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KAFKA'S FRIEND and FORGOTTEN SON by Miro Gavran go digital on Amazon |
By Ratimir Mocnaj |
Croatian Language , Education , Culture And Arts
Miro Gavran's novels available as digital books in English translation on Amazon
Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran in Zagreb in 2008. Many thanks to Mr Gavran for the photo.
KAFKA'S FRIEND by MIRO GAVRAN (Jun 8, 2011) - Kindle eBook Formats Buy new New from Used from Kindle Edition Auto-delivered wirelessly $4.00
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION. This novel tells the powerfully emotional story of the friendship between two writers – Franz Kafka and Max Brod – and of the women who determined their destinies. Love and literature are constantly intertwined in the lives of the sensitive heroes. The novel is set in Prague in the period from 1903 to 1924, and then during 1953 in Tel Aviv. The beginning of the 20th century and the years immediately subsequent to World War I are convincingly described, while the biographies of the well-known heroes – despite the extent to which the factography is respected – present an unexpected story in Gavran’s interpretation.
Format: Kindle Edition File Size: 112 KB Sold by: Amazon Digital Services Language: English ASIN: B00556BAJ4
Painting by Dimitrije Popović
Product Details FORGOTTEN SON by MIRO GAVRAN (Jun 8, 2011) - Kindle eBook Formats Buy new New from Used from Kindle Edition Auto-delivered wirelessly $4.00
PODUCT DESCRIPTION. Mislav, a slightly mentally-impaired young man of twenty, with the intelligence of a ten-year-old, is the hero of this novel. After 15 years spent in various institutions, the young man returns to his village family. His arrival is a shock for their neighbours. His younger brother and sister had not even known that they had a brother because their parents had kept it a secret from them all their lives. Mislav has a hard time adapting to the new environment and circumstances. Happily, a girl who lives nearby helps him to fit in to everyday life. A warm feeling of love blossoms between them, to the horrified reaction of the girl's father... The novel is written in the first person singular as the hero's diary, which exudes gentleness and human warmth.
When Forgotten Son appeared in bookshops in 1989, it was met with delight by both readers and critics, and the hard-cover 1st edition sold out in only nine months.
Forgotten Son has gone throught eight editions in Croatian. Translated and published in English, Slovenian, Spanish and German. Selected for THE IBBY HONOUR LIST 2002 in Basel, Switzerland.
MIRO GAVRAN is a contemporary Croatian author, born in 1961. His works have been translated into 35 languages, and his books have come out in 150 different editions at home and abroad. His dramas and comedies have had more than 200 theatre first nights around the world and have been seen by more than two million theatre-goers.
Format: Kindle Edition File Size: 152 KB Sold by: Amazon Digital Services Language: English ASIN: B00556BDVY
The most frequently translated contemporary Croatian writer, Miro Gavran, has published his novels Kafka's Friend and Forgotten Son in their English translation by Nina H. Kay-Antoljak as e-books on AMAZON, making them accessible with the Kindle electronic reader.
Forgotten Son, Gavran's first novel, has remained very popular among readers; it has a Croatian provincial setting and tells the story of a mildly mentally challenged twenty-year-old returning home. Gavran's most recent novel Kafka's Friend was published four months ago in Croatian and speaks of the relationship between the great writer Franz Kafka and his friend Max Brod, and bout the women who determined their destinies.
And while Forgotten Son has gone through seven editions in Croatian, has been published in German, Spanish and Slovenian, and placed on the IBBY HONOUR LIST in Basle, Switzerland, Kafka's Friend, although published very recently, is already being translated into several languages, and has been very well received by readers and the critics in Croatia.
