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What recession? Business is booming for a Croatian sawmill |
By Vladimir Mihajlović |
Manufacture of fuel wood in Okucani, Croatia
The Republic of Croatia is a country with a good strategic position, geographically placed on a transition between the Middle and the Southeastern Europe. On the highway Slavonski Brod - Zagreb, near the City of Nova Gradiška, is a village called Okučani. Right beside, in a village called Covac is a sawmill and a fuel wood depository owned by entrepreneur Mirko Agatic. Today, when everybody talks about recession in business, Mirko doesn’t feel the crisis, because all of his production is assuredly selled, and 90 % of it goes to the foreign markets.
Since a few years ago, Mirko has been successfully manufacturing the fuel wood, what includes cutting, chopping and packing into palettes. He says that the wood was his life. In the time when wood industry has many problems, Mirko’s craft named "Iver" from Okučani produces and exports the fuel wood to Italy with a great efficiency. Demands grow bigger and bigger, but for a greater sale a greater production is necessary. "Iver" produces 500 trucks or 12 500 tones of fuel wood in a year. The craft has 40 workers, 8 machines for cutting and chopping, 7 tractors, 2 trucks for trunk transporting and 3 trucks for transporting of the final product. The whole family (three sons and a daughter) works with Mirko, and his plan is to increase the production.
To increase the production, Mirko needs financial resources, but there are not enough of them in Croatia. Therefore, he wants to find foreign investors who are ready to invest in production enlarging, in accordance with an agreed investment model. On current location, the production can be increased to 1 000 trucks (25 000 tones) of fuel wood per year. All of it can be selled to an already known customer, and 90 % of it is scheduled for export. All the raw materials are available in Croatia, and they include beech, oak, bitter oak, hornbeam, ash, acacia, white poplar, willow. As a by-product when manufacturing wood there is sawdust, which can be used to produce energy based on biomass. It is particularly profitable to increase number of fuel wood depositories throughout Slavonia to get about 10 depositories in all the bigger settlements.
The value of investment amounts about 8 million kunas (about 1 080 000 € or 1 360 000 $). The investment can be fulfilled in several phases during defined time (1 - 2 years). The resources are needed for: - 6 "Volvo" haul trucks, 25 tones of capacity - 2 trucks for trunks with HIAB crane, 25 tones of capacity - 4 machines for wood cutting and chopping - driers - equipment for vulcanization workshop and carwash
After finishing the investment, "Iver" is going to have 60 - 70 workers. The investors can participate in this investment not only with their financial assets, but also by providing the resources that are mentioned above. Therefore, we invite the investors who can sell trucks and equipment or participate in their supply for a longer period.
We are inviting everyone interested in investment to contact us.
Contact person: Vlado Mihajlovic Tel./fax.: ++385 31 284 850 Cell phone: ++385 (0)91 767 5 999 E-mail: vladomos@gmail.com www.poduzetnik-sl.hr
Republika Hrvatska je država koja ima strateški dobru poziciju, a zemljopisno smještena na prijelazu iz srednje u Jugoistočnu Europu. Na autocesti Slavonski Brod – Zagreb, kod Nove gradiške nalaze se Okučani. Odmah do Okučana u mjestu Čovac nalazi se pilana i stovarište ogrijeva poduzetnika Mirka Agatića. Danas kada svi govore o recesiji u poslovanju Mirko ne zna za krizu, jer je sva njegova proizvodnja prodana poznatom kupcu, od toga 90% na inozemna tržišta.
Mirko već nekoliko godina uspješno radi proizvodnu ogrijeva (rezanje, cijepanje i slaganje u palete) i paleta. Kako kaže „Drvo je moj život“. U vrijeme kada drvna industrija ima problema Mirkov obrt „Iver“ iz Okučana uspješno proizvodi i izvozi ogrijev (Italija). Potrebe su sve veće, ali za veću prodaju potrebno je proširenje proizvodnje. Iver godišnje proizvede 500 kamiona ogrijevnog drveta što predstavlja 12500 tona. Obrt ima 40 radnika, 8 strojeva za rezanje i cijepanje drveta, 7 traktora, 2 kamiona za prijevoz trupaca i 3 kamiona za prijevoz ogrijeva. Cijela obitelj radi s Mirkom (tri sina i kćer), a plan mu je da proširi proizvodnju.
Za proširenje proizvodnje potreban su mu financijska sredstva kojih u Hrvatskoj nema dovoljno. Zato želi naći ulagače koji su spremni uložiti u proširenje proizvodnje, prema dogovorenom modelu ulaganja. Proizvodnja se može proširiti, na sadašnjoj lokaciji, na 1000 kamiona ogrijevnog drveta godišnje (25.000 tona) i sve se može raditi za poznatog kupca, 90% za izvoz. Sirovina je osigurana u Hrvatskoj (bukva, grab, hrast, cer, jasen, bagrem, topola, vrba). Kao nusproizvod kod proizvodnje drveta imamo piljevinu koja se može koristiti za proizvodnju energije na bazi bio mase. Posebno je profitabilno povećati broj stovarišta ogrijevnog drveta po cijeloj Slavoniji, u svim većim mjestima – oko 10 stovarišta.
Vrijednost investicije iznosi oko 8 milijuna kuna (1.080.000 eura ili 1.360.000 $). Investicija se može dovršiti u nekoliko faza kroz određeno razdoblje (od 1 do 2 godine). Sredstva su potrebna za: - 6 kamiona tegljača Volvo, nosivosti 25 tona - 2 kamiona za trupce od 25 tona, s dizalicom HIAB, - 5 komada strojeva za rezanje i cijepanje drveta, - sušaru, - opremu za vulkanizersku radionicu i praonicu.
Nakon te završetka investicije „Iver“ bi imao od 60 – 70 radnika. Isto tako potencijalni ulagači mogu sudjelovati u investiciji s gore navedenim sredstvima, a ne samo s novčanim sredstvima. Zato pozivamo i investitore koji mogu prodati ili sudjelovati u investiciji s kamionima i opremom na duži rok.
Vlado Mihajlović Telefon i faks: ++385 31 284 850 Mobitel: ++385 (0)91 767 5 999 e-mail: vladomos@gmail.com www.poduzetnik-sl.hr
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