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Branko Leskovar 1930-2016 distinguished Croatian-American expert in Electrical Engineering & Electronics
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  04/22/2016 | Science , People , In Memoriam , Education | Unrated
His methods have been accepted world-wide by government and industrial laboratories

Branko Leskovar 1930-2016, distinguished Croatian-American scientist

Branko Leskovar
July 2, 1930 - January 19, 2016

Born in Zagreb in 1930, Croatia, Branko Leskovar died on January 19th 2016. He was 85 years old. He started his early professional career as a brilliant student at the University of Zagreb, Croatia where he earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. In 1965 he was offered a temporary appointment at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, where he remained until retirement.

As Section Leader and a Principal Investigator at LBL, his group supported advanced research programs in physics, biology and medicine, orienting the research programs toward solving recognized problems in scientific instrumentation and the long term needs of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory departments and other Dept. of Energy Laboratories.

Over the course of his long professional career, he directed programs that resulted in more than 100 publications widely cited in the scientific literature. His work in resolution studies of electro-optical devices has had profound benefits on development and manufacturing of new devices with significantly improved characteristics. He greatly improved the accuracy and range of measuring methods in device resolution studies. These methods have been accepted world-wide by government and industrial laboratories. Upon retirement, he served as Scientific Advisor to numerous universities and US government agencies. He was a fellow of IEEE and Sigma Xi societies.

His outstanding scientific achievements earned him full recognition in his native country where he became a member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

A man of his word, with an equal measure of brilliant intellect and integrity, he cherished his family and enduring friendships that sustained him in difficult times during post war time and again after his first wife, Ema, passed away. He is survived by his devoted wife, Ana; his son, Dr. Tomislav Leskovar, MD; and extended family in the US and Croatia.

Interment will be held at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Colma, CA on January 26th, 2016. Contributions in Branko's name may be made to the Croatian Scholarship Fund,

Published in San Francisco Chronicle on Jan. 25, 2016


A huge collection of 162 scientific works by Dr Branko Leskovar, kept at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb.

A selection of his works is available via ResearchGate.

Many thanks to Mrs. Jadranka Lisek for kind help. A few titles of his works can be seen below.

A summary of one of the works by Dr Branko Leskovar.

Some of the papers by Dr. Branko Leskovar (and his coauthor C.C. Lo) cited in the monograph
Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics
, edited by Peter Hawks, Vol 60, Academic Press, 1983

An extensive biography of Dr Branko Leskovar has been poblished by Croatian-American Society in Zagreb in the monograph Distinguished Croatian Scientists in the World 1 (1997),
ISBN 953-97325-0-6:

Distinguished Croatian Scientists in the World 1 (1997)

  • Milan Randić (Beograd, 1930) – Iowa State University, Ames – mathematical chemistry
  • Egon Matijević (Otočac, 1922) Clarkson University, Potsdam, N.Y. − chemistry
  • Petar Alaupović (Prague, 1923), Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City − medical biochemistry
  • Branko Leskovar (Zagreb, 1930), University of California, Berkeley − electrical engineering
  • Vladimir Katović (Bihać, 1935) Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio) − chemistry
  • William Feller (Zagreb, BH, 1906 – Princeton, 1970), Princeton – probabilistic mathematics
  • Luka Milas (Zmijavci, 1938), M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston − biomedicine

Distinguished Croatian Scientists in the World 2 (2004)

  • Ivo Derado (Split, 1929), Max-Planck Institute, München – physics
  • Zlatka Grubišić-Gallot (Glamoč, BH, 1940), CNRS, Strasbourg − chemistry
  • Mirko Dikšić (Cvetković, 1942), McGill University, Montreal, chemistry and radiochemistry
  • Andrija Kornhauser (Zagreb, 1930), Food and Drug Administration, Washington – chemistry, medical biochemistry
  • Vladimir Hlady (Zagreb, 1949), University of Utah, Salt Lake City − biotechnology
  • Nebojša Avdalović (Stolac, BH, 1935), Dionex Corp. California – biomedicine
  • Suad Efendić (Trebinje, BH, 1937), Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm – biomedicine
  • Mladen Vranić (Zagreb, 1930), University of Toronto – biomedicine

(ISBN: 953-97325-7-3)

Distinguished Croatian Scientists in the World 3 (2006)