Media support for publishing Gavran's e-books is being given by CROWN Internet in New York and the PRESSCUT Agency in Zagreb, while ITG in Zagreb has done the editing work. Both these novels are available in print form in the publications of Mosaic Books from Zagreb. To date, Miro Gavran has been translated into thirty-five languages and, with more than two hundred theatre first nights of his plays around the world, has been far and away the most performed Croatian playwright both at home and abroad over the last twenty years or so. See more on http://www.mirogavran.com
In connection with the publication of his e-books in English, Gavran told the PRESSCUT Agency: “As a child reared in the Guttenberg galaxy, I shall remain a reader of classically published books probably like the majority of people of my generation but, despite that, I could not resist this opportunity to make my writing available to young readers around the world, who have made the new technology their own. The speed with which books published in this manner can reach readers worldwide is fascinating. And by the way, AMAZON gives writers an incomparably higher percentage on sales than any publisher in any country in which books are printed”. Dimitrije Popović’s painting from his Kafka Cycle has been taken as the cover illustration of Kafka’s Friend, while the art work has been done by Maria Morić.
Najprevođeniji suvremeni hrvatski književnik Miro Gavran objavio je svoje romane KAFKIN PRIJATELJ („Kafka's Friend“) i ZABORAVLJENI SIN („Forgotten Son“) kao e-knjige na Amazonu na engleskom jeziku u prijevodu Nine H. Kay-Antoljak, čime su te knjige postale dostupne za čitanje na elektroničkom čitaču Kindleu.
„Zaboravljeni sin“ je prvi i u čitatelja iznimno omiljen Gavranov roman čiji je junak lakše mentalno retardiran dvadesetogodišnji mladić, a radnja mu se zbiva u hrvatskoj provniciji. „Kafkin prijatelj“ je posljednji Gavranov roman tiskan prije četiri mjeseca na hrvatskom jeziku i govori o odnosu velikog književnika Franza Kafke i njegova prijatelja Maxa Broda te o ženama koje su odredile njihovu sudbinu.
I dok je „Zaboravljeni sin“ do sada imao sedam izdanja na hrvatskom jeziku, a objavljen je i na njemačkom, španjolskom i slovenskom te je uvršten na IBBY HONOUR LIST u Baselu u Švicarskoj, „Kafkin prijatelj“, iako tek nedavno objavljen, već se prevodi na nekoliko jezika, a u Hrvatskoj je naišao na izrazito pozitivne kritike i naklonost čitatelja. Medijsku podršku objavi Gavranovih elektronskih knjiga pružaju internetski portal CROWN iz New Yorka i agencija PRESSCUT iz Zagreba, dok je uredničku obradu knjiga načinio ITG iz Zagreba.
Oba Gavranova romana na hrvatskom jeziku dostupna su u tiskanom obliku u izdanjima Mozaika knjiga iz Zagreba.
Miro Gavran je do sada preveden na trideset pet jezika, a s više od dvije stotine kazališnih premijera širem svijeta uvjerljivo je najizvođeniji hrvatski kazališni pisac u zemlji i inozemstvu u proteklih dvadesetak godina.
Više o njegovu radu možete doznati na http://www.mirogavran.com.
Povodom objavljivanja svojih elektroničkih knjiga na engleskom jeziku Gavran je za agenciju Presscut izjavio: „Kao dijete odgojeno u Guttenbergovoj galaksiji, ostat ću čitatelj klasičnih tiskanih knjiga vjerojatno poput većine ljudi iz moje generacije, ali unatoč tome nisam odolio učiniti svoja književna djela dostupnima mlađim čitateljima širom svijeta, koji su prihvatili novu tehnologiji kao nešto prirodno i dobrodošlo.
Fascinira brzina kojom na ovaj način objavljene knjige mogu biti dostupne i čitane na svim dijelovima kugle zemaljske. Usto, Amazon piscima daje neusporedivo veći postotak od prodaje nego što je slučaj s bilo kojim izdavačem u bilo kojoj zemlji koji objavljuje tiskane knjige.“
U dodatku vam šaljemo naslovnicu „Kafkina prijatelja“ za koju je korištena slika Dimitrija Popovića iz ciklusa o Kafki, dok dizajn potpisuje Marija Morić.
Prepared by Mr. Ratimir Mocnaj
Source www.croatia.org/forum
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