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Branko Istvancic's film depicting Croatians wins Italian award
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  04/29/2009 | Education , Culture And Arts , Awards , People | Unrated
From Grain to Painting

Branko Ištvančić

Od zrna do slike / From Grain to Painting

demo with English subtitles

The aim of this demo (15 minutes) of creative documentary (up to 75 minutes) film From Grain to Painting / Od zrna do slike by Branko Istvancic is attempt to make an eternal memory about female straw artisans Croats called "Bunjevci", also known as "slamarke" (straw-girls), that have now become a minority nation in the north of Serbia, whereby, this is not only a tribute to this special art skill but also our way to inspire people to renew this skill and thereby preserve this cultural heritage which is gradually but surely disappearing. In HD this documentary would be showing the story about the straw knitters, straw artisans, which attract attention in their homeland as well as in the rest of the world by making pictures in straw technique.

Marija Vojnić: Deran i pivac;
source of the photo: Croatian cultural society "Matija Gubec" in Tavankut

Cast: Branko Ištvančić

Bunarman / Wellman insert

The main character of the documentary film "Wellman", Antun Gabajcek - Nuno, is one of the last practitioners of an old and dying profession. When requested, he digs water wells, but without the use of machinery. He exclusively uses tools that require hard physical labour. He is not working in this manner because he is capricious or stubbornly insists on tradition. He simply does it because there is no other way to do the job properly. In this film, the well man is fortifies the sides of a well with bricks to help the water flow and enhance its quality. Major physical effort is required to achieve that, as well as sophisticated methodology, an original strategy and many hand-made tools. This is precisely why Gabajcek is a good character for a documentary.

Cast: Branko Istvancic

Croatian director Branko Ištvančić and script writer Davor Šišmanović have won a top film prize in Italy.

The ‘Bunarman’ (Wellman) documentary won the special jury award at the 1st Delta Film Festival 2009 International Film and Video Festival in Italia.

'Bunarman', about one of the last practitioners of the dying profession of digging water wells without machinery, was produced by Croatian national television.

The pair will receive their award at a special ceremony to be held on 23 May in Bologna.

"Bunarmanu" nagrada u Italiji

Na prvome Delta Film Festivalu 2009. u Italiji filmu iz produkcije Dokumentarnog programa HRT-a Bunarmanu redatelja Branka Ištvančića i scenarista Davora Šišmanovića dodijeljena je specijalna nagrada ocjenjivačkog suda. Od trinaest odabranih radova, prva nagrada pripala je filmu Na rijeci redateljice Rosselle Schillaci, a druga filmu Jedan metar ispod ribe redatelja Michela Mellara i Alessandra Rossija. Svečana dodjela nagrada bit će 23. svibnja u dvorani Teatro di Adria Ferrini u Bologni. Cilj Delta Film Festivala je poticanje mlađih naraštaje na proizvodnju audiovizualnih djela te dokumentarnih i igranih filmova u delti Poa te općenito na sjevernom Jadranu. Film Bunarman sudjelovao je na više od 30 međunarodnih festivala. Dobitnik je nagrade Oktavijan za najbolji dokumentarni film, nagrade za najbolju režiju na Danima hrvatskog filma 2003. te nagrade za najbolji dokumentarni film i najbolju režiju na festivalima u inozemstvu.


Berac kamena / The Stone Picker insert

The main character of this documentary is "the stone picker" one of the last dancers on the Mediterranean rocky ground and practitioners of an old and dying profession. When requested, he works in his old stone-pit, but without the use of machinery. He exclusively uses tools that require hard physical labour. He is not working in this manner because he is capricious and stubbornly insists on tradition. He simply does it because there is no other way to do the job properly. Major physical effort is required to achieve that, as well as sophisticated methodology, an original strategy and many hand-made tools as silent dance on the rocky ground. This is precisely why he is such a good character for a documentary with no dialog. This documentary searches for the answer to the question, how can such a hard way to earn a living produce such a unique and wonderful person in authentic Mediterranean nature and landscape...

Cast: Branko Istvancic

Plasitelj kormorana / The Cormorant Scarecrow, Part 1 insert
Part 2

"The Cormorant Scarecrow is a black humour real life story and for many was the best Croatian documentary in 1990-es."

