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Life of Croatian peasants near Zagreb described in a silent film from 1920s
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  06/2/2012 | Croatian spirituality , History , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
Village of Mraclin in the region of Turopolje near Croatia's capital Zagreb

Jeden den v turopolske zadruge v Mraclinu
One Day in a Turopolje peasant community in Mraclin

Sudjeluju seljaci i seljakinje iz sela Mraclin, tekst je pisan u turopoljskom narječju.
Participating peasants from the village of Mraclin near Zagreb, text written according to Turopolje local speech.

Obradio Drago Choupek
Fotografije ing. A. Gerasimov

The film was shot probably in 1920s in the village of Mraclin south of Zagreb, the region of Turopolje, near the town of Velika Gorica. It describes the daily life of a family community in Turopolje (Turopoljska zadruga) during one ordinary day, starting from early in the morning. Especially interesting is to see making the sign of the Cross on the bread before lunch, and the sign of the Cross on small children when they go to bed.

The region of Turopolje is known among others for its beutiful wooden Baroque churches.

Many thanks to Professor Krešimir Veselić for his kind information about this film.

Photos below are from Radio Velika Goriaca - RVG, 2010
They serve as an illustration of colorful Croatian national costumes in Turopolje

Folklore group (KUD) Dečec from Mraclin

The above photos are from Radio Velika Goriaca - RVG, 2010

Turopolje girls and boys in Croatian national costumes awaiting the arrival of Pope Benedict XVI in Zagreb in 2011:

Girls from the region of Turopolje near Zagreb with fantastic Croatian national costumes. Let's have a closer look.

A boy from Turopolje in local dress, accompaning the girls.

Another Turopolje beauty...

...pretending that she has not been noticed.

Poculica on her head is a real masterpiece.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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