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Croatia 2 (4) - Russian Federation 2 (3) at the FIFA World Cup 2018
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  07/7/2018 | Sports , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
Subašić, Kramarić, Rakitić, Lovren, Vida, Modrić cpt., Rebić, Perišić, Mandžukić, Vrsaljko, Strinić, Brozovi, Pivarić, Kovačić, Čorluka, Dalić

Danijel Subašić and Ivan Rakitić celebrating. Photo by Reuters.

Members of Croatian soccer team, singing Croatian national anthem Our Beautiful Homeland (Lijepa Naša Domovino). Photo by Reuters.

Croatian celebration of entering the semifinals of the FIFA World Cup 2018. Photo by Reuters.

Dubrovnik, Stradun street, arround Orlando's column

King of Dolls (in English) / Korolj Kukol (in Russian)

Dr. Svyetlana Olegovna Vyalova from the Russian National Library in St Petersburg,
distinguished expert in Croatian Glagolitic Script

According to her own words, Dr. Svyetlana Olegovna Vyalova dedicated her best scientific years to the research of Croatian Glagolitic Script. It has resulted in her doctoral dissertation entitled Croatian Glagolitic Literacy / Research of resources in historico-cultural apects : according to manuscripts of the Russian National Library, written in the Russian language and defended in 2003 in St. Petersburg:

Vyalova, Svyetlana Olegovna: Horvatskaja glagoličeskaja pis'mennost' : istočnikovedčeskoe issledovanie v istoriko-kul'turnom aspekte : (po rukopisjam Rossijskoj nacional'noj biblioteki) : special'nost' 07.00.09 - istoriografija, istočnikovedenie i metody istoričeskogo issledovanija : disertacija v forme naučnogo doklada na soiskanie učenoj stepeni doktora istoričeskih nauk / Svetlana Olegovna Vjalova; Sankt-Peterburg : Izdatelstvo Rossijskoj nacional'noj biblioteki, 2003

Croatian Ambassador to the Russian Federation Mr. Igor Pokaz and Dr. Svetlana Olegovna Vyalova

"For her contribution to the study of Croatian language and culture as a whole", Svetlana Vyalova, a leading researcher of the Mauscripts Department of the NLR, was honoured with the Order of the Croatian Danica (the Morning Star) with the face of Marko Marulić - Red Danice Hrvatske.

Svyetlana Olegovna Vyalova was awarded by the Medal of Vatroslav Jagić, for her work in Croatistic studies. The ceremony took place during the solemn opening of the 6th Croatian Slavistic Congres in the city of Vukovar, in the Eltz Palace, in September 2014. Vatroslav Jagić (1838-1923) was distinguished Croatian philologist, the founder of the scientificjournal Archiv fur slavishe Philologie in Berlin. Jagić also initiated and organized the Seminar for Slavic studies in Vienna in 1887, which later grew out to the Institute of Slavic Studies. Many thanks to Dr. Artur Bagdasarov, Moscow, for this information.

Berčić Collection in St. Petersburg, important collection of Croatian glagolitic books and manuscripts, kept in the Russian Federation

In Perast the first nautical school has been founded by the end of 17th century. It is considered to have been founded by Marko Martinovic (1663-1716), a famous Boka mariner. In 1698 the Russian Emperor Peter the Great sent 16 young Russian nobleman to Boka to attend maritime studies in Perast, in order to be able to organize the future Russian Navy. See Croatian Encyclopaedia (Boka kotorska in Volume III).

The Bokelj's had a very strong fleet, which counted as many as 300 ships in the 18th century. Boka was a rival to Dubrovnik and Venice. It is worth mentioning that one of the Bokeljs - Matej Zmajevic or Matija Zmajevic (1680-1735) - was the admiral of Baltic navy and the ship-builder of the famous Russian tsar Peter I the Great, and for whom he built a fleet in Voronez.

