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Croatian Fraternal Union CFU founded in 1894 in the USA celebrates 120 years of existence |
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić |
History , Events , Education , Community
Croatian Fraternal Union CFU has 60,000 members worldwide
Bernard Luketich, president of the Croatian Fraternal Union
From humble beginnings in old Allegheny City, now Pittsburgh's North Side, the Croatian Fraternal Union of America, Hrvatska bratska zajednica, has grown into one of the nation's leading fraternal benefit societies. From a membership of less than 300 in 1894 to an organization with approximately 60,000 members worldwide, our assets in 118 years have grown from $43 to remarkably approaching $400 million.
The history of the Croatian Fraternal Union actually coincides with the history of the Croatian people in North America.
CFU has been founded in 1894, as N.H.Z., i.e., as Nacionalna Hrvatska zajednica - Croatian National Community
From the beginning, when an itinerant young newspaperman came to Pittsburgh from Chicago in the late fall of 1893, Zdravko V. Mužina attracted more than 300 people to a meeting on Jan. 14, 1894, to organize a mutual benefit society for all Croatians.
While only a handful actually signed up as members and began payment of dues to provide life insurance protection along with accident and health insurance for themselves and their families, Mužina, undaunted, enlisted the aid of Petar Pavlinac and Franjo Sepić to call a meeting of six independent societies on September 2, 1894, to form the "Croatian Association." The new organization operated under that name until 1897 when a new charter was issued in the name of the National Croatian Society(NCS). It remained the NCS until 1926 when the Croatian Fraternal Union was borne out of the merger of four independent societies – the National Croatian Society, the Croatian League of Illinois of Chicago, Illinois, the St. Joseph Society of Kansas City, Kansas and the New Croatian Society of Whiting, Indiana.
Interestingly, when the Society was founded in 1894, unable to locate 12 Croatians who were citizens of the United States, a requirement of the statute to incorporate a fraternal benefit society, the Society utilized outside affiliates. Therefore, of the original 12 signers, eight were Croatians and four were Czech and Slovak friends who volunteered their services to launch the first Croatian benefit society.
By 1900, the CFU had grown to 8,000 members and by 1912, the Society included 30,000 members.
CFU HOME OFFICE CFU Early Years The first Home Office of the CFU was rented quarters located on East Ohio Street in Pittsburgh's North side.
Authorized at the 1909 convention, the first Home Office building and printery to be owned outright by the old National Croatian Society was located at 1012 Perry Street (later named Peralta Street) in Allegheny City, PA. The building cost $17,000 and the society moved into its new quarters on May 1, 1910. This building was utilized until 1928, when a new Home Office building was built at 3441 Forbes Street in Pittsburgh's Oakland district. The CFU ran its operation in the Oakland Home Office from 1928 through 1961 when the present Home Office structure was built at a cost of over one million dollars in Wilkins Township, PA. This structure underwent a significant interior renovation in 1981.
In order to better serve our members and to stand as a testament to our history and heritage, the CFU augmented its property with a multi-million dollar expansion project that was completed in 1994, the 100th Anniversary of the Society. The current Home Office is situated at 100 Delaney Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15235. The CFU Home Office now includes office space for the Executive Board, employees, editorial department, recording studio, libraries and extensive museum.
OFFICIAL ORGAN ESTABLISHED Until the 1904 convention held in St. Louis, the Society used private newspapers for the publication of official notices and the lodge directory. The delegates to the 1904 convention recognized the need of a publication solely dedicated to the membership of the Society. This resulted in the CFU publishing its own official organ as a monthly newspaper until 1909 when it became the weekly "Zajedničar," a publication of four pages. The "Z," as it is commonly referred to by CFU members, was later changed from its old letterpress format to today's attractive tabloid, averaging 20 pages in both Croatian and English languages, highlighted by the liberal use of color. In keeping with the times, the "Z" is now available electronically upon a member's request.
