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Robert Belinic to play guitar at the University of Chicago March 10 2009
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  02/13/2009 | People , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Guitar concert at the Khorsabad Court of the Oriental Insitute

Robert Belinić

Robert Belinić, acclaimed Croatian guitarist, will have a concert at the Khorsabad Court of the Oriental  Insitute at the University of Chicago, Tuesday, March 10, 6:30 pm.

Acclaimed as "A genius, a poet, a super-sensitive musician," by, Croatian guitarist ROBERT BELINIĆ was the sole winner of the 2001 Young Concert Artists European Auditions in Leipzig, Germany, and in 2002 was the first guitarist ever to win a place on the Young Concert Artists roster in New York.
Through YCA, Mr. Belinić is giving recitals and appearing as soloist with orchestras in the U.S., including the Wichita Symphony Orchestra in Kansas, the Fox Valley Symphony in Appleton, Wisconsin; the Chamber Orchestra of the Triangle in Raleigh, North Carolina; and the South Bend Symphony Orchestra in Indiana this season.  He will also be heard at Spivey Hall in Atlanta, the University of Florida in Gainesville, the Crane School of Music in Postdam, New York; for Vanguard Concerts in Dayton, Ohio; and at Xavier University in Cincinnati.

Mr. Belinić has given concerts in New York City at Carnegie's Weill Recital Hall, Merkin Concert Hall and the Morgan Library, as well as at La Jolla Music Society, the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Western Michigan University, Southwest Missouri State University, and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (NY), and has appeared on the Grand Teton (WY) Music Festival’s Medalist Series, the John E. Marlow Guitar Series in Washington, DC, and the Gainesville Pro Musica Concert Series.  He has performed as soloist with the Phoenix Symphony, the Paducah Symphony Orchestra in Kentucky, the Zagreb Philharmonic and the Zagreb Soloists.  Mr. Belinić has also performed in Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein, and The Czech Republic, and was a founding member of the Croatian Guitar Quartet. 

Young Concert Artists presented Mr. Belinić’s New York concerto debut in April 2008 with the Orchestra of St. Luke's conducted by Michael Stern, as well as a solo recital in February 2008 at the Morgan Library & Museum.  Mr. Belinić made his recital debut in the Young Concert Artists Series in New York at the 92nd Street Y, sponsored by the Claire Tow Debut Prize, in Washington, DC at the Kennedy Center, sponsored by the Alexander Kasza-Kasser Prize, and at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston.  Mr. Belinić was also awarded YCA's Fergus New Artist Prize and The Beracasa Foundation Prize for an appearance at the Montpellier Radio-France Festival.

Born in 1981 in Zagreb, Croatia, Mr. Belinić grew up in the nearby town of Popovača.  He began to play the drums at the age of three.  When he was eight years old, he starred in "Tale from Croatia," the first film released in newly-independent Croatia.  He began to study classical guitar at the age of eleven at the music school in Kutina with Zvonko Šušnjar, continuing his studies with Ante Čagalj in Zagreb.  Mr. Belinić was the recipient of the 2002 Ivo Vuljević Award for outstanding young Croatian musicians, and was a prizewinner in the 2006 Parkening International Guitar Competition in California.  He graduated from the Leopold Mozart Hochschule für Musik in Augsburg, Germany, where he held an assistantship and earned a Master's Degree with Prof. Franz Halász.




Na pozornicama raznovrsnih kulturnih dogadjajima u Chicagu zadnjih tjedana hrvatski umjetnici su bili izvanredno dobro zastupljeni.  Naime, 24. veljače u svjetski-poznatome Art Institute of Chicago nastupio je hrvatski pijanist Zvonimr Nagy.  Ovaj mladi kompozitor, pijanist i orguljaš, rodom iz Osjeka, uz ostale uspjehe, priprema doktorat iz glazbe na poznatom chicaškom Northwestern University.

Devetog ožujka u Goethe-Institut-u Chicagu čitao je odlomke svojih knjižvenih djela sad već dobro poznati pisac u Americi Josip Novaković, koji je kao mlad student došao u Ameriku i sad je profesor na Pennsylvania State University.

Treći mladi Hrvat koji je obogatio chicašku kulturnu scenu ovh dana bio je Robert Belinić.  Taj mladi gitarist, za kojeg vele da je glazbeni geniji, održao je koncert u Oriental Institutu, University of Chicago, 10. ožujka, 2009.  Belinića nastup je jedan od koncerata u godišnjem glazbenom rasporedu "University of Chicago Presents/UC predstavlja".  Broj posjetitelja za ovaj koncert je bio ograničen i hrvatska zajednica je mogla otkupiti samo manji broj ulaznica.  Ambijent ovog dogadjanja je bio neobičan, ali izvanredan.  Naime, Robert je izvanrednim umijećem i istodobno velikom lakoćom izvodio kompozicije J.S. Bacha, Sor-a, Ante Čagalja, Leo Brouwer-a i Lauro-a, a kao kulise poslužili drevni i dragocijeni mezopotamijskim spomenici koje čuva ovaj svjetskog glasa poznati Institut.

Nakon jednosatnog koncerta slijedio je prijem za umjetnika i goste.  Osoba koja predvodi godišnju glazbenu seriju "University of Chicago Presents" se čak pobrinula pripremiti domjenak na hrvatski način, što nas je ugodno iznenadilo.   Dok su se drugi posjetitelji zadržali samo kraće vrijeme, Hrvati su ostali s mladim Belinićem malo podulje u razgovoru i druženju.  Premda u dalekoj Americi, on se ugodno osjećao sa svojima, a nama je bila čast prisustvovati koncertu, susresti se i družiti s ovim mladim hrvatskim umjetnikom, želeći mu velike uspjehe ne samo na ovoj turneji po Americi, nego u dugoj umjetničkoj karijeri koja ga čeka.

Ante Čuvalo, Chicago

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