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(E) DIFF wraps in Dubrovnik, The Festivity Town
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  07/5/2005 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
(E) DIFF wraps in Dubrovnik, The Festivity Town


DIFF, 3rd International Film Festival in Dubrovnik 2005 hosts Christopher
Walken, Emily Watson, Peter Medak and John Hurt among other notable guests


DIFF Festival Awards
Two outstanding awards of the festival LIBERTAS AWARD were given to
Christopher Walken and Peter Medak, in a spirit of extraordinary
achievement and ARGOSY AWARD which was given to Emily Watson for
outstanding individual in the realm of filmmaking.

The essential goal of DIFF Dubrovnik International Film Festival 2005,
25-29 of May, is independent film screening and among all, presentation of
film talents. Even though, its only 3rd year of its existence, City of
Dubrovnik is presenting the festival as the part of one cultural and
historical festival summer events. Dubrovnik in Croatia is well known in
world for its cultural and historical venues. Tradition and culture in this
beautiful little coastal town, perfectly fits into the everyday life. So,
what does this festival distinguishes from all other, beside its
international character?
The festival offers an exquisite opportunity to meet celebrities and
relevant names and of course promotes cinema of ex Yugoslavia and nowadays
Croatia. Naturally, City of Dubrovnik and Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Croatia supports this important international cultural event in
order to increase international awareness of the festival, set in this
beautiful little town, Dubrovnik. Within this information, the Dubrovnik’s
film club is reformed now by younger generation of local filmmakers, in
order to promote art and interest of filmmaking.

DIFF Festival Program
DIFF Dubrovnik International Film Festival, started with “Ladies in
Lavander� directed by Charles Dance with Maggie Smith and Judi Dench, and
has been closed with action film by Breck Eisner “Sahara� starring with
Matthew McConaughey and Penelope Cruz. Festival program included, out of
competition “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy� by Garth Jennings and “The
Woodsman� by Nicole Kassel starring with Kevin Bacon. Beside an official
program of the feature and documentary films in the competition, festival
held official program of feature, animated and Croatian films out of the
competition and Vatroslav Mimica Retrospective of films from 60s, as an
important part of formal Yugoslavian film opus.

DIFF Festival Screenwriting Panels
Beside other events, screenings and press conference DIFF Dubrovnik Film
Festival held two very important Screenwriting Panels on a subject of film,
literature and publicity: Books Into Films held by panelist John Hurt well
known British actor, Dr. James Ragan, the Dean of the USC Master of
Professional Writing Program, Hugh Linchean an entertainment editor of the
Irish Times, Marvin Siegel New York Times editor, Hilary Heath UK film
producer, Oren Jacoby, Peter Medak film director (Negatives, A Day in the
Death of Joe Egg, The Ruling Class, The Krays, Let Him Have It, Romeo is
Bleeding), Daniel Rosenthal editor of Variety International Film Guide “the
best annual guide to world cinema� by The Observer and film and theatre
critic, also moderator of all panels, discussions and press conferences of
the festival. Another screenwriting panel A Look at European and American
Storytelling was held by Dr. James Ragan, Gregory Widen well known film
director and writer (Highlander, The Prophecy, Backdraft, Tales from the
Crypt), Andrew Dean (Joan of Arc, Miracles, See Spot Run, Whispers in the
Dark) television and film producer of Industry Entertainment and Mile
Rupcic the winner of Hartley Merrill International Screenwriting Prize. The
discussions were debating the difference between European and American
Storytelling and their meeting points and getting Books into Films, about
the best ways to adopt book into film.

DIFF Festival Jury
The selection of films and entire cinema program of the festival reflects
consciousness of a film current in the past few years. Within its rather
small festival international character, (Dubrovnik International Film
Festival) DIFF’s selection of the films goes for about 15 countries, couple
of film cooperation including: UK, USA, China, Germany, Italy, Macedonia,
Sweden, Poland, Chile, Spain, Netherlands, Austria, Australia and Croatia.