Kino klub Zagreb, Young Croatian Documentary

The aim of the film The Cormorant Scarecrow is neither an analysis of an economic problem nor a search for a solution. The film simply aims at telling the story about an occupation, unusual not only in that it is rare, but also in that it is in itself complete, one might even say self-sufficient. It is, in fact, "life on a small scale", a microcosm that is disappearing. To guard a fishpond and scare away the distant cormorants is not only a job, but also a form of an obsession that does not end at the close of the working day.

Cast: Branko Istvancic

Teta Liza / Aunty Lisa, Part1 insert
Part 2

A film about Elizabeta Toplek, a folk singer specialising in the authentic folk songs from Medjimurje, in northern Croatia. Elizabeta, who comes from the village of Donja Dubrava in Medjimurje, was given the name Aunty Liza by children from the local school where she worked as a cook for many years. Although now retired, Elizabeta still makes public appearances, supervises the younger members of the local folk ensemble and conducts a small choir of local female pensioners. When this Croatian Cesaria Evora sings for an audience, there is not a dry eye in the house.

Cast: Branko Istvancic

Duh u mocvari / The Ghost in the Swamp

The film's story unfolds with the unique landscape of Kopacki rit as the backdrop. Over and above the snow-covered Baranja houses with stork nests adorning their chimneys, the unique spirit of the local people, the sounds of tamburitzas and dulcimers and the olds hunters - those precious guardians of nature's treasures, the children experience an unforgettable adventure. They get to know the wonder of local varieties of flora and fauna as well as the importance of protecting the environment and the animals that live in it. The screenplay was written according to the book by the same title by the popular children's writer Ante Gardas, whose heroes Miron, Melita and others many have grown up with. "The Ghost in the Swamp" is part of the required reading for fourth graders in Croatia. In addition to being an exciting children's story, "The Ghost in the Swamp" educates and serves as a good example for children. Hence, it has been chosen to mark the comeback of feature-length films for children, which have not been made by the Croatian film industry for the last twenty years.

Making of the film

Cast: Branko Istvancic

Fair play

Fair Play (one minute film) is accidentally shot a movie in one take by mobile phone in one day in Sarajevo. One city, one ball, a plastic bottle and some garbage in the never ending game messy and in circle with no results, although it seems the chances are equal. During the shooting of my new documentary in Sarajevo I was walking near the river Miljacka when I saw this amazing scene in water: one ball, one plastic bottle, and some garbadge were in never ending game and I recorded it and called it: Fair Play!

1st award FILMMOB Porec 2008 Croatian festival films for mobile phones

Cast: Branko Istvancic

Saying Goodbye / Rastanak with English subtitles
13. ožujak 2009 11:50

Saying Goodbye / Rastanak with English subtitles

This is a short fiction film about young couple who are parting at the railway station. He's catching a train to the marine. But with delay of the train their love begins to vanish and saying goodbye...

screenwriter and director BRANKO ISTVANCIC





Kratki igrani film bez dijaloga o jednom ljubavnom paru koji se rastaje na kolodvoru, ali zbog kašnjenja vlaka njihova ljubav iščezava...

scenarist i redatelj: BRANKO IŠTVANČIĆ

snimatelj: VEN JEMERŠIĆ

montažerka: DUBRAVKA TURIĆ

skladatelj glazbe: LADISLAV TULAČ


Cast: Branko Istvancic


Film and TV director

He was born in Subotica, in 1967 from family of Croatian minority Bunjevci in Bačka. He graduated film and TV direction in 1999 at Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb capital of Croatia. Making his first, documentary films on 8 mm camera at 15 with his first Hungarian film teacher Zoltan Siflis from Subotica, he has continuously been involved with documentary films and has received Croatian as well as international rewards for his work - The Grand Prix at Croatian Short and Documentary Film Festival, "Oktavijan" and "Zlatna Uljanica" being among them. His student short fiction Saying Goodbye / Rastanak was included in the New Direction programme of The First Film Foundation in London, a selection of six outstanding films by promising European directors. Deeply enrooted in the Croatian documentary tradition, he pays special attention to the humane, but also humoristic, treatment of his subjects. His successfully film, Wellman / Bunarman (2003), continues this tradition, and elevates the simple story about a well digger to a level of the universal metaphor, but without the pretentious nature of many Croatian documentaries. The critics consider his film The Cormorant Scarecrow / Plasitelj Kormorana (1998) to be one of the best Croatian documentaries of the nineties. His debut The Ghost in the Swamp (with a large number of spectators in national cinemas in 2006) has been chosen to mark the comeback of feature-length films for children, which have not been made by the Croatian film industry for the last twenty years. He is member of Croatian Film Director's Guild.