Matej Zmajevic had great successes in maritime battles against Sweden, and for this reason he was decorated with the Order of Aleksandar Nevski by Empress Katarina. Peter I the Great took of his personal sward and donated it to Matej Zmajevic in recognition of his military successes. Matej Zmajevic had the honour to carry the crown of Romanov's during the funeral of Peter the Great in 1725. Zmajevic was buried with greatest military honours in the Catholic church in Moscow. Peter the Great sent some of his young officers (bolyars) to the town of Perast in Boka in order to study maritime sciences there. For more information see [Milos Milosevic, pp 244-251].

Marko Vojnovic from Hercegnovi organized the Russian marine on the Black Sea, and achieved the status of admiral. Matija Melada of Perast, a well known engineer of his time, arranged many Russian ports. See Croatian Encyclopaedia (Boka kotorska in Volume III).

A Croatian Dominican priest Beniamin was editor in chief of the first Russian Bible (finished in 1499) written in Russian Church Slavonic. It was the first Bible also among all Orthodox Christian Slavs. It served as a basis of later printed Russian editions in 1580-81 and 1663, which had spread among Orthodox Christian Slavs. Beniamin's original translations of the Vulgata are even today left unchanged in many parts of the contemporary Russian Bible. It is interesting that the old Russian Bible has many Croatian characteristics in phonetics, morphology and vocabulary, for example,
  • kovac (blacksmith)
  • loviti (to hunt)
  • plijen (prey)
  • staja (stable)
  • stijena (rock)
  • nastojati (to strive)
  • puk (common people)
  • obitelj (family)
  • and even - gusterna (stone water cistern)!
It is clear that he originates from the coastal region of Croatia, probably from the city of Split (according to Vladimir Rozov), and according to Franjo Sanjek, from the Glagolitic environment in the area of Rijeka, Vinodol or Lika.

According to the famous Russian church historian Makarij, Beniamin was the chief personality in the creation of Genadij's Bible. This undertaking was of great importance for the Russian Church, in particular for the development of Russian spiritual literature. Beniamin also translated the 8th part of the latest 1486 Strasbourg edition of the famous work Rationale divinorum officiorum of Guilelemus Durandus - Spectator, which was devoted to calendar calculations and astronomy. In this way Beniamin influenced also the development of Russian astronomical terminology, in particular - Russian names for star constellations. According to Vladimir Rozov (Russian emigrant in Zagreb), Beniamin (or Venjamin as he is called in the Russian literature) represents the earliest humanist on the Russian soil, and furthermore, Beniamin was actually editor in chief of the first complete Church-Slavonic Bible among Pravoslav Slavs. Beniamin also had important role in opening new schools in Novgorod (until that time there were no real schools in Russia). The name of Croatian Dominican Beniamin is completely unknown among Croats in time when these lines are written (1999), except to several specialists. The Croats can be rightfully proud of this little known person for his great Ecumenical role. Beniamin's mission in Russia represents an important and almost forgotten bridge between Catholic and Orthodox Christianity.

  • Vladimir Rozov: Hrvatski dominikanac Venjamin u Rusiji, Nastavni vjesnik, knj. 41, sv. 8-10, Zagreb, 1933, 302-336. See also here.
    Vladimir Alekseevic Rozov
    (1876-1940), born in Kyiv, capital of Ukraine, in the family of professor of the Kyiv Spiritual Academy. In 1903 graduated from the Kyiv University (Faculty of Philosophy). In 1907-1908 investigated the Slavic manuscripts on the Near East. Professor of Slavic philology in the Nizyn Institute (1916) in Ukraine. Professor at the University of Tavrid (1918-1920; Tavrid is today's Herson in Ukraine). Lectured Russian language at the University of Zagreb (1920-1940), and died in Zagreb. Literary critic, culturologist, publicist, investigator of Russian-Croatian relations, author of many articles. [more]. Many thanks to Mr. Oleh Hirnyk, Lviv, Ukraine, for kind help.
  • Zarko Dadic: O hrvatskom dominikancu Benjaminu i njegovoj ulozi na dvoru novgorodskog arhiepiskopa Genadija, Croatica christiana, XIII, (1989) 23, str. 44-48.
  • Franjo Sanjek: Dominikanci u Rijeci i Hrvatskom primorju, Sveti Vid VIII, zbornik, Izdavacki centar Rijeka 2003.

