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Villa Ruzic in Rijeka and Croatian Tales of Long Ago by Ivana Brlic Mazuranic
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  08/20/2009 | Croatian Language , Tourism , History , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Croatian Tales of Long Ago translated into 40 languages including Chinese, part 1

Mr. Theodor de Canziani Jakšić showing us the Villa Ružić in Rijeka and its valuables

We express our deep gratitude to Prof. Matilda Ružić and Mr. Theodor de Canziani Jakšić for their hospitality and permission to publish the photos exclusively for the readers of the CROWN. In case of your visit to the city of Rijeka we warmly recommend you to visit Villa Ružić, see


Spomenička knjižnica i zbirka MAŽURANIĆ - BRLIĆ - RUŽIĆ

Villa Ružić, Pećine 5,
51000 Rijeka, CROATIA

Directed by Theodor de Canziani Jakšić
Mob: +385 91 512 72 54

The 1924 English edition of Croatian Tales of Long Ago by Ivana Brlić Mažuranić. The original Croatian title is Priče iz davnine, the book that every child and every grown up in Croatia is familiar with.

Ivana Brlic Mazuranic (1874-1938) is a very well known name among Croatian children. She wrote beautiful books of Croatian fairy tales, the most famous being Price iz davnine (Tales of Long Ago) that appeared in Zagreb in 1916. It was translated from Croatian into English by F.S. Copeland under the title:

Croatian Tales of Long Ago
Iv. Berlic Mazuranic

and published in 1924. in London by George Alen & Unwin Ltd (260 pp, hardcover).

For more photos see Yale University Library

These stories have become popular worldwide due to recent fantastic flash-art presentations, initiated by Helena Bulaja, Zagreb. See for example Neva, music and animation by Ed Beals.

Books of Ivana Brlic Mazuranic were translated into all major world languages (more information in Croatian). Except in English, there exist also translations into

  • Swedish (Stockholm, 1928)
  • Danish (Kopenhagen, 1929/30)
  • Czech (Prague, 1930)
  • Russian (Zagreb [!], Skazki davnyago vremeni, 1930)
  • Slovakian (T. sv. Martin, 1931)
  • German (Salzburg, 1933)
  • ...
  • Chinese (1957)

Segrt Hlapic (= Laptich)...Une des toutes dernieres productions originales de Croatia Film, "Lapitch - Le petit cordonnier", tiré d'un conte de Ivana Brlic Mazuranic, femme écrivain croate du XIXe siecle, est actuellement le produit phare de l'école : avec plus de 300 000 cassettes vidéos vendues rien qu'en France, commercialisées par TF1 Vidéo, il représente la production audiovisuelle croate la plus recherchée sur marché international. (source: Ambassade de Croatie en France).


Danish edition of Croatian Tales of Long Ago, published in Copenhagen in 1929/30. The book is illustrated by excellent drawings of Croatian painter Vladimir Kirin.

A detail from Danish edition of Croatian Tales of Long Ago by Ivana Brlić Mažuranić. The Swedish edition has been published in 1928.

Portrait of Ivana Brlić Mažuranić (1874-1938) with her signature in blue ink:
Osobitim poštovanjem Ivana Brlić Mažuranić.

Front cover of Chinese edition of Croatian Tales of Long Ago published in 1957.

Šuma Striborva - The Stribor Forest, one of Croatian tales by Ivana Brlić Mažuranić indicated in the contents.

Croatian Tales of Long Ago by Ivana Brlić Mažuranić in Chinese, 1957

Croatian Tales of Long Ago for those who can read Chinese.

Šegrt Hlapić - Apprentice Hlapić by Ivana Brlić Mažuranić published in Chinese in 1983.

Šegrt Hlapić - Apprentice Hlapić in Chinese.

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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Luigia Solci)

    Congraturazioni,tu e Matilde avete fatto un buon lavoro.Saluti dall'Italia
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