marrow match - please read
Please feel free to email Iva Turudic at ivaturudic@hotmail.com with any questions.
Jakov and Nevenka Turudic of London, Ontario, along with the
Jezerinac family of Mississauga, Ontario, is reaching out to the
Croatian community at a time of great need for Robert Jezerinac,
who is engaged to Iva Turudic, daughter of Jakov and Nevenka Turudic. Robert has
Leukemia and will need a bone marrow transplant in order to have a fighting chance
to beat his cancer. His doctor has suggested that his best chance at finding a bone
marrow match may be among those of the same ethnic background.
Many people have asked if a private clinic will be held to test people
as a possible match for Robert. Unfortunately, these types of clinics are no
longer done in Canada as they were years earlier. Some people may have been
tested previously, however, they may not be on the registry. We ask those people
who have participated in a bone marrow drive in years past to contact Canadian
Blood Services to ensure that they are still on the registry.
You can contact Canadian Blood Services at 1-888-2-DONATE
(236-6283) or you can register directly online at
http://www.bloodservices.ca (click on “Join the Bone Marrow Registry�) or if
you live in the U.S. please visit the American Bone Marrow Donor
Registry at http://www.abmdr.org
It will cost you nothing and it only takes a few moments of your time
by getting your blood tested. This could potentially save Robert’s life, and
give him and his fiancé, Iva Turudic, the chance to marry and live the life they’ve
dreamed of together. If you are between the ages of 17-50 please register as a
Bone Marrow Donor. We are asking our Croatian community to come together in this time
of need. This could be your opportunity to save a person’s life. Please
show Rob, his family, and the Turudic family your support by taking the time to
register. This could happen to any of us and only by the generous and selfless
support of others can Rob have a chance at life.
If you have any questions in regards to becoming a Bone Marrow Donor, please
contact Canadian Blood Services, the American Bone Marrow Donor Registry or
e-mail Iva Turudic at: ivaturudic@hotmail.com
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Thank you,
Marija Pavic