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Traditional celebration in Subotica Prelo sicanja to be organized on 7th February 2016
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  01/29/2016 | Music , Croatian Language , Tourism , Poetry , Entertainment , Education , Culture And Arts , Religion | Unrated
Cultural program at the Croatian Cultural Society "Bunjevačko Kolo" in Subotica on 7th February 2017

Fantastic dances of Bunjevci Croatians in Subotica in Bačka

The Croatian Cultural Center "Bunjevačko Kolo" and the Catholic Society for Culture, History and Spirituality "Ivan Antunović"
organize the 6th Remembrence Prelo on 7th February 2016.

Amblems of two Croatian societies in Subotica: Bunjevačko Kolo and
Catholic Society for Culture, History and Spirituality "Ivan Antunović"

Gathering near the Franciscan Church at 5pm.
The Holy Mass starts at 5:30 pm.
After the Mass, the cultural program at the Croatian Cultural Society "Bunjevačko Kolo" with the solemn start at 7pm.
The only condition for participation is to wear

Ivan Antunović (1815-1888), Bunjevci Croat and bishop in Kalocsin Hungary, was oustanding Croatian writer.

Ivan Antunović, source Klasje naših ravni, Subotica 2001.

The Catholic Insitute for Culture, History and Spirituality in Subotica is bearing his name (Katolički institut za kulturu, povijest i duhovnost Ivan Antunović iz Subotice). In 2013, Andrija Anišić published his PhD about moral and spiritual renewal of families.


Bacska, i.e., Bačka football club in Subotica, founded in 1901.
Note that it was designed according to Croatian Coat of Arms.
This photo is appearing on the cover page of [Dražen Prčić] and on

The oldest Croatian soccer club was FC Bačka, founded in Subotica in 1901, playing in the then Croatian league.

Ivan Sarić, constructor of airplanes had been flying in Subotica already in 1913 (only 10 years after brothers Wright, and three years after Slavoljub Penkala in Zagreb).

Ivan Sarić with his airplane in Subotica, source

Professor Gaja Alaga on the left, a member of Croatian Nobility. Source

Among distinguished Bunjevci Croats we mention also Gaja Alaga, theoretical physicist of international reputation, and a member of Croatian Nobility from Bačka.


Prof.dr. Luka Štilinović, objavljeno u Živjeti zajedno, br. 1/2001, župskom listiću župe Utrine u N. Zagrebu.

Napisao prof.dr. Luka Štilinović. Zahvaljujemo profesoru Štilinoviću na dopuštenju za objavu. D. Ž.
Dr. Luka Štilinović je ugledni profesor Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, rodom iz Subotice (1935.).

Fantastic book Naši mladenci (Our Brides) by Stanka Kujundžić, published by
Hrvatsko akademsko društvo (Croatian Academic Society) in Subotica

Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, November 1st 2014, at the Monument to Bačka Croats, Mirogoj, Zagreb.
Photo by Nikola Piasevoli, Zagreb.

Kolinda Grabar Kitarović in Subotica

Stevan Horvat was distinguished Croatian wrestler, twice the world champion in the category up to 55 kg: in 1963 in Helsingborg, Sweden, and in 1966 in Toledo, USA. Subsequently he was instructor and coach of national wrestling teams of Japan, USA, Guatemala, Honduras, Slavador and the Netherlands. More information can be seen in the Leksikon podunavskih Hrvata - Bunjevaca i Šokaca, part 9 (H), pp. 62 and 63. In 2012 a bust was unveiled in his honour at the University of Novi Sad. The meaning of his second name, Horvat, is just - Croat.

Rajko Ljubič is a film director from Subotica, and author of numerous documentaries and short movies that deal with the life of the Bunjevci and Šokci Croats. He donated many of his flms to the Catholic Institute for Culture, History and Spirituality "Ivan Antunović" (Katolički institut za kulturu, povijest i duhovnost Ivan Antunović ) in Subotica.

Very important role in Croatian Christmas family tradition has the day of Materice (materitse), which is celebrated on the third Sunday of Advent, and is dedicated to all Mothers. The following Sunday, just before Christmas, is called Oci (otsi) or Očići (ochichi), and is dedicated to all Fathers.


Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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