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Dr. Hedvig Hricak distinguished Croatian expert in radiology and tumor diagnosis
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  05/16/2012 | Science , People , Education | Unrated
Completed her medical studies at the University of Zagreb, Croatia

Professor Hedvig Hrièak, distinguished Croatian scientist in the USA

Biography of Professor Hedvig Hrièak

Hedvig Hricak is Chairman of the Department of Radiology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. She holds a senior position within the Program of Molecular and Pharmacology Therapeutics at the Sloan-Kettering Institute and is Professor of Radiology at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University.

She earned her MD degree from the University of Zagreb and her Dr. Med. Sc. from the Karolinska Institute. Previously, she was a professor of radiology, radiation oncology, urology and gynecology at the University of California at San Francisco and was the chief of the abdominal section of the Department of Radiology at the UCSF Medical Center. She has helped develop applications in ultrasound, MR, and CT for gynecological cancer as well as MR and MR spectroscopy for prostate cancer. She continues to investigate diagnostic methods for cancer detection, staging, and management and is involved in developing clinical approaches for molecular imaging of cancer.

Dr. Hricak is President-Elect and Secretary Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). She served as President of the Society for Advancement of Women's Imaging (1997-1999), President of the California Academy of Medicine (1999), and President of the Society of Uroradiology (2000-2003). She was a member of the board of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and now serves on the Executive board of the Academy of Radiology Research. She is a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies and a fellow of the American College of Radiology, the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, and the Society of Uroradiology.

Dr. Hricak has authored or co-authored 328 peer-reviewed original research articles, 150 review/ editorial articles, and more than 130 book chapters. She has given 135 named or keynote lectures and has been a visiting professor at more than 30 institutions worldwide. In recognition of her career accomplishments, she has received the Marie Curie Award of the American Association of Women Radiologists, the gold medals of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and the Association of University Radiologists, the Béclère medal of the International Society of Radiology, and the Morocco Medal of Merit. She is an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists and an honorary member of the British Institute of Radiology, German Radiological Society, Austrian Roentgen Society, Croatian Society of Radiology, Journées Françaises de Radiologie and the Swedish Society of Medical Radiology. In 2005 she was awarded an honorary doctorate in medicine from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany.


Hedvig Hricak, MD, PhD
Chair, Department of Radiology; Carroll and Milton Petrie Chair

While serving as Chair of the Department of Radiology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, I continue to be involved in radiologic practice and research. I am a board-certified radiologist with expertise in cross-sectional anatomic and molecular imaging, particularly for gynecologic and prostate cancers. My research focuses on the evidence-based use of imaging in cancer management, including detection, treatment selection, treatment planning, and treatment follow-up. I am also interested in comparative effectiveness research and examining the impact of imaging on patient outcomes, including time to recurrence and overall survival. I have served on the advisory and editorial boards of numerous peer-reviewed journals and have published more than 345 peer-reviewed original research articles, more than 200 review articles, editorials, and book chapters, and 18 books.

I helped develop the use of MRI and CT for gynecologic cancers and the application of MRI and MR spectroscopy for prostate cancer. Currently, I am the principal investigator of a study funded by the National Institute’s of Health on the use of MRI, functional MRI, and MR spectroscopy for risk assessment in prostate cancer patients. In addition, I co-direct an R25T program, funded by the NIH/National Cancer Institute, that trains young scientists and physicians in oncologic molecular imaging. The program aims to prepare a new generation of imaging researchers to be at ease with both modern cancer biology and imaging techniques, so that they may lead the rapid development of molecular imaging as a tool for laboratory discovery and individualized clinical care in oncology.

I am a member of the Institute of Medicine. I have received the Marie Curie Award from the Society of Women in Radiology, the gold medals of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and the Association of University Radiologists, the Beclere medal of the International Society of Radiology, the Morocco Medal of Merit, and the Order of the Croatian Morning Star of Katarina Zrinska Presidential Award of Croatia. I am an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists; and an honorary member of the British Institute of Radiology, the German Radiological Society, the Austrian Roentgen Society, the Croatian Society of Radiology, the Journées Françaises de Radiologie, the Swedish Society of Medical Radiology, the Chinese Radiological Society, the Japanese Radiological Society, the Israel Radiological Association, and the Indian Radiological & Imaging Association. I am also a member of the Croatian Academy of Science and Art and hold an honorary doctorate in medicine from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany. Distinguished posts I have held include President of the California Academy of Medicine and President of the Radiological Society of North America.


Professor Hedvig Hrièak, the first woman to have been awarded an honorary doctorate in medicine
from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany.

Hedvig Hricak Named President of Radiological Society
Monday, February 1, 2010

Hedvig Hricak, Chair of Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s Department of Radiology and incumbent of the Carroll and Milton Petrie Chair, has been named the 95th President of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Board of Directors. Dr. Hricak has been a member of the RSNA Board of Directors since 2002, serving as liaison of publications and communications, and becoming president-elect in 2009.

Founded in 1916, the RSNA today has more than 44,000 members in 124 countries. Its mission is to advance healthcare by promoting research and education in biomedical imaging. Among the society’s publications is Radiology, the world’s premier medical imaging journal.

Each year in Chicago, the RSNA holds the world’s largest medical meeting, with more than 60,000 attendees. The theme of the RSNA 2010 annual meeting will be “Personalized Medicine: In Pursuit of Excellence,” with a focus on oncology.

Dr. Hricak is renowned internationally for her extensive research and clinical expertise in genitourinary and gynecologic imaging. She is a pioneer in the development of modern multimodality techniques for visualizing the structure and function of male and female genitourinary cancers. Among her many accomplishments are advances in diagnostic imaging used to evaluate prostate cancer and the continuous refinement of patient-specific radiologic guidelines, in which the choice of imaging procedure is tailored to the needs of individual patients. In 2002, Dr. Hricak was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, the nation’s most prestigious medical society.


Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko ®ubriniæ
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