A Croatian theologist, ecumenist panslavist and musicologist Juraj Krizanic (1618-1683) was trying to initiate the dialog on the unification of the Russian Church with Rome. He dreamed about an open and peaceful dialog with Orthodox Christians. His major works are "Razgovory ob vladatelstvu"or "Politika" (written in panslavic Esperanto that he invented as a combination of his native Croatian, Russian and churchslavonic), written during his 15 year exile to Siberia and the panslavic grammatical book "Gramaticcno iskazanie ob ruskom jaziku" (Tobolsk, 1665). He also spent some time in Ukraine, where he had close ties with some of leading scholars. Krizanic wrote "Historia de Siberia" in 1680, with dedication to Jan Sobiesky. It is known that during his sojourn in Rome he supervised a publication of musical works of the Portuguese king D. JoĂŁo IV. According to Krizanic's systematization of science, music should be regarded as a part of mathematics. He wrote his "Asserta musicalia nova" in 1650. Krizanic died near Vienna while participating in its defence against the Turks in the Ukrainian troops that adjoined the troops of the Polish king Jan Sobiesky.

According to a Russian historian S.M. Solovev (see his Istorija Rosii s drevnejshih vremen, vol. XIII, Sanktpeterburg 1868), Krizanic's book Razgovory ob vladatel'stve (Discussion about Governement) served as a handbook to Peter the Great, founder of the modern Russian state. Russian scholars consider Juraj Krizanic as the father of the Slavic comparative philology as a scientific discipline.

  • Ivan Golub: Simpozij o Jurju Krizanicu u Moskvi [PDF], 2005, Russia
  • Ivan Golub: Juraj Krizanic, teolog pomirenja [PDF], 1984, USA
For those who can read Russian, we can recommend Juraj Krizanic‡.

Vladimir Solovev (or Soloviev, Solovjov, correct reading: Solovyov, 1853-1900), outstanding Russian humanist, religious philosopher and poet, spent a part of his life in Croatia, with Croatian bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer and in Zagreb. In Zagreb Soloviev published his book Istoriya i budushchnost' teokratii (The History and future of Theocracy) in 1886, the first volume of projected (but never completed) three volume work. Let us cite a part of a speech of Pope John Paul II (1 September 1996): For him the very basis of culture was recognition of the unconditional existence of others. Hence his rejection of a monolithic type of cultural universalism, incapable of respecting and accepting civilization's many different expressions. He was consistent with this view even when he became an ardent, impassioned prophet of ecumenism, doing all in his power for reunification between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

Vladimir Soloviev

It is certainly interesting to mention here (especially for the Russian reader) that according to dr. Vladimir Rozov the first humanist on Russian soil was a Croatian Dominican Beniamin, who had important role in the preparation of the first Russian Bible (Genadij's Bible) by the end of 15th century.

Michel Iellatchitch: La branche russe

It is little known that Igor Stravinsky (1882-1972), distinguished Russian pianist and composer, had two of his sisters-in-law married to descendants of the noble Croatian family of Jelacic. More precisely, one of his mother's sisters, Sophia, was married to Aleksandar Jelacic (1874-1916), from the Russian branch of the Jelacic family, and another, Catharina, was married to Nikola Jelacic. Igor Stravinsky mentions him in his 1937 autobiography as a person with merits in his musical development. Many thanks to Mrs. Marija Ljiljana Fabricius-Ivsic from Koeln for this information. Concerning Stravinsky's mother Ana, see here.

Dr Borislav ArapovicBorislav Arapovic, born in Bosnia and Hercegovina in 1935, is honorary director of the Biblical Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1973 he founded The Institute for Translation of The Bible into Languages of (former) Soviet Union. In 1996 the Russian Academy of Sciences conferred him a doctorate honoris causa. In 1999 he was elected foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For the creation of the Children's Bible in 1983, Dr. Arapovic was awarded the Leo Tolstoy medal by the Russian Children's Fund. In the period of 1983-90 ten editions of the Children'€™s Bible in five million copies were printed for free distribution in Russia.

