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Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic, part 9
By Dominik Galić, producer | Published  10/29/2008 | Croatian Heroes , Croatian Language | Unrated
Surviving prisons and convictions to death in court in Belgrade

Tomislav Josić, Vukovar

 9. Peyton - petak 31.10.2008 20.10

Vlatko Voloder, Miro i Tomislav Josić i nekolicina njihovih prijatelja u roku od par dana odolijevali su napadima više od 500 neprijateljskih vojnika. Ishod je bio nevjerojatan, oni su pobijedili. Rat za Vukovar zvanično je  završen 18.11.1991. a 19.11. u dijelu Vukovara popularno nazvanom Peyton vodila se jedna od najkrvavijih bitaka. Četiri čovjeka su se borila sa cijelom vojskom. Na kraju su se predali nakon što su dobili bitku jer Miro Josić nije htio ostaviti curu, a Vlatko Voloder ranjenog brat te nisu otišli u proboj.

Ovo je također priča kako su preživjeli logore i osude na smrt na sudu u Beogradu. Spada u vjerovali ili ne.


9. Peyton - Friday 31.10.2008 20.10

Vlatko Voloder, Miro and Tomislav Josić and few of their friends, fought against more than 500 enemy soldiers. The result was incredible. They won. 18. 11. 1991, war for Vukovar was finished, but in the part of Vukovar called Peyton on 19.11.1991, one of the cruelest battles was going on. Four men had been fighting against a whole army. At the end, after they won the battle, they surrendered because Tomislav Josic didn't want to leave his girlfriend and Vlatko Voloder his wounded brother. That is way they didn't attempt a breakthrough.

This is also a story about how they survived prisons and convictions to death in court in Belgrade. This story belongs to one of those- believe it or not.

Miroslav Josić

Pogled na Heroje Vukovara

 Rat postavlja primitivnu dilemu. Tko je ovdje lud? Odgovori bezumniku prema bezumlju njegovu, da ne misli da je mudar. Ne odgovaraj bezumniku po bezumlju njegovu, da ne budeš i ti kao on. Odaberi jedno, ...ali sjeti se - rodili su te kako bi se borio za život. To je bio jedini uvjet. Uvjet koji je neke previše zbunio pa su napali prvi (kažu - iz straha), i samo zato što se šačica zlobnika nije znala dogovoriti oko nečega, tisuće je jadnika poginulo oko ničega. Ipak, svaki onaj tko se branio, uživao je časnu, nimalo ugodnu poziciju čija veličina raste prolaskom vremena, zaboravom zaduženih, zabludama spašenih, idejama vlastitim, kontrama gubitnih.

Vrijeme će samo možda razbistriti kompleksnost Vukovara. Budimo cinični na tren- vrijeme će zamagliti otrov istine. Ogorčenost je toliko zamorno sredstvo opravdanja da se mora čuvati za glavnu nepravdu. Borci Vukovara nadišli su gorčinu čak i tada, jer nepravda je bila toliko intenzivna da nije dopuštala vrijeme za žaljenje. Vrijeme za razmišljanje. Vremena je bilo tek za djelovanje impulsa, a instinkt se pokazao mudrijim što je srce bilo čišće. Smrt je lutala Vukovarom poput pijanog turista, a obični ljudi časnih namjera bili su primorani upućivati je na krive puteve. 

Male priče, razasute u prašini detalja - rodile su heroje, a njihovo rađanje je nametnulo jedan uvjet svima nama- da ih pamtimo.


Najveća neistina, premda neizmjerno dobronamjerna, mogla bi nastupiti u mitskim parafrazama o motivacijama i uspjesima branitelja. Upravo te dobronamjerne priče o veličanstvenoj hrabrosti branitelja bile su glavni izgovor čelno pozicioniranih koji nisu odgovarali na brojne molbe za pripomoć svom rubnom gradu- Vukovaru. I dok su čekali pomoć da stigne, branitelji su nizali nove začuđujuće uspjehe protiv mnogobrojnijeg agresora. Desetine "nevidljivih" branitelja, bez ikakve ratne naobrazbe, praktički golorukih u borbi protiv višetonskih mašina, letećih objekata, mitskih bradatih ubojica i masovne neprijateljske pješadije, malo pomalo navikavali su se na svakodnevnicu pune krvi, pravih metaka, leševa... Rat je, na kraju krajeva, samo igra. Dva tima. Unutar svoga tima vidite ljude, ali ljudi u suprotnom timu ne predstavljaju ništa drugo doli brojke. Figure. Protivničke figure treba pojesti. Smaknuti ih sa šahovske ploče. Ubiti neprijatelja, nažalost, više nije značilo ubiti čovjeka. Zvuči okrutno, ali ovdje su pravila svemira drugačija. Ovdje je to humano.