FIRST TABLE OF RATES ADOPTED IN 1912 The CFU operated under the old assessment principle until the 1912 convention, that is, each member was assessed each month on the basis of deaths occurring in the previous month with a small sum added for administrative costs. At the 1912 Convention in Kansas City, KS, the delegates adopted a table of rates which provided for payment of dues based on the age of the member and the amount of insurance carried. The adoption of the rate table came in the nick of time because shortly after the convention, all states enacted laws that required fraternals and other insurers to adopt level rate tables for collection of insurance premiums. Further changes in the rate tables were made in 1922 and continued until Jan. 1, 1985, when the CFU was again in the forefront and adopted the 1980 CSO (Commissioners Standard Ordinary) mortality rate tables that were recommended by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Currently CFU utilizes the 2001 CSO mortality rate tables with revisions.
MINDING THE NEXT GENERATION Recognizing that immigrant societies and organizations did not pay enough attention to the younger generation, Josip Marohnić motioned at the 12th Convention in 1915 to establish the Junior Order Department by stating, "We should always keep in mind that by organizing our young generation we will make the Croatian national conscience enter the hearts of all young people and remain there, that we will protect our children, educate them and make them become the future members of the National Croatian Society... We who are older shall go one after the other, and it is our duty to take care of the descendants who will fill our ranks in the future and represent honorably our Croatian cause in this country." There are currently 213 Nests in existence across the United States, Canada, and Croatia.
CFU CHILDREN'S HOME At the 1918 convention, a Croatian orphanage in the United States was established and later became the CFU Children's Home where hundreds of orphans of deceased CFU members were reared into adulthood. The home was closed by the 1967 convention when the number of orphans being cared for in the Children's Home was reduced to only a handful. The property in Des Plaines, IL was sold in 1970.
WE SURVIVE THE DEPRESSION YEARS During the Depression of the 1930's, when more than 12 million Americans were jobless, the hard times took their toll in the CFU as almost a third of our total membership was on Automatic Premium Loan options, or "Reserve" as it was popularly known. Many people lost their life savings with the closing of banks, but the CFU was never in danger during this crisis despite thousands of dollars' worth of bonds being in default.
THE TURBULENT YEARS OF THE GREAT WARS CFU History When World War I erupted in 1914, it had a direct effect on our membership, most significantly after the entry of the U.S. into the war in 1917. As our young Croatian Americans answered the call to serve their new nation, many of our members made the supreme sacrifice of giving their lives for their country. More than one-half of CFU assets - $145,000 – was invested in War Bonds and through substantial contributions made to America, British, Russian, Czech and Polish Red Cross organizations in support of the U.S. war effort. Many of our members and other Croatians suffered embarrassment when they were jailed as war aliens because they came to the U.S. from Austro-Hungary, which was an enemy nation. In Canada, hundreds of Croatians were interred a few months after the war began. Directed by the National Board, National President Joseph Marohnić pled the case for the interred Croatians, and all but a few of those jailed were released by the Canadian government.
Because of prohibitions against dealing with enemy countries, our Society was unable to pay death claims to beneficiaries in the Homeland. During this embargo on such payments which lasted into the early 1920s, almost a quarter-million dollars was deposited with the U.S. Alien Property Custodian for beneficiaries in the old country. Eventually, every cent was distributed to the proper beneficiaries.
In the war years, during the short period of October 1918 and Jan. 20, 1919, five hundred thirty-one members of the National Croatian Society died of influenza when a flu epidemic broke out in the United States. In order to cover payment of the large amounts due to death claims, the Society levied an extra assessment of $4.50 on every member and suspended enrollment of new members for the duration of the flu epidemic until April, 1919.
The unfavorable political situation in the Homeland during the period between the two World Wars, had a significant influence on the political activities of American Croats. The Supreme Board of the Croatian Fraternal Union dedicated its session in 1928 to the disturbing situation in Croatia and gave its full support to the political leadership in Croatia. Before the outbreak of World War II, CFU Convention resolutions were passed favoring actions in the Homeland for the good of the Croatian people. Nonetheless, the members were fully aware that their organization was an American institution and that in turbulent times, its destiny would be closely linked with their new American Homeland.
