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» Business » Mate Rimac and his fastests electric car in the world in Wall Street International by Zdravko Basaric
Mate Rimac and his fastests electric car in the world in Wall Street International by Zdravko Basaric
Mate Rimac and his team of young experts make top quality bicycles, boats and super sport cars
Proud Mate Rimac, young Croatian enterpreneur, with his sensational supercar - Concept One vehicle.
Man, Invention, Machine When dreams become reality – the fastest electric car in the world
After my visit to the electric car factory in Sveta Nedelja, Croatia, I asked myself how many geniuses live in this world today? And how many geniuses have a chance to make or convert their idea into real material product?
I had a chance to meet and talk with a young inventor from Croatia (he is only 27), who owns a serious car factory; more precisely to say, this inventor made several incredible speed world records with his electric car. This young man is owner of numerous patents. His name is Mate Rimac, and it is obvious that his electric car has extreme technical performances. During our conversation for WSI Magazine, I asked Mate many questions about all that challenges the car industry today, especially when we talk about electric car industry, but answering my first question, what is the biggest challenge in his work, this inventor said convincingly: the time. I absolutely accept this words. Mate Rimac spends all day in the factory. All that time he thinks and calculates technical parameters which are very important for technical performances. Today in his car factory, Mate and his team of young experts (average age of employees is less than 30 years), make top quality bicycles, boats and super sport cars.
For example, Concept One has a brutal power of 1088 HP and the torque 1600 Nm, from 0 – 6500 rpm (this applies only for cars with electric engine!), acceleration 0-100 km/h (62mph) in only 2,8 seconds! This is a real 4WD car because every wheel has own electro engine and computer control with high precise sensors which manage this vehicle by precisely defined power. When I asked Mate, when did he start to work on his inventions, he answered me when he was 13. At the age of 17, he invented an electronic glove which can replace computer mouse. Several years letter, he invented a car mirror with special sensors for blind spot.
Mate sold this invention to the world’s car industry. Mr. Rimac considers that the future of the car industry will be based on mobility, and he believes that the car industry will be changed in the same way as mobile industry changed our habits when we talk about connections on Internet. In this world the oil is the source of energy No1, but super sport cars from Croatia say that today’s luxury sport cars with 8, 10, 12 even 16 cylinders receive strong competitors with extreme performances, even better than many models of Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche,… The glove is thrown, there remains only the question, how the knights of automotive industry will react on it. A knight from Croatia, Mate Rimac, is ready for race with the best.
Nenad Bach and his son Ivo by the Rimac car. Ivo Bach by the Rimac car.
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