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Ivan Hrvoic Croatian scientist, inventor, entrepreneur and benefactor in Canada
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  05/16/2014 | About us , Human Rights , Science , People , Friends In Action , Education , Companies , Business | Unrated
His company Geo Systems, Inc. is the world leader in production of magnetometers

Dr. Ivan Hrvoić, distinguished Croatian scientist, inventor, entrepreneur and benefactor.
Photo from Gaudeamus No 1, 1990, p. 2., journal of AMCA Toronto,
The Association of Alumni and Friends of Croatian Universities in Toronto (AMCA - Alma Matris Croaticae Alumni)

Ivan Hrvoić is Croatian scientist, inventor and entrepreneur, living in Canada, born in 1937 in Trebarjevo Desno near the town of Sisak in Croatia. He finished high school in Zagreb and graduated at the Electrotechnical Faculty of the University of Zagreb with the diploma of engineer in electronics in 1961. He earned his MSc degree in 1964 in Applied Physics in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, and his PhD in 1972 dealing with the problem of applications of nuclear magnetic resonance for measuring weak (Earth) magnetic field. In 1972 he emigrated to Canada.

From 1961 to 1972 he worked at the Ruđer Bošković Insitute in Zagreb on problems and instrumentation of nuclear magnetic resonance. From 1972 to 1980 he worked at the Development Laboratories of Geophysical Companies in Toronto on the development of new instrumentation.

In 1980 he incorporated his own company GEM systems, Inc. in Toronto, developing and producing magnetometers for surveys of the Earth magnetic field for magnetic observatories, searching for minerals, diamonds, oil, studies of volcanoes, earthquaqes, archaeological research, meteorolgy, etc. Today GEM System is the World leader in its special field and Ivan Hrvoić is one of the leading experts for measurements of Earth magnetic field.

Ivan Hrvoić was the president of AMCA (Alma Matris Croaticae Alumni) society of former students of the University of Zagreb, Toronto Chapter, in the period of 1990-1995. His activities were important for systematically spreading the truth about Croatia in Canada, and in particular among members of Canadian Governemnt and Parliament, as well as in Canadian media. He had numerous public appearances in Toronto and organized public polemics with representatives of Canadian state and media.

Besides this, he partipated in and organized a systematic material and humanitarian help to Croatia during its 1990-1995 defense. He also donated two magnetometers to the Mining and Geological Faculty of the University of Zagreb, as well as a special instrumentation (global positioning device and red spectrum transceiver) for the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia.

In the Social and Political areas, Ivan Hrvoić was Vice-president of HDZ in Toronto, president of AMCA Toronto, president of Canadian - Croatian Congress for Toronto Region, as well as president and a Committee member of the Canadian - Croatian Library in Streetsville. In Croatia he is a member of the Society of the Croatian Dragon Brotherhood and the Society Macelj 1945. He is supporting a number of welfare projects and cases in Croatia and Canada.

For more details, see [Benković, Hrvoić, Book 2, pp. 157 and 639]. Many thanks to Professor Ana Marija Grancarić, University of Zagreb, for her kind information about this book.

See also Ivan Hrvoić

Want the power of the latest technology in magnetics without the price? GEM's GSM-19 Overhauser Magnetometer/Gradiometer delivers all of the advantages of optically pumped magnetometers and gradiometers plus the parameters that are of priority to you as a user of magnetics data ... high quality data, cost control and ruggedness. Visit for more information!

The worldwide application of airborne magnetic and gradiometric data is growing, driven by demand for high-resolution, low cost data to: • Map targets, geology and geologic structure in Mineral Exploration and Mineral Prospecting • Perform frontier evaluation, augment seismic data in Hydrocarbon Exploration • Detect Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) • Map pipelines and other cultural objects in Environmental and Engineering investigations • Map aquifers and faults in Groundwater work

Ivan Hrvoić: Povijest AMCA - Toronto

Hrvoje Hitrec: Dragocjeni hrvatski dokumenti iz Kanade - Almae Matris Croatiae Alumni Ogranak Toronto

Dr. Ivan Hrvoic is the CEO and President of GEM. A recognized leader in the field of physics, geophysical instrumentation, and electronics, Dr. Hrvoic brings a unique insight into addressing client’s issues and developing systems that deliver the best data available. He is also the Technology Leader for the company. Source

Marija Slišković, Ivan Hrvoić: WOMEN IN THE HOMELAND WAR: The power of love: to do good, 390 pp., 2010, ISBN-10: 1-4500-7206-2 / 1450072062, ISBN-13: 978-1-4500-7206-9 / 9781450072069

Ivan Hrvoić diplomirao je na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 1961. godine na smjeru slabe struje. Akademski stupanj magistra znanosti stekao je obranom magistarskog rada Granice osjetljivosti nuklearne magnetske rezonancije 1964. godine, a doktorat znanosti disertacijom Mjerenje slabih magnetskih polja dinamičkom polarizacijom protona 1972. godine na istom fakultetu.

