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Ivica Kostelic & Natko Zrncic-Dim sang Croatian Anthem in Chamonix France 2011
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  02/1/2011 | Sports , Education | Unrated
Ivica & Natko won the first two places in slalom skiing

Ivica Kostelić and Natko Zrnčić-Dim celebrating the joint victory: the second and the first places in slalom, Chamonix, France, Jan. 30, 201. Photo Reuters

Ivica Kostelić and Natko Zrnčić-Dim on the winning podium, singing Croatian National Anthem together. Photo by Reuters.

    Lijepa naša domovino,
    Oj junačka zemljo mila,
    Stare slave djedovino,
    Da bi vazda sretna bila!

    Mila, kano si nam slavna,
    Mila si nam ti jedina.
    Mila, kuda si nam ravna,
    Mila, kuda si planina!

    Teci Savo, Dravo teci,
    Nit' ti Dunav silu gubi,
    Sinje more svijetu reci,
    Da svoj narod Hrvat ljubi.

    Dok mu njive sunce grije,
    Dok mu hrašće bura vije,
    Dok mu mrtve grobak krije,
    Dok mu živo srce bije!

    Our beautiful homeland,
    Oh dear heroic land,
    Our father's ancient glory,
    May you be blessed forever.

    Beloved, you are our sole glory,
    Beloved, you are our only one,
    Beloved, where you are plain,
    Beloved, where you are mountain

    Drava, Sava, flow on,
    Nor you Danube, lose your power,
    Deep blue sea, tell the world,
    That a Croat loves his people.

    Whilst the sun warms his fields,
    Whilst winds lash his oak trees,
    Whilst his lost ones are with grave covered,
    Whilst his living heart beats.

Men's World Cup combined, Chamonix, France, Jan. 30, 2011

  1. Ivica Kostelic, Croatia
  2. Natko Zrnčić-Dim, Croatia
  3. Aksel Lund Svindal, Norway
  4. Kjetil Jansrud, Norway
  5. Silvan Zurbriggen, Switzerland
  6. Ondrej Bank, Czech Republic
  7. Dominik Paris, Italy
  8. Paolo Pangrazzi, Italy
  9. Chrifstof Innerhofer, Italy
  10. Beat Feuz, Switzerland

Ivica Kostelic ended January just as he started it off, though perhaps a bit more dramatically. The Croatian World Cup leader took control of the slalom leg of the Chamonix super combined Jan. 30 to make up a 2.5 second disadvantage for his seventh win of the month.

Teammate Natko Zrnčić-Dim gave the small Croatian team a sweep of the top two positions,  the first time in the team's history it has accomplished the feat. Norway's Aksel Lund Svindal, looking to get back into the race for the overall Cup title, placed third.

With no racers in the top 30 after the first (downhill) leg of the Chamonix combined, the U.S. had dismal chances to score but Will Brandenburg posted a strong slalom run to move to 22nd for the day.

Ben Thomsen gave Canada two points in 29th to avoid a score sheet whiteout.

The win opened up Kostelic's lead of the overall standings to 475 points and gave him the combined crown.

Chamonix (FRA), 30.01.2011.
Ivica and Natko 'speachless'
Ivica Kostelić and Natko Zrnčić-Dim after Croatia's '1-2' in today's Chamonix supercombined event.

"There are no words for this, I am totally speachless! Can life get any better than this? I was crying under emotions!

After the downhill I was soooo angry! And I knew, I felt, that I really have to make a perfect slalom run, if I wanted a high ranking in today's race. There was absolutely no room for calculations. And that is what I then did. I gave it all, total 100% of my abilities in that slalom run!

I went all to the edge, there was not even 2 or 3% of a performance lack that I usually put in just for the case of not to make a DNF. And it really paid off in the end...

Natko's result makes this victory to be double so sweet! My best friend right on the winners' podium just beside me. We sing Croatia's national anthem together - I mean - this is like the best day of my sporting career so far, maybe even ever" - those were the words from Ivica Kostelic.

And Natko?

"After those downhill DNFs in last couple of races, finally one great result! I am totally happy. Ivica and me, just after we saw that Aksel was 3rd, we just went on the ground, and we were crying our eyes out! This means so much for us, and for Croatia's alpine skiing in general.

And for me - I was already a few times 3rd in (super)combined events - it was really time to make that progress to one 2nd place! Such a great feeling, being with Ivica on the podium, singing our national anthem... Really unbelievable, and the moment you keep inside your heart for the rest of your life".


Natko Zrnčić-Dim, Croatian skier, 22 years old. Note the Croatian Coat of Arms on his helmet.
Photo by Reuters

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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