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Titanic shipwreck and 84 Croatian saviors out of 300 on Carpathia ship
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  02/14/2021 | People , In Memoriam , History , Education | Unrated
The 300 crew of Carpathia ship had as many as eighty four Croatian members

Titanic shipwreck. Carpathia ship (on the right bottom) arrived four hours later. The 300 crew of Carpathia had eighty four Croatian members
(i.e., almost one quarter of the entire crew was Croatian). Carpathia was connecting the city of Rijeka in Croatia with New York.

This monograph published by Slobodan Novković (Zagreb) in 2019
is the only one dedicated to Carpathia.

Summary. The best known shipwreck in history is that of Titanic in 1912. Another ship called Carpathia, connecting Rijeka in Croatia (then called Fiume) and New York came to its rescue. Eighty four memmbers out of 300 member crew of Carpathia were of Croatian origin. The source of this infromation is the only monograph dedicated to Carpathia and its brave crew; see the list of all members of the Carpathia crew):

Slobodan Novković: Carpathia, Brod heroj u sjeni Titanica, Rijeka 2019.
(translation of the Croatian title: Carpathia, Hero-Ship in the Shadow of Titanic, published in the city of Rijeka in 2019)

We now know many more details about them and about the drama of saving the lives of the Titanic passangers.

Duration of the corresponding film below, prepared in Croatia's capital Zagreb, is 47 min.

A Croatian lady Marija Bartowski from the city of Osijek was on Carpathia, and her diary describing in detail the events arround the shipwreck is preserved by her descendants.

On Titanic, there were 30 Croatian passangers, out of which 15 of them died. All of their names are known.

Many thanks to Mrs. Ljiljana Ivšić, Germany/Croatia, for her kind information about this very interesting film.

One of only five preserved lifejackets from Titanic is kept in the Maritime Museum in Rijeka, Croatia.

The feature titled The Day I Shell Not Forget for the Rest of My Life is the story of Carpathia, the ship best known for heading into the precarious rescue of people from the Titanic on April 15, 1912.

It is also the story of all of these people: officers, sailors and passengers, participants of this event that forever marked their lives.

The feature follows the chronology of Carpathia's sailing history, focusing on the tragic and heroic moments that took the two ships into eternity.

An authentic testimony of these events is brought to us through the diary of Marija Aliuš Bartowski, a teacher from Osijek who wrote this extraordinary biography after finding herself on the Carpathia traveling from New York to Rijeka that day.

Her diary entries take us back into the midst of the dramatic scenes of the shipwreck rescue, but also portray a charismatic woman who left behind an extremely private and historical document.

Source The Day I Shall Not Forget for the Rest of My Life, Đino Đivanović

Titanic life jacket held in the Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral in the city of Rijeka.
Only five life-jackets from Titanic are preserved, and this is the only one kept in Europe.

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