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(E) Croatian Genealogy Handbook
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  08/2/2003 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
(E) Croatian Genealogy Handbook


Handbook "Searching for YourCroatianRoots"


This handbook, now in its 4th edition, was originally designed for my seminars but people who couldn't make the seminars began to ask for it. The book is designed to help with understanding Croatia from a historical perspective to aid our search, how and where to find info plus lots of other useful information. The handbook has evolved into a very tutorial format, with lots of graphic examples to go along with the text. Here are content and ordering details:

Contents overview

History of Croatia, origin of Croatians
How our ancestors lived in the "old country"
Croatian immigration to America, the four waves
The immigrant journey to America
How they lived in America
Getting Started with your family tree
Dos and don’ts
Locating records (in the US and in Europe)
Immigrant ship manifests
Records in Croatia
Birth records
Marriage records
Death records
US census records
Finding records in Croatia
A sample letter for writing to churches to ask for family records
A sample letter for writing for birth, marriage and other info from Municipal offices (Opcine Ured)
Translating Croatian records
List of key words (more key words added) including occupations used on church and civil records including English, Croatian and Latin translation.
NEW! List of places in Croatia where microfilm records are available in the US.
NEW ! Floppy disc with Croatian Fonts for Windows
NEW! Floppy disc with all Croatian city/town/village names and their Postal (ZIP) Codes
Translation of given names (inc Croatian, English, Latin and Italian)
Meaning of surnames and categories of surnames
Figuring Family relationships
Internet links

If you are interested in this book please contact Robert Jerin via email for cost and ordering details.

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