At the beginning of World War II, on July 16, 1941, the Croatian Fraternal Union sent a message to President Roosevelt stressing that Croats are loyal citizens of the USA and were convinced that victory of the Allies will be the victory of their old country. They fully supported the politics of the USA and its Allies.
A meeting of the Congress of American Croats comprised of leading figures of American Croatians, including the CFU Executive Board, was convened in New York in the summer of 1942. Guided by their devotion to their homeland, America, and their sincere love of Croatian people, it not only offered political guidance to the vast majority of Croatian immigrants, it also influenced American public attitude towards the Croatian immigrants and Croatians at large.
The CFU was very active in war relief efforts. The Croatian Fraternal Union alone invested six million dollars, almost half of its assets, in War Bonds and launched a campaign among immigrants for the purchase of War Bonds. There was hardly a member of the Society or an American of Croatian descent who did not invest the largest part of his or her savings in War Bonds.
The exact number of Croatian immigrants and their sons fighting in the American forces is not known. However, among the members of the CFU, 15,000 fought in the American forces, in other words 23% of the total membership. Of these, 308 were killed in the war.
The CFU members engaged in the war enjoyed special benefits. It was decided by many fraternal organizations and insurance societies that the beneficiaries of their members killed in the war would receive only the premiums paid to the organization, or their "reserve." The CFU, on the other hand, decided by referendum that full death benefit would be paid out to the beneficiaries of the members killed in the war, and full disability benefit to the disabled veterans.
CROATIA'S WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE In its 100+ year old history, the CFU has always supported the Croatian people and their struggle for freedom. During the latest tragic events in war-torn Yugoslavia, the Croatian Fraternal Union assisted the Croats morally, materially, and politically in their struggle for a free and independent Croatian state. When the communist system of the former Yugoslavia disintegrated, the CFU upheld the democratic processes in Croatia.
In a letter to the President of the Republic of Croatia, Dr. Franjo Tuđman, CFU National President, Bernard M. Luketich, affirmed CFU's support of all efforts to establish a new democratic government.
At the 18th CFU Convention in 1991, the delegates initiated the establishment of the CFU Croatian Humanitarian Aid Fund into which $50,000 was remitted by the Convention itself, and another $6,000 was raised by the delegates during the Convention. This resulted in the greatest outpouring of humanitarian aid by CFU members and friends. Numerous supplies were shipped from various lodges to the Homeland and added to the Home Office totals, amounting to more than $150 million in humanitarian aid from the CFU. Members and friends contributed over $1,300,000 to the Fund to help pay for purchase of supplies and costs of shipping. The Croatian Humanitarian Aid Fund remains as a fraternal program.
In addition to the Humanitarian Aid Fund, the CFU entered into an agreement with the DORA foundation in the Old Homeland to provide financial support for war orphans. Throughout CFU's collaboration with the DORA foundation, over $350,000 was collected and distributed to war orphans who lost at least one parent during Croatia's war for independence.
MERGERS CFU Headquarters 1970s Today's Croatian Fraternal Union has come into being as a result of numerous mergers, the first and most important occurring in 1926 when a Special Convention was called to ratify the merger agreement between the National Croatian Society, the Croatian League of Illinois and the St. Joseph Society. The first convention of the newly merged CFU was held from May 3 to May 22, 1926, the longest on record.
Since that time, the Croatian Fraternal Union of America has become a 'melting pot' of sorts for various Croatian and ethnic organizations. CFU has benefited from mergers including those with the Slavonic Croatian Union, Calumet, MI in 1939; Sloga Fraternal Life Insurance Society, Milwaukee, WI, in 1994; the Canadian branch of the National Fraternal Society of the Deaf in 1994; Zivena Beneficial Society, Ligonier, PA, in 1995; Ukrainian National Aid Association of America in 2000; Union League of Romanian Societies of America in 2000; and Croatian Catholic Union of USA in 2006.
MEMBERSHIP PROGRAMS In order to engage our members fully in activities that support Croatian heritage and the spirit of the fraternal benefit movement, the CFU has, throughout its history, established a number of programs in which members may participate. Appealing to diverse interests, these programs include the following:
CFU SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Recognizing the importance in encouraging and supporting young students in their pursuit of higher education, the CFU Scholarship Foundation, Inc. was founded in 1958. The Scholarship Fund has been established on a self-perpetuating basis and is funded through the creation of endowments and individual donations. Managed by its own Board of Directors, the Foundation has awarded 8,832 scholarship grants, totaling $2,880,355, to deserving students since its inception.
