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 »  Home  »  Awards  »  Ivana Zahirović, outstanding Croatian flutist, won the first prize in Italy
Ivana Zahirović, outstanding Croatian flutist, won the first prize in Italy
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  06/12/2008 | Culture And Arts , Awards | Unrated
A great success of Croatian music

Ivana Zahirović, Croatian flutist, winner of the
per l'esecuzione dei concerti di Mozart per


Hrvatska flautistica Ivana Zahirović pobjedila na međunarodnom natjecanju "AUDIMozart" 2008 u Italiji

Hrvatska flautistica Ivana Zahirović osvojila je prvu nagradu na prestižnom 4. međunarodnom natjecanju za puhačke instrumente "AUDI Mozart" 2008 koje se održalo od 9.-24. svibnja 2008. u talijanskom gradu Rovereto. Jednoglasnom odlukom žirija, čiji je predsjednik bio poznati talijanski glazbenik Marcello Abbado, Ivana ja pobjedila u kategoriji flauti i nastupila na gala koncertu prvonagrađenih sa Simfonijskim orkestrom Haydn iz Bolzana.

Koncert su snimili Talijanski radio i Televizija RAI. Na natjecanju je inače nastupilo 75 kandidata iz cijelog svijeta, a dodijeljene su i prve nagrade iz kategorije rog, oboa i fagot. Nagrada se, osim novčane, sastoji od koncertnih nastupa kao solistice.


Croatian flutist Ivana Zahirović won at the International Competition "AUDI Mozart" 2008 in Italy

The Croatian flutist Ivana Zahirović has won the first prize at the 4th International Competition for woodwinds "AUDI Mozart 2008" which took place in Rovereto, Italy, from 9th to 24th May 2008.  The jury, the president of which was a well-known Italian musician Marcello Abbado, decided unanimously to assign Ivana the first prize in the flute category. At the gala-concert of the winners she appeared with Symphony Orchestra Haydn of Bolzano.

The concert has been recorded by Italian Radio and Television RAI. 75 competitors from all over the world have appeared in this competition and winners of first prizes for oboe, clarinet and horn have been assigned.  The prize includes concert soloist engagements.

for the performance of the Mozart's concertos for

Winners of the competition in various categories; Ivana, the best flutist, is in the middle.

Ivana Zahirović, Croatian flutist,
Schrenkstrasse 13, 80339 München, Germany,  tel.+498 95 1086 958

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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