Od 1961. do 1972. godine radio je na Institutu Ruđer Bošković na problemima i instrumentaciji nuklearne magnetske rezonancije (NMR) uglavnom za Odjel radiovalne spektroskopije Instituta (spektrometar za izotop kisika 17, spektrometar visokog razlučivanja, poboljšanje rada elektronske paramagnetske rezonancije (EPR) i NMR uređaja, niskošumna parametarska pojačala i dr.).

Od 1972. do 1980. radi u razvojnim laboratorijima geofizičkih poduzeća u Torontu na razvoju nove instrumentacije – magnetometara za magnetsko polje Zemlje, elektromagnetskih sistema za traženje minerala, gravimetara, detektora gama-zraka za detekciju urana i torija i dr.

Dr. Ivan Hrvoić, s hrvatskim grbom koji je dobio na dar godine 1995.
u restoranu "Croatia", Mississauga, na kraju svojeg mandata kao predsjednika udruge AMCA Toronto u Kanadi.
Fotografija iz časopisa Guadeamus br. 15, 1995., str. 3., koji je objavljivala AMCA Toronto.

Godine 1980. osniva vlastito poduzeće GEM systems, Inc. za mjerenje zemaljskog magnetskog polja za magnetske opservatorije, traženje minerala, dijamanata i nafte, za studije vulkana i potresa, za arheološka istraživanja, metrologiju itd. To su skalarna mjerenja bazirana na fizici NMR i EPR: protonskoj i elektronskoj precesiji (klasični i oni zasnovani na Overhauserovu efektu, protonski te kalijevi elektronski magnetometri). Svi ti instrumenti imaju vrlo visoku apsolutnu točnost te se smatraju sekundarnim standardima za mjerenje slabog magnetskog polja.

Magnetometri zasnovani na Overhauserovu efektu danas su standardi za skalarna mjerenja vektora magnetskog polja na magnetskim opservatorijima u svijetu, a kalijev magnetometar pomaknuo je metrološku granicu osjetljivosti mjerenja magnetskog polja na oko 30 fT (femtoTesla), postavio nova standarde u arheologiji,  potrazi za mineralima i naftom, te omogućio nov pristup studijama potresa, atmosferskih procesa i nizu drugih finih promjena u veličini magnetskog vektora.

GEM Systems, Inc.  danas je vodeće poduzeće u svojoj specijalnosti, a dr. sc. Ivan Hrvoić jedan je od vodećih stručnjaka u svijetu za probleme mjerenja magnetskog polja Zemlje.

GEM's GSMP-35 uses a cell containing Potassium vapour. Electron precession frequency is obtained from a single spectral line allowing for highest sensitivity and absolute accuracy in comparison with other competing products. Potassium does not "wander" across spectra as does cesium which results in minimal "drop-outs" and overall better quality data. For more information, please visit

Znanstveni interesi dr. Ivana Hrvoića

  • Geofizička istraživanja, posebno magnetometrija Zemljinog polja.
  • Skalarna kvantna magnetometrija slabih magnetskih polja.
  • Dizajn i realizacija praktičkih instrumenata za geofizička istraživanja, magnetske observatorije, vulkanološka i arheološka istraživanja, supergradiometra za istraživanja potresa.
  • Superiorna kompetencija i najviši tehnički nivo u području instrumentacije za mjerenje Zemljinih polja.
  • Uvođenje novih standarda mjerenja u svjetskim razmjerima.


Interview: dr. Ivan Hrvoić

Marijan Ožanić: Velikani hrvatske znanost

Dr. Ivan Hrvoić with Damir Borovčak in Croatia's capital Zagreb,
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and computing, in 2016.

Many thanks to Professor Ana Marija Grancarić, University of Zagreb,
for her kind information about the mentioned book [Benković, Hrvoić].

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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