Regarding the fact that Dubrovnik International Film Festival is a small
festival in small country, I think we should consider DIFF Jury for feature
film: Mark Shivas UK TV and film producer, Sheamus Smith producer and
former Film Censor of Irish Film Board, Gregory Mosher producer, Director
of Columbia University of US Arts Initiative, Andrew Dean, film producer,
manager, partner in LA Industry Entertainment, Regina Dantas CEO of USA
Bossa Entertainment of New York, Maya Gregl from Croatian Television and
Maryte Kavaliauskas, the film director.
Jury for documentary film: Kiril Raylogov and Gregory Widen film director
and scriptwriter from USA. Also in the jury of the festival, Croatian
winner of Hartley Merrill International Screenwriting Prize, among 23 other
countries in the competition, Mile Rupcic, Foundation’s Board of Directors
Dina Merrill, Dr.James Ragan the Dean of USC Master of Professional
Screenwriting Program and Founding Member of Foundation Ted Hartley.
Founding members of The Hartley Merrill Foundation are: Ted Hartley, George
Kirgo, Dina Merrill, Nikita Mikhalkov, Lord David Putnam, Robert Redford,
Lina Wertmuller, Sir David Williamson.

Out of films presented in Competition of DIFF, 3rd Dubrovnik International
Film Festival, the International Jury awards are:

BEST FILM: ‘Frozen� : Directed by Juliet McKeon (UK)
BEST DIRECTOR: ‘Zhoorek� Directed by Ryszard Brylski (POLAND)
BEST SCREENPLAY: “Oprosti za Kung Fu� Written and Directed by Ognjen
Svilicic (CROATIA)
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY: “Frozen� Cinematography by Philip Robertson (UK)

“Sve pet� Directed by Dana Budisavljevic (CROATIA)
“Phaid� Directed by Chris Frey (USA)
“Golemata voda� Directed by Ivo Trajkov (MACEDONIA)
Special Mention:
“Sve pet� Directed by Dana Budisavljevic (CROATIA)

Chistopher Walken
Peter Medak

Emily Watson

DIFF Festival Competition Films
In the official competition of the festival, these films won:

“Frozen� by Juliet McKeon & Jayne Steel
UK, (2004)
DIFF’s Best Film Award.

“The Great Water� by Ivo Trajkov
Audience’s Award .
Film is set in post II World War Macedonian orphanage home whose real
purpose was not looking after of children, but their political
indoctrination. This is the official submission of Macedonia to the Academy
Awards, and its about 12 years old orphan Lem, who was captured by
partisans and brought to an abandoned factory where orphans of people who
were against communism were kept. Locked up with hundreds of kids, he
barely comprehended the militaristic socio-communist regimen exercise.
Surrounded with dogma and cruelty Lem felt close to a new boy Isaac who
shined with beauty, dignity and preternatural calm. Soon enough Isaac and
Lem are getting involved with tragic chain of events among orphans, caused
by cruelty of dogmatic political convictions of the adults.
- Entire film shines on poetic visuals and very strong performances of
characters, which create unbelievable dreamscape.

“Zhoorek� by Ryszard Bryiski
Poland (2004)
DIFF’s Best Director Award.

“Sve 5� by Dana Budisaljevic
DIFF�s Best Documentary Award. Documentary about Lidija a prostitute and
porn star, a fascinated story about life of girl from small Catholic
society, from small Dalmatian town, to the sex shops in Amsterdam and porn
films, back to her small town…

“Phaid� by Chris Frey
Australia (2005)
Best Short Film Award.

“Sorry for the Kung Fu� by Ognjen Svilicic
Croatia (2004)
DIFF’s Best Screenplay Award. A young girl comes back from Western Europe
to Croatia pregnant to her conservative family in Dalmatinska Zagora. Her
parents are trying to find her husband in order to avoid the shame.


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