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Akademik Ante Glibota

Articles by this Author
» Marko Veselica 1936-2017 Croatian economist and politician passed away - article by Ante Glibota
By Akademik Ante Glibota | Published 02/20/2017 | Croatian spirituality , Human Rights , Science , Politics , History , Education | Unrated

Marko Veselica was distinguished Croatian economist and legendary human rights activist who spent 11 years in communist prisons in 1970s and 80s. We provide an article of his close colleague and friend Academician Ante Glibota, vicepresident of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and Humanity in Paris, written in Croatian language. We also provide the titles of some of Veselica's relevant books and studies.
» Croatia-Turkey 1:0 at EURO France 2016 on the Parc des Princes in Paris with anthological goal of Luka Modric
By Akademik Ante Glibota | Published 06/12/2016 | Sports , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
A difficult match of Croatia with Turkey at EURO France 16 ended with a win for Croatia, due to spectacular goal of Luka Modrić. Croatia has been dominant throughout the match, exhibiting high quality collective game, and the result could have been even more convincing for Croatia. This was an exceptionally good opening match, since the group in which Croatia competes is very tough. Except of Luka Modrić, Croatian team has several very experineced international players, like Modrić, Manđukuć, Rakitić, Perišić, Srna etc. Did You know that Raktić is not only amazing football player, but also an outstanding polyglot, speaking, except Croatian, also German, English, French and Castillian? On the photo, the flag of Croatian fans from the village of Lukoran on the island of Ugljan near the city of Zadar on Croatian coast.
» Ante Glibota i neke njegove muzeološke poruke i želje upućene najlipšem gradu na svitu Splitu
By Akademik Ante Glibota | Published 08/26/2015 | Tourism , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
G. Ante Glibota, dopredsjednik Europske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti, koji živi u Parizu, povjesničar umjetnosti i arhitekture visoke međunarodne reputacije, nekada i sam građanin grada Splita, nakon kraćeg boravka u najlipšem gradu na svitu tijekom srpnja 2015., daje vrlo kompetentnu ocjenu sadašnjeg stanja u muzeološkoj kulturi grada, kao i sugestije za rješavanje primjećenih problema, analizirajući Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika MHAS u Splitu, kao i  Meštrovićevu galeriju. Upozorava da Hrvatska mora inzistirati da znamenita Meštrovićeva mramorna skulptura Povijest Hrvata, koja već osam desetljeća stoji otuđena u Beogradu (gdje je došla posudbom), bude iz Srbije vraćena u grad Split, a prema želji velikog hrvatskog umjetnika iskazanoj u više navrata.
» Boris Ivandic Croatian painter in Berlin described in a representative monograph by Ante Glibota
By Akademik Ante Glibota | Published 02/10/2013 | Culture And Arts , People | Unrated
Boris Ivandić, Croatian painter, was born in Putesevica, in  Bosnia-Herzegovina, in 1951. Several books and many catalogues have been published about Ivandic’s work, as well as two bibliophile volumes in limited edition, with illustrations by Boris Ivandić and poems by Ante Glibota. His works are to be found in all the most important private and public collections throughout the world. Ante  Glibota prepared an extensive monograph about his work. Boris Ivandic lives and works in Berlin where he teaches in the Deutsche Akademie der Kunst. His wife Gabriele Binder is a famous costume designer.
» Open letter to Michel Platini, president of UEFA, from Ante Glibota
By Akademik Ante Glibota | Published 06/24/2012 | Sports , Opinions | Unrated
Modern technologies offer a perfect possibility to see the wrong action on a football ground, and to check who is playing sportingly and who is unfair. This would eliminate all possibilities of unfairness suspicion and avoid unjustified results. But you and your organization refuse this solution, to make your occult games and plays, persisting with unfairness and generating false results, as a way to give advantage to your protected nations, your favorite ones.
Croatian Constellation

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