Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Osijek, Varaždin, Đakovo, Opatija, Virovitica, Rab
Concert for Japan Zagreb, Lisinski Concert Hall, 4 March 2011, The Zagreb Philharmony
Concert for Japan Zagreb, 4 March 2011, The Rucner String Quartet
The winning silk kimono named Croatia has been made in Tokamachi in the memory of the Croatian national football team's presence during the World Cup 2002 in Japan. The Mayor's daughter has worn it for the Croatian ambassador's birthday.
The cake ...
... inspired by the roof of St. Mark's church in Zagreb, capital of Croatia.
Concert for Japan Zagreb, Lisinski Concert Hall, 28 March 2011
Stjepan Hauser perfoming Hungarian Rhapsody Op. 68 for Cello and Piano by David Popper. Concert for Japan, Lisinski Concert Hall Zagreb. (28.04.2011) Srebrenka Poljak - Piano
Pablo de Sarasate: Zigeunerwiesen (Gypsy Airs) Arranged for cello by Valter Dešpalj, Luka Šulić on cello Concert for Japan, Lisinski Concert Hall Zagreb. (28.04.2011) Srebrenka Poljak - Piano
To Japan with Love Zagreb, Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, Folklore Ensemble Lado, 29 May 2011, Croatian national songs and dances
Yamoto Drummers humanitarian concertfor Japan Zagreb, The Jelačić Square, 30 July 2011, Yamoto Drummers
Hands for Japan Split, Spaladium Arena, 12 April 2011, Gibonni, Luky, Jelena Rozga, Marijan Ban and many others
Humanitarian Concert for Japan Split, Museum of Croatian Archaeological Antiquities, 29 March 2011, Klapa choirs
Marijana, a famous Croatian tune by Vlaho Paljetak, interpreted by Seiji Tanaka in Japanese and Croatian!
Concert for Japan Dubrovnik, Rector's Palace, 4 April 2011, Croatian Baroque Ensemble and Laura Vadjon
A humanitarian concert for Japan in Dubrovnik
Izumi Yamaguchi is one of the most popular Japanese celebrities and her performances on the Japanese market contributed to the promotion of Croatia in that Far Eastern country. She was very impressed by the concerns and endeavours of the Croatian people to help repair damage from the earthquake.
- I live in Tokyo and I haven’t felt the horrors of the disastrous shaking of the earth in Japan, but we are all aware of the severity of the event. I was very surprised by messages from children I saw at the Japanese Embassy in Zagreb. I recorded them all and when I return to Japan, I will publish them in my blog - says Izumi Yamaguchi.
Jelka Tepšić, the Director of the Dubrovnik Tourist Board, announced that Izumi Yamaguch was to hold a concert as part of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival on 4 August and all the earnings will go to earthquake victims in Japan.
Izumi Yamaguchi singing in Croatia, in the city of Dubrovnik, accompanied by Klapa Linđo
Japanska estradna zvijezda, glumica i pjevačica Izumi Yamaguchi nastupila je u dubrovačkim Lazaretima i otpjevala Četiri stađuna, skladbu velikog Zdenka Runjića. Rekla je kako će kad se vrati u Tokio naučiti još hrvatskih pjesama. U to nema sumnje, budući da je Yamaguchi kupila CD Tereze Kesovije.
Humanitarian Concert for Japan Osijek, 5 June 2011, Croatian National Theatre
Concert for Japan Varaždin, 2 May 2011, Varaždin Quartet and Sonja Čanžur, mezzosoprano
Đakovo Heart for Japan Đakovo, Croatian House, 8 April 2011, Đakovo musicians
Humanitarian Concert for Japan Opatija, 8 July 2011, pianist Wakana Takahashi Wonda, soprano Mayumi Kamei, poet Slavica Šišara accompanied with Veljak family orchestra
Humanitarian Concert for Japan Virovitica, Češki dom, 2 July 2011, soprano Mayumi Kamei and pianist Wakana Takahashi Vondra, classical and Japanese songs
Concert for Japan Town of Rab on the island of Rab, 26 June 2011,pianist Wakana Takahashi Vondra and poet Slavica Šišara
This very nice photo taken in front of The Kwansei Gakuin University in Kobe tells us more than words can express. Musical interpretations of the famous Croatian tune U boj, u boj by Japanese choirs are indeed of amazing quality. The song is known in this country since 1919. For more details see U BOJ web page where you can also listen to it.
Japanese choir from Los Angleles singing U BOJ, U BOJ! in San Pedro, USA
Ambassador Dr. Drago Štambuk in Tokamachi last year during the 6th Croatia Cup, on the day of his birthday September 20, 2008.
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