In the heart of a Astoria, New York, lies a vibrant and strong Croatian Community. The Croatian Apostolate is lead by their coordinator, Fr. Robert Zubovic in the parish of Most Precious Blood. Various activities and events take place throughout the whole year to bring people together to celebrate their culture and heritage. On Sunday December 19, 2004, the stars of our annual Croatian Children's and Youth Festival came together to do a Christmas Concert. The church was filled with people eager to here the wonderful and much loved Christmas songs of their childhood. Over 40 children and teenagers gathered around the altar and sang 12 beautiful Christmas songs in Croatian and in English. They were led by Andrej Basa and Viviana Knapic. The program was divided between the children and the exceptional choir or Klapa in which songs are sang "a cappella". Klapa "Astoria" was led by maestro Srdan Berdovic. The concert lasted over an hour hosted by one of the students of Croatian School, Loredana Crncic, and guest speakers who greeted the public. Including the pastor of the parish, Msgr. Raymond Stafford, the consulate general Petar Ljubic and Fr. Robert Zubovic. "My dream came true" were the first words that Fr. Zubovic proudly and happily stated to the audience and choirs. For many years he had hoped and wished for these talented children to record and perform Christmas songs. He was very proud of the successful concert and thanked all those who worked so hard to making his dream come true.