U samom dodiru sa najboljim čovjekovim prijateljom- životinjom u njemu. Mjesta za taktiku, mjesta za taktiku. Emotivci dovode razumne u životnu opasnost. Kako se osloniti na emotivca? Meci frcaju, a on se pita što je ispravno? Ispravno je sve ono prije i sve ono što bi trebalo biti, ali u momentu, pitanje je jedno jedino - ili ti ili oni? Oni te ne pitaju pa ne pitaj ni ti sebe. Okrutno? U ratu se sve svodi na mudrost srca. Biti hrabar u Vukovaru, značilo je biti lud. Možete li danas zahvaliti poštenim ljudima što su bili ludi dovoljno da budu hrabri, hrabri dovoljno da spase svoju zemlju, svoje ljude? Ludi toliko da zadrže humor i ljudskost u samom srcu tame. Ludi toliko da bi kasnije ponovo mogli biti normalni. Čiste savjesti. Pitanje je što ćete učiniti za one koji zasluženo žele svoju normalu nakon, nikako dobrovoljne, navike na život u ratu jer oni nemaju dosadnih dijelova.

Zamislite da uđete u platno na kojem se projicira najzanimljiviji film u trajanju od nekoliko mjeseci. Likovi u filmu spavaju, a čak i te scene izazivaju nevjerojatnu napetost. I onda sve završi, a producenti filma nisu se odlučili za sretan svršetak. Natrag u dosadan život. Natrag u digresije. Pasivnost i okolišanje. Natrag u nepravdu. Prisjećajući se zanimljivih priča kojih se svi plaše, a zapravo bi mogle poslužiti kao puno važnije lekcije - o ljubavi, prijateljstvu, osobnosti, o sreći i nesreći. O jednom vremenu. Natrag u nepravdu. Prisjećajući se zanimljivih priča kojih se svi plaše, a zapravo bi mogle poslužiti kao puno važnije lekcije- o ljubavi, prijateljstvu, osobnosti, o sreći i nesreći. O jednom vremenu.

Autor: Matija Kluković


View upon the heroes of Vukovar

War sets the primitive dilemma. Who is crazy here? Respond to thedemented on his dementia so he wouldn't think that he is smart. Don't respond to the demented on his dementia, so you wouldn't be like him. Choose one, but remember, you were born to fight for life. That was the only condition. Condition which confused some people too much and they attacked first (they say because they were afraid), and because only few bad people didn't agree about something, thousands of poor people died for nothing. Although, everyone who defends himself, has enjoyed honorable, but not at all pleasant position which is growing as time goes by, by oblivion from people in charge, blunders of saved, ideas of themselves, antagonism from losers.

As time goes by, maybe the complexity of Vukovar will become clearer. Let's be cynical just for a moment, the time will blur the poison of truth.  Bitterness is such a tiring resource for excuse and that is somethingthat must be saved for main injustice. Fighters from Vukovar rose above bitterness even then, because injustice was so intense and there was no time for regret. Time for thinking. There was only time for impulses, and instinct was wiser as heart was purer. Death strolled across Vukovar like drunken tourist, and ordinary people with honorable intentions were forced to send it on wrong paths.  

Small stories scattered in the dust of details - created heroes, and that enforced one condition on all of us - the memory of them.


The greatest lie, although exceedingly benevolent, could appear in mythical paraphrases about motivations and success of defenders. Exactly these benevolent stories about superb courage of defenders were the main excuse of leading people who didn't respond to numerous appeals for help of their boundary city - Vukovar. As they waited for help, they accomplished new astonishing successes against manifold enemy. Dozens of  "invisible" defenders without any military education, practically bare-handed against machines that weigh several tones, flying objects, mythical bearded assassins and massive hostile infantry, step by step had to accept blood, bullets and corpses in everyday life. To kill an enemy didn't mean to kill a man. The war is, after all, only a game. Two teams. Inside your team, you see people, but people in opposite team are just numbers. Figures. Hostile figures must be eaten. Remove them from the chessboard. It sound cruel, but the rules are different here. This is human here.

It's a bare touch with man's best friend - animal inside him. Place for tactic, place for tactic. Sensitive people bring rational people in danger for life. How we can rely on a sensitive man? Bullets flying all around and he is questioning himself what is right. Right things is all before and all that should be, but in the moment, there is only one question - you or them? They don't ask you, and then you don't ask yourself.  Cruel? Wisdom of heart is what it comes down to. To be brave in Vukovar was madness. Can you today thank honest people because they were crazy enough to be brave, brave enough to save their country, their people? Crazy enough to withhold humor and humanity in the heart of darkness? Crazy enough to be normal after all. With clean conscience. The question is what will you do for those who deserve normal life after non-voluntary habit to fight a war, because there is no boredom in war - and that is something what every man wants. That's why man loves movies. Stupid movies because they don't have boring parts.

Imagine that you've entered into a screen with the most interesting movie that lasts several months. The characters in the movie are sleeping, but even that scene causes incredible tension. After that, everything is over,but film producers didn’t choose a happy ending. Back to boring life. Back in digressions. Passiveness and prevarication. Back to injustice. Remembering the interesting stories which everybody fears, but instead of that, it may be helpful for more important lessons - about love, friendship, personality, about happiness and misfortune. About one period of time.

Author: Matija Kluković

Rober Živković and Zoran Voloderf, Vukovar

The City of Vukovar bombed during the Serbian agression in 1991.

Burning tank in Vukovar.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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