SPORTS PROGRAMS The CFU was among the first ethnic fraternals to launch an active sports promotion program among its members. These sports programs date back to the late 1920's and have been continued to the present day. Tournaments and outings are held on the national, regional and local levels and include: skiing, basketball, golf and bowling.
CULTURAL ACTIVITIES The Croatian Fraternal Union Junior Cultural Federation, organized in 1967, focuses on the promotion of Croatian national folklore among our CFU Junior membership. An annual festival, held in different locations across the United States, Canada and Croatia, features approximately 30 ensembles. In response to members' wishes to continue participation in tamburitza festivals after age 21, the CFU established the Adult TamFEST in 1987. Like the Junior Tamburitza Festival, CFU members in adult ensembles perform at an annual festival held in a different major city annually. Since its inception, the number of participating ensembles has grown to over 30.
CROATIAN HOMES Across the United States and Canada, there are numerous Croatian homes and centers, the majority owned and operated by our Lodges, that exist within the community as a meeting place for members' fraternal activities. Our membership also takes an active role in the Croatian Churches in their communities.
CROATIAN RADIO PROGRAMS Croatian radio programs operated by our members and supported by lodges and united lodges organizations can be heard, particularly on Saturdays and Sundays, in many cities in the United States and Canada. In addition to hearing beautiful Croatian musical selections, these programs serve as a resource for members to obtain information on upcoming events and other items of interest to our Croatian people.
THE CFU TODAY - A MODERN BUSINESS New CFU Headquarters While we are proud of our activities on the cultural side, our basic purpose from the beginning of the Society has been to provide our members with the best possible protection available. In our second century of fraternalism, we continue to dedicate our efforts to offer the most complete, up-to-date portfolio of quality, affordable programs to meet all of our members' financial needs. This includes the addition of annuity/IRA products in the 1970's, as well as offering various focused product promotions from time to time.
The Croatian Fraternal Union of America has proved to be a true fraternalist organization, based on a program of benevolence and humane relations. The Society shows clearly that even after a hundred years, its membership is aware of its roots, of being part of the Croatian people. Based on these beliefs and principles, the Croatian Fraternal Union of America can look ahead with optimism, expecting yet another century of successful work.
Source www.croatianfraternalunion.org
|  Young members of Croatian Fraternal Union. Photo from CFU.  FRATERNAL PROGRAMS CULTURAL
Continuing the legacy and rich tradition of CFU's forefathers, the Society works to promote and preserve the beautiful Croatian culture. From the special ordered mannequins dressed in authentic Croatian folklore costumes (hrvatskih narodnih nošnji) on display in the Bernard M. Luketich Croatian Cultural Museum to the establishment of the junior and adult tamburitza festivals, CFU strives to connect and educate Members about the Homeland.
Cultural initiatives include: Annual CFU Cultural Tour of the US and Canada highlighting a renown Croatian tamburitza orchestra; the presentation of LADO – the Croatian National Folk Ensemble; the hosting of the Zagrebački Folklore Ensemble; presentation of the most renowned entertainers and vocalists in Croatia including Krunoslav Kićo Slabinac, Vera Svoboda, Šima Jovanovac, and Marta Nikolin; a Croatian language program; the inclusion of the Croatian language pages in the Zajedničar; seminars on Croatian folk dance and music; CFU-hosted tamburitza festivals; and the on-going support of the junior and adult tamburitza ensembles.
Source www.croatianfraternalunion.org
Since its inception in 1958, the CFU Scholarship Foundation, Inc., has awarded 8,832 scholarship grants totaling the grand sum of $2,880,355. For the 2010/2011 school year a total of $185,000 in scholarship grants was awarded to 261 deserving students interested in obtaining higher educations.