He discovered an amazing pacifist sermon given in 1778 by an anonymous Croatian preacher to Croatian soldiers. The sermon was published in German in 1778, in Dutch in 1778 in the Hague, Amsterdam, and Leeuwarden, in Swedish in 1778 in NorrkĂśping, and in 1779 in Stockholm, and in Latvian in Riga - Leipzig in 1804.

Dr. Borislav Arapovic elected member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2010

Tolkovaya Biblija (The Bible with Comments) in Russian.

May 20, 2010, Moscow: Presentation of the diploma and medal of foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
to Dr. Borislav Arapović, by academician Ju.S. Osipov, president of the Academy.

Institute for Bible Translation (IBT), Russia/CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)

Moscow, 25. 05. 2010
The award to the founder of IBT Dr. Arapovic, of an honorary diploma as a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

"€œMay God Bless Russia" -€“ those were the concluding words of Dr. Arapovic'€™s response speech at the ceremony of awarding him an honorary Foreign Member'€™s diploma of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Born in 1935 in Bosnia Hercegovina, and later an immigrant to Sweden, Borislav Arapovic became the initiator of the foundation in Stockholm in 1973 of the Institute for Bible Translation (IBT), with the aim of translating and publishing Bible texts in the mother tongues of the indigenous non-Slavic peoples of the Soviet Union. He was the IBT Director for 24 years (until 1997). On his initiative at the beginning of the 1990s a branch of the Institute was opened in Moscow and a cooperation agreement was signed between IBT and the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1997 with the blessing of the late Patriarch Alexiy II the Russian organization Institute of Bible Translation was able to move into offices on the premises of the former St. Andrew'€™s monastery, where it has remained until the present time. Over the years since then IBT staff have implemented a wide range of projects, translating different parts of the Bible into more than 80 non-Slavic languages of Russia and other countries of the CIS.

On behalf of numerous Russian colleagues and friends Dr. Arapovic was welcomed and congratulated by academician E. Chelyshev. The solemn ceremony of the award took place in the presence of many guests, including representativs of the Croatian Embassy Mr Antun Herceg and Mr. Igor Prelovsek. During the days of his visit to Moscow Dr. Arapovic also visited the office of the Institute for Bible Translation where he had friendly meetings with colleagues.


Speech of Dr. Borislav Arapović at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow

Dr. B. Arapović presents academician Yu.S.Osipov with his scientific transactions

Dr. Borislav Arapović with his distinguished Russian colleagues and friends in front of the main building
of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.

Mladen Lovrić a founder of the SUVAG Center in Neryungri, Yakutia in 1990, the first one in the Russian Federation

The SUVAG Center in Neryungri, Yakutia (or Republic of Sakha) has been founded in 1990 due to the efforts of professor Mladen Lovrić of the SUVAG Center in Zagreb. It was the first such center in the Russian Federation. Since then, in just five years, that is, in the period of 1990-1995, as many as 35 such centers in 29 cities of the Russian Federation had been opened.

In 2010 the 20th anniversary of the SUVAG Center in Neryungri, Yakutia in East Siberia, has been celebrated. Honoring this event and applications of Verbotonal Method by Croatian scientist Petar Guberina, a conference has been organized entitled "Contemporary problems in complex rehabilitation of children with restricted possibilities of health. Experiences - Problems - Prespectives", from 9th to 11th December 2010.

Among distinguished guests of the Conference were
  • Nikolaj Nikolaevič Degtjarev, minister of Labor and social development of the Russian Federation
  • Nebojša Koharović, ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Russian Federation, Moscow
  • Vladimir Viktorovič Koževnikov, responsable of the administration of the Neryungri region, with his collaborators
  • dr. Adinda Dulčić, director of the SUVAG Polyclinic in Zagreb, Croatia
  • professor Ivanka Jurjević from the SUVAG Polyclinic in Zagreb
  • professor Mladen Lovrić, president of the Fund for development of Verbotonal method
  • ing. Valentin Vsiljevič Rudčenko, director of the Fund for development of Verbotonal method

The conference has been attended by 198 participants from the following cities:
  • Moscow
  • Saint Petersburg
  • Irkutsk
  • Blagoveshchensk
  • Novosibirsk
  • Khabarovsk
  • Yakutsk
  • Ulan-Ude
  • Nyurba
  • Mirny
  • Zagreb
  • Neryungri
Due to participation of guests from Croatia, the conference had international character. Altogether 39 scientific and practically oriented reports have been presented.