GOVOR Predsjednika HKPD-a Matija Gubec g. Vladislava Suknovića iz Tavankuta, na otvorenju izložbe slika od slame u Zagrebu, u organizaciji Hrvatske Paneuropske unije i Udruge za potporu bačkim Hrvatima u Zagrebu 16. prosinca 2008. u Zagrebu pod nazivom KRHKA LJEPOTA - TRAJNA VRIJEDNOST:
Poštovane gospođe i gospodo, uvaženi gospodine Barišiću, gospodine Skenderoviću, g. Zeliću i gospođo Nekić, u ime naše udruge i svih Hrvata iz Vojvodine, upućujem iskrene pozdrave i veliku zahvalu svima koji ste večeras ovdje došli vidjeti i obodriti naš rad. Duga tradicija ove umjetnosti i svaka riječ o njoj i o svim umjetnicima i ljudima koji su je podigli na pijedestal koji danas ima, ne može me oteti dojmu, pristranosti i zahvalnosti i u isti tren divljenju dostojanstvenosti koju ona sobom nosi. Zato, kada bilježimo koju riječ ili treptaj zjenica kamere i govorimo o slami gdje smo rođeni i s koje smo potekli, gdje smo odgajani i gdje u počinak polazimo, uvijek se tu nađe mnogo našeg srca.

I dok Vam pogled zapinje na predivne slike krajolika u kome obitava nostalgična mašta umjetnica, duša neka Vam bude otvorena za toliku rječitost vječnosti, nadanja i sna. I kada govorimo o umjetnicama koje znoj u ljepotu pretvaraju, koje trud u radost utkaju i poštivanje s naklonom predaju, činimo to lagano i zlatno kao što rastu naša žita, činimo to dostojanstveno, tiho govoreći od umora i briga smrknutog i katkad nemilosrdnog neba ili teškog znojem natopljenog snoplja. Jedna slika tisuću riječi. Sve su ove slike otkinuti dijelovi naših života i bivanja, dio su našeg uspona i životnog ponosa. Njihov je jezik slikovit, ali ako se prepustite toj tišini i sami ćete otkriti koliko je rječita, puna priče i uspomena, puna čistoće i časti, ponosa i junaštva, puna povjerenja i bezumnih zanosa.

I dok htjedosmo darivati Vam ono najdragocjenije od nas, učinismo to upravo ovdje gdje znamo da med svojima smo i gdje znamo da ne manjka otvorenosti srca i širina duše. I dok ove iskrenošću nizane riječi privodim kraju, zaželjeh samo jedno reći, neka Vam ove slike budu naše zlatom podareno čestitanje Božićnih blagdana i neka ovo večeras ne bude samo medijska informacija, nego posjet i uspomena svojim najbližnjima.

Ladislav Suknović, dipl. iur.

Izložbu su otvorili:

Pavo Barišić, predsjednik Hrvatske Paneuropske unije Zagreb (HPEU)
Ladislav Suknović, predsjednik HKPD-a "Matija Gubec" Tavankut
Stjepan Skenderović, predsjednik Udruge za potporu bačkim Hrvatima Zagreb
Naco Zelić, zamjenik predsjednika Udruge za potporu bačkim Hrvatima Zagreb
Nevenka Nekić, dopredsjednica Hrvatske Paneuropske unije Zagreb (HPEU)
U glazbenom okviru sudjelovali su: Krešimir Ivančić (violina) i Ivan Tikvicki (gitara)

Izložba je bila otvorena do 16. siječnja 2009.

Ghost in the Swamp, children's film by Branko Ištvančić
invited to Los Angeles

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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