The Scholarship Foundation operates a General Fund and also maintains a special endowment fund program which is a self-perpetuating fund. In recent years the Scholarship Foundation has provided for the establishment of 81 major Endowment Fund Awards.
The General Fund is funded by generous, voluntary donations from our members, lodges and related organizations. Together, the General Fund and the Special Endowment Funds enable the CFU Scholarship Foundation to award nearly 250 annual scholarship grants in excess of $200,000 per year. Each individual scholarship ranges in value from $250 to $1,000.
On behalf of the CFU National Board and the CFU Scholarship Foundation Board of Directors, we extend a heartfelt "Thank You" to our CFU members and lodges who so generously support this educational program to assist our CFU youth who seek undergraduate degrees at institutions of higher learning.
Should you need information pertaining to eligibility requirements for obtaining a CFU Scholarship or should you be interested in learning how to establish an individual endowment fund, please contact the CFU Scholarship Foundation Executive Secretary/Treasurer at 100 Delaney Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15235.
Click here for rules that will determine your qualification in applying for the CFU Scholarship Foundation Grant
CFU SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION OFFICERS/BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Bernard M. Luketich Vice President Bernadette M. Luketich-Sikaras Executive Secretary/Treasurer Edward W. Pazo Director Franjo Bertovic Director Michael Namesnik Director Dr. Marion Vujevich Director Robert Luketic Director Paul J. Lucas
CFU SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND General Fund Peter Obad Endowment Fund John Drazick Endowment Fund Charles Koval Endowment Fund Croatian American Home of Los Angeles Fund CFU 100th Anniversary Fund William Blazevich Fund St. Nicholas Lodge 47 Anna Rescic Endowment Fund New York City Seamen's Club Fund John D. Kosovec & Teresa Gazboda Kosovec Fund "Bratska Sloga" CFU Lodge 566 of Masontown, PA Fund John P. Plesh Fund Emil Hanzevack Family Scholarship Endowment Fund "Croatian Sons" CFU Lodge 170 Scholarship Endowment Fund Lodge Fund "St. Joseph" CFU Lodge 43, Braddock, PA Fund "St. Rochus" CFU Lodge 5, Johnstown, PA Fund George P. Radosevich Rodwick Endowment Fund, Merrillville, IN "St. Joseph" CFU Lodge 192, Painesdale, MI Fund Ann Pollitt Fund - Kenneth H. Pollitt & Frances Ann Miller Memorial Fund "Progress" CFU Lodge 202, Chicago, IL Fund "Holy Family" CFU Lodge 305, Gloversville, NY - Frank Stefic, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Grant "St. Mary's" CFU Lodge 26, Gunnison, CO - In Memory of Officers & Members of CFU Lodge 26 Vlado Govic Scholarship Endowment Fund "Sveto Trojstvo" CFU Lodge 146, Versailles, PA Fund CFU Lodge 720, Ahmeek, MI Fund CFU Lodge 42, Wilmerding, PA Fund Louise & Joseph M. Brigich Fund Louis Z. Marohnic, Esq. Scholarship Fund Stephen L. Zegura Scholarship Endowment Fund Damian Family Fund Monessen Croatian Social & Educational Society Sloga Fund "St. Mary's" CFU Lodge 75, Waukegan, IL Fund Martha & Bernard M. Luketich CFU National President's Scholarship Grant Mr. & Mrs. Franjo Vicevich Memorial Music Endowment Fund William Laurence Cumpanas Fund CFU Lodge 548, Slovan, PA Fund CFU Lodge 72, Uniontown, PA Fund CFU Lodge 205, Adah, PA Fund Helen & Ronald Wood - In Memory of Katherine & Ignac (Bilicic) Billick Fund "Hrvatska Vila" CFU Lodge 141, East Pittsburgh, PA Fund "Croatian Sons" CFU Lodge 15, Chicago, IL Fund "Harborites" CFU Lodge 856, East Chicago, IN Fund Danica & Anton Kasunic of Cleveland, OH Fund Robert C. Antich, Merrillville, IN Fund "Sts. Peter & Paul" CFU Lodge 506/Nest 194, Titusville, PA Fund Julie Dixon Scholarship Fund, San Diego, CA John G. Luksich Scholarship Fund, Midland, PA "Vanguards" CFU Lodge 261 of Milwaukee, WI Fund Thomas Radulovic, Los Angeles, CA Scholarship Fund Mary M. Campbell Scholarship Fund - In Memory