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» Croatian Life Stories » Teresa Perinic and the King of Dolls representing Croatia at the Day of Europe in Argentina
Teresa Perinic and the King of Dolls representing Croatia at the Day of Europe in Argentina
The Day of Europe has been celebrated on 9th of May 2019 in Buenos Aires. It consisted in Common Stories (Historias Comunes) connecting Europe and Argentina, in which also Croatia has participated.
The collection of common stories consists of 20 stories from various European countries, collected in a book. The Croatian story deals with Ljeposlav Perinić, better known worldwide as The King of Dolls. The title of the story is "From Zagreb to Don Torquato - The King of Dolls".
The EU ambassador in Argentina, Aude Maio-Coliche, accompanied by government officials, from the diplomatic world, civil society and public close to the European Union, presided over the celebration of Europe Day. After a lively cocktail in which the book presented common stories between Europeans and Argentines, a recital was held by a famous Polish pianist who played songs from all the countries that make up the European Union.
vimeo.com (Ljeposlav Perinić - The King of Dolls, at 2:24)
Ljeposlav Perinić, known as The King of Dolls, began collecting dolls dressed in national costumes from all around the world in 1960. He had an original idea: writing letters to state representatives and ask them to send him dolls in national costumes. For 35 years, he made up a stunning collection considered unique in the world, and had exhibitions in different places. In 1991 he had gathered more than 350 dolls over 120 countries and decided to donate them to his Homeland Croatia. Now, they are at the Ethnographic Museum in Zagreb.
When Ljeposlav Perinić fulfilled his 80s, he said he had already served its purpose and that he wanted one of his daughters to get on with his legacy. So, his daughter Teresa took the baton and continued writing to Kings, Queens, Emperors, Empresses, Presidents, First Ladies, Prime Ministers, Governors and other personalities of various countries. Gradually, she began to form the "Collection of Dolls Perinić - 21st Century". It was in 2004, when the first doll for this new collection arrived, sent by Mr. Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic, with a letter signed by him. We celebrated with great joy and Mr. Ljeposlav Perinić was very happy because he knew I would continue getting more dolls.
Today, the collection has over 161 dolls representing different countries. Each one is accompanied with a letter certifying its origin.
Through this collection of dolls we want to declare that Peace in the world is possible. The real meaning of this unique dolls collection is to join the souls of the countries that they represent, no care if they have different ideas, religions, races and languages. Altogether, they can tell the world that they are expression of love, peace and understandig between all human beings.