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(E) Michael D. Antonovich & Mel Gibson
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  07/7/2004 | Religion | Unrated
(E) Michael D. Antonovich & Mel Gibson


Michael D. Antonovich, the courageous supervisor...

Mel Gibson Not Happy With Decision on L.A. County's Cross

 Monday, July 5, 2004 3:20 p.m. EDT

The courageous Hollywood star who battled a horde of critics of his "The Passion of the Christ" and won might be ready for another fight over a "cross."
Reportedly upset over the recent decision of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to kowtow to ACLU and delete the tiny cross on the county's official seal, Mel Gibson is reported to be interested in helping to fight to retain the symbol, which represents the historical roots of the county.
Los Angeles was founded as a Christian mission.

Michael D. Antonovich, the courageous supervisor who has battled to keep the cross on the seal, told the Los Angeles Daily News that Gibson had met with Rabbi Daniel Lapin, president of the National Jewish Christian Alliance Toward Tradition.

"The rabbi said he was with Mel Gibson and they were outraged at the action of the Board of Supervisors because the cross represents the historical founding of our county," Antonovich told the News.

Though noting that he could not speak for the director of the smash hit "The Passion of the Christ," Lapin told the News he was supporting a signature-gathering effort seeking to put the matter on the ballot and allow the citizens to decide if the cross should remain on the county's seal.

"This is what the Muslims did when they took over Spain, removed every sign of the cross," Lapin said. "I always say, Israel's safety belt is America's Bible Belt. As long as Americans respect the cross, Jews and other minorities are safe. In post-Christian Europe, anti-Semitism is rife."

During the heated controversy over "The Passion," Rabbi Lapin was an outspoken defender of Gibson.

Gibson's spokesman said that the star, now in Australia, was not available for comment.

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