Also, the bust of academician Petar Guberina, the father of the Verbotonal method, has been solemnly unveiled during the Conference. It was a gift of the Fund of development of Verbotonal method, brought from Croatia's capital Zagreb. Also, a film "In memoriam of Petar Guberina" has been shown, prepared by Croatian Television.

Solemn unveiling of the bust of academcian Petar Guberina at the SUVAG Center in Neryungri, Yakutia.
From left to right Mladen Lovrić, Adinda Dulčić, Zinaida Semenovna Maksimova and Nebojša Koharović.
Photo by the courtesy of Katarina Todorcev Hlač, Zagreb.

The Round table of the Conference issued a Resolution aiming to further advance the development of the SUVAG Center Neryungri. This Center is the most important one not only in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), but in the enormous region from the Urals to Vladivostok. Mr. N.N. Degtjarev, minister of Labor and social development, announced that a new SUVAG center is planned to be opened in Yakutsk, with affiliated institutions throughout Sakha (Yakutia).

A very rich cultural program has been shown to participants of the Conference by children attending the SUVAG Center in Neryungri, and an exhibition of costumes inspired by the folklore of Yakutia. The SUVAG Center of Neryungri has about 100 employed of various specialities. For comparison, the Zagreb SUVAG center has about 260 empleyed persons.

The representatives of the state and local leaders have expressed their great satisfaction with remarkable achievements of the Neryungri SUVAG Center, and praised highly the importance of their work, not only for the local community in Yakutia, but also for the whole East-Asian part of the Russian Federation, connected with institutions in the world which apply in their work the Verbotonal method of academician Petar Guberina. Their endevours also contributed to better ackqwaintance of the citizens of Sakha with cultural, economic and social development in other countries of the world.

Mr. N. Koharović, the ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in the Russian Federation, stressed the importance of the SUVAG Center of Neryungri as a bridge connecting Russia and Croatia, opening possibilities for fruitful collaboration in many respects. He also stressed impressive positive results in Neryungri which resulted from applying successfuly the Verbotonal method of academician Petar Guberina.

Mr. Predrag Mićović, a representative of the Adriatic tour, Croatia, in Moscow, said that his tourist company will organize at its expense the sojourn 10 deaf children from Yakutia in Croatia, at the Adriatic Sea, marking in this way the 20th anniversary of the SUVAG Center in Neryungri.

Dr. Adinda Dulčić, director of the SUVAG Polyclinic in Zagreb, Croatia, invited all the participants at the forthcoming conference in Zagreb on 19-21 May 2011, to be organized on the occasion of 50 years of existence of the Polyclinic in Croatia's capital. This is the leading center for Verbotonal method in the world. The method has been developed in this instituion, and spread throughout the world, on all five continents, during the past several decades.

Professor Zinaida S. Maksimova

Director of the Neryungri SUVAG Center is professor Zinaida Semenovna Maksimova, on the above photo.

Ludmila Ivanovna Rulenkova, distinguished Russian expert for verbotonal method,
developed at the SUVAG centre in Zagreb, Croatia, since the 1950s. Source of the photo.

Ludmila Rulnekova: Kako malo gluho dijete naučiti slušati i govoriti (How to teach a deaf child to listen and speak),
SUVAG polyclinic, Zagreb, 2015. Translated from Russian into Croatian by Ivanka Jurjević-Grkinić.

Trio LUR at the Catholic Cathedral in Moscow, March 2016, humanitarian concert: Rea Alaburić, Lucija Petrača and Ursa Vukman.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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