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MEETING G2.2 10-12 October 2016 in Zagreb invitation to Croatia and its diaspora for new business opportunities
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  08/11/2016 | Education , Companies , Business | Unrated
Preparing for the Croatia - Croatian diaspora event, G-2.2 Meeting in the Forum Center Zagreb 10-12 October 2016.

Josip Hrgetić, director of the Forum Center in Zagreb, describing the aims of the forthcoming G2.2 Conference 10-12 October 2016

Our Mission: To connect Croatians abroad with people and business opportunities in Croatia via practical online and offline knowledge-sharing, matchmaking and networking forums.

Our Vision: A future where possibilities, opportunities and dreams of doing business with or in the homeland will drive a new era of Croatian economic development, growth and productivity.

G-2.2 Meeting takes place in the Forum Center in Zagreb
from 10th till 12th October 2016.

Mara Vitols Hrgetić, Program director of the G2.2 Conference, on the right Lidija Šimrak i Antun Krešimir Buterin, advisers of  G-2.2.

On the left Aco Momčićović, advisor and coordinator of the G2.2 Conference

Organizing Committee of the G2.2 Conference

Josip Hrgetić, Project Director
Mara Hrgetić, Program Director
Aco Momčilović, Adviser / Coordinator
Lidija Šimrak, Marketing and Development Consultant
Antun Krešimir Buterin, Professional Associate
Don Markušić, Legal Adviser
Anamaria Kreković, Associate / Interpreter
Damian Bazan-Mamić, Associate / Media

Jadranka (Adriana Erica) Relota, Dubravka Frković from Argentina and Stjepan Asić from Australia.

One of focused panel discussions: Joseph Gene Petrić, Alen Matanić, Antonija Nina Škoro and Žarko Tomašić

Panel discussion

After launching the G2 Project and announcing the MG2.2 Conference at the gathering for the Pre-Meeting: Croatians Together in Business, on 29th June 2016 at the Forum Congress Centre in Zagreb, an interesting panel discussion was held entitled ‘Strengthening Business Ties between Croatians at Home and Abroad’.

Vice President of Transparency International Croatia and President of the Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce, Don Markušić, kicked off the panel discussion by reminding everyone of the conclusions and recommendations of last year’s Meeting G2.1 gathering which are based on improving the investment climate. ‘We do not have to wait until everything is fixed in order to invest in Croatia. There are many young people who are succeeding in Croatia even during these difficult times. There is great interest regarding investment in the Republic of Croatia and the diaspora can play a major role in this regard. Croatian entrepreneurs must not be afraid but must make the most of our people abroad just as Mlinar did when opening a franchise in Australia.’

Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs, Joseph Gene Petrić, himself a representative of second generation Croatian emigrants, spoke of the Ministry’s plans to strengthening commercial and economic diplomacy. He emphasised that there exists political consensus amongst the current and previous governments in this regard and that trade and commercial policy goes through the backdoor with foreign policy. ‘We are moving towards creating new positions and people must also be informed. It is much easier for me, a market oriented person who is born in the USA, than for people who have lived their whole lives here’ believes Gene Petrić.

Representatives from the State Office for Croatians Abroad also participated in the panel discussion with Antonija Nina Škoro pointing out that working to preserve language is a key factor without which there cannot even be economic growth whilst Alen Matanić described all of the efforts that are being made to strengthen cooperation with Croatians abroad.

Žarko Tomašić, Head of the Croatian World Congress Germany’s Economic Working Group, advocates strengthening trust between Croatians at home and abroad ‘The diaspora continues to have great interest in investing in Croatia. Of course, there are also strong emotional ties with the Homeland so that we would all prefer to make money in a country that we love more. Nevertheless, one must be wise with one’s money and it must never again come into the wrong hands. We have learned from the past that many become lost in the jungle of Croatian bureaucracy and returned home with negative experiences. That is precisely why this G2 stage offers solutions and the regaining of that lost trust’ said an optimistic Tomašić.

The Organisers invite all those interested to register for the Meeting G2.2 Conference: Croatians Together in Business. More detailed information can be found on the new portal at as well as on our official Conference website at .


An interview with Josip Hrgetić, director of the Forum Center

Josip Hrgetić

Born in Caracas Venezuela, of Croatian   parents. He was always linked with the Croatian community in Venezuela.

President of Croatian Youth (1983-1990) and Vice President of Croatian Club (2001-2004) in Venezuela.

He attended the first World Congress of Croatian Youth in Exile (Paris 1985) and also the second one (Toronto 1987).

Organized political lobby for Croatia in Venezuela. As a result of this work, Venezuelan Congress was  the first one in the world to recognize the independence of Croatia.

Representative of Croatian World Congress for Venezuela  (2006) and for South America (2014-present)

Graduated  in Business Management at the Faculty of Economics, Universidad Santa Maria in 1986. He worked in the fields of construction and real estate for 10 years.

Founded the first meeting center in Caracas, FORUM Zagreb (1996) with more than 33,000 events in 20 years.

Founded another family business in Croatia, FORUM Zagreb Congress Center (2012).

Married in 1987. Wife Mara Vitols, children Petar (25), Anna Mara (23) and Kristian (20). 


A friendly and relaxed atmosphere at the Forum Centre after the official part of the meeting

Jadranka (Adriana Erica) Relota on the left, born in Buenos Aires, university professor of Mathematics, now living in Croatia, Dubravka Frković from Buenos Aires next to her.
Second from the right, Stjepan Asić from Australia, Melbourne, former president of the Croatian World Congress.

Adriana Relota: Croacia y su folkolre

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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