of Parents, Peter & Mary Pavlinac CFU Lodge 530, St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada Fund Matthew Mavretich Fund - In Memory of Parents, Matija & Barbara Muzar Mavretic of Steelton, PA Joseph & Josephine Angelos Family of Waukegan, IL Fund Bezich Fund Richard & Katherine Jordan Family Fund "St. Vidas" CFU Lodge 80 of Smoke Run, PA Fund American-Croatian Waukegan Tamburitzans CFU Scholarship Fund "St. Ann" CFU Lodge 29, Pittsburgh, PA American Hrvatska CFU Lodge 89, Butte, MT "Svi Slaveni" CFU Lodge 388 of Midvale, UT Merle Fund Edward J. Verlich Fund Jennifer Elizabeth Lucas Family Memorial Scholarship Fund, Marquette, MI "Gospa Rozaria" CFU Lodge 374, Rock Springs, WY "Sloga Rudara" CFU Lodge 306 Rock Springs, WY Ontario Federation of CFU Lodges United CFU Lodges of Fayette, Greene, Westmoreland and Washington Counties "Zrinski i Frankopan" CFU Lodge 403 John H. & Frances M. Rogan Family Scholarship Fund, Youngstown, OH "Sv. Kriz" CFU Lodge 523 and Nest 248, Moundsville, WV John J. & Sarah Javor Family Endowment Eva Kovacich Scholarship Endowment The Steven J. Pavlic Scholarship Award Zora CFU Lodge 345 Scholarship Endowment Mary and Pepa Sostarich Scholarship Fund Nikola Spoljar Scholarship Fund "Ban Jelacic" Lodge 2 and "Croatian Mountaineers" Lodge 745 Scholarship Fund Mary E. Roper Fund "St. Vid" CFU Lodge 307 West Brownsville Pennsylvania Fund Mary Krilich Joyce Fund
Source www.croatianfraternalunion.org
Throughout its history, the Croatian Fraternal Union of America has participated in humanitarian programs to assist its members, the Croatian people and those in need when disaster strikes. The Society was in the forefront of activity in helping to organize the labor unions in the 1930's and has continued to aid and encourage people in their struggles for a better life.
The Croatian Fraternal Union has made substantial contributions toward the relief of human suffering wherever and whenever disaster has struck in the United States and other parts of the world. These contributions were made either in direct grants generally funded through member donations or through the American Red Cross or other authorized agencies. The needy and/or those who suffered as a result of great catastrophes have been the beneficiaries of the CFU's generosity from the very beginning of its existence. CFU continues charitable contributions to civic and educational programs which benefit children in the Pittsburgh community, home of the CFU headquarters, as well as for national programs to aid victims of tragedy in various regions of the US and Canada.
The single most significant effort of the CFU Humanitarian Fund was aid to the citizens impacted by the Croatian War for Independence beginning in 1991. In this particular effort, the Croatian Fraternal Union provided over $150 million of humanitarian aid in the form of medicines and medical equipment, food and clothing, transportation and funds for the rebuilding of hospitals, orphanages and churches.
The CFU Humanitarian Fund remains in operation under the leadership of CFU National President Bernard M. Luketich, with all humanitarian requests referred to the CFU Executive Board for consideration.
In 1992, the CFU entered into an agreement with the DORA Foundation in Croatia to provide financial support for war orphans. To date the Foundation has supported over 655 war orphans and has collected more than $1,166,300 for their support.
The CFU has also partnered with the Croatian American Cultural and Economic Alliance (CACEA) supporting the Angel’s Fund program. This program provides financial support to those in dire need of medical attention and intervention.
Much of the support and humanitarian aid granted to those in need is a collective effort made by CFU Members on a national, regional and local level.
Source www.croatianfraternalunion.org
| Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić Distributed by www.Croatia.org . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!
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