  • Hedvig Hricak (Zagreb, 1946), Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York – biomedicine
  • Stevo Julius (Kovin, Serbia, 1929), University of Michigan Ann Arbor – biomedicine
  • Krešimir Krnjević (Zagreb, 1927), McGill University, Montreal – biomedicine
  • Predrag Cvitanović (Zagreb, 1946), Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta − physics
  • Mirjana Randić (Ogulin, 1934), University of Iowa, Ames – veterinary medicine
  • Stanimir Vuk-Pavlović (Zagreb, 1949), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, N.Y. – biomedicine
  • Branko Ladanyi (Zagreb, 1922), University of Montreal – civil engineering
  • Nikola Tesla (Smiljan, 1956 – New York, 1943), New York – electrical engineering, physics
  • Lavoslav Ružička (Vukovar, 1987 – Zurich, 1978), ETH, Zurich – chemistry
  • Vladimir Prelog (Sarajevo, 1906 – Zurich, 1998), ETH, Zurich – chemistry

(ISBN: 953-97325-8-1)

Distinguished Croatian Scientists in the World 4 (2008)

  • Vlasta Bonačić-Koutecký (Split, 1943), Humboldt University, Berlin – chemistry
  • Željko Bošnjak (Virovitica, 1949), University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee – biomedicine
  • Miroslav Gačić (Split, 1947), Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Trieste (Italy) − oceanography
  • Steven Živko Pavletić (Zagreb, 1956), National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland – biomedicine
  • Zdenko (Zed) Rengel (Osijek, 1957), University of Western Australia, Perth − biology, agriculture
  • Joseph Schlessinger (Topusko, 1945), Yale University – biomedicine
  • Marko Turina (Zagreb, 1937), University Hospital, Zurich – biomedicine
  • Krešimir Veselić (Zagreb, 1940), Fern University in Hagen (Germany) – mathematics

(ISBN: 978-953-97325-9-0)

Distinguished Croatian Scientists in the World 5 (2010)

  • Guy Paić (Paris, 1937), National Autonomic University of Mexico, Mexico City – physics (associated with CERN)
  • Daniel Denegri (Split, 1940), CERN – physics
  • Laszlo Forro (Staro Petrovo Selo, Serbia, 1955), Federal Polytechnical School, Laussane (Switzerland) – physics
  • Frances Šeparović (Blato, Korčula, 1954), University of Melbourne – chemistry, biophysics
  • Boris Martinac (Zagreb, 1949), Victor Chang Cardiatic Research Institute, Sydney – biophysics
  • Ivan Gutman (Subotica, 1947), Sveučilište u Kragujevcu − mathematics and chemistry
  • Goran Ungar, (Zagreb, 1948), University of Sheffield (U.K.) – chemistry
  • Nenad Ban (Zagreb, 1966), Swiss Federal Institute (ETH), Zurich – biology and biophysics
  • Dean Nižetić (Split, 1959), Barts and the London Queen Mary′s School of Medicine, London – biomedicine
  • Paško Rakić (Ruma, 1933), Yale University – biomedicine
  • Branko Souček (Bjelovar, 1930), IRIS Group, Bari (Italy) – electronics, computers
  • Nenad Bićanić (Zagreb, 1945), University of Glasgow – civil engineering

(ISBN: 978-953-7743-02-4)

Distinguished Croatian Scientists in the World 6 (2012)

  • Mladen Bestvina (Osijek, 1959), University of Utah, Salt Lake City − mathematics
  • Sunčica Čanić (Pula, 1961), University of Houston, Houston – mathematics
  • Dinko Počanić (Sarajevo, 1955), University of Virginia, Charlottesville –physics
  • Željko Ivezić (Sarajevo, 1965), University of Washington, Seattle – astronomy
  • Veljko Radeka (Zagreb, 1930), Brookhaven National Laboratory, Stony Brook (N.Y.) – electrical engineering, physics
  • Dušica Maysinger (Zagreb, 1947), Mc Gill University, Montreal – pharmacy, biochemistry
  • Ivan Đikić (Zagreb, 1966), Wolfang Göthe University, Frankfurt – biomedicine
  • Josip Matovinović (Ličko Cerje, 1914 – Ann Arbor, 1998), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – Biomedicine

(ISBN: 978-953-7743-03-1)

Distinguished Croatian Scientists in the World 7 (2014)

  • Jakša Cvitanić (Split, 1962), California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena – mathematics
  • Mladen Viktor Wickerhauser (Zagreb, 1959), Washington University, St. Louis – mathematics
  • Davor Pavuna, Koprivnica, 1952), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne (Switzerland) – physics
  • Karl Dragutin Rakos (Štefanje- Bjelovar, Croatia, 1925 – Vienna, 2011), Vienna Universität) − astronomy
  • Marin Soljačić (Zagreb, 1974), MIT, Boston – physics
  • Branko Ruščić (Rijeka, 1952), Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago – chemistry
  • Dubravko Justić (Krk, 1958), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge – marine ecology
  • Eugen Koren (Belgrade, 1940), Genentech, Abbot.. (California) – biomedicine, biotechnology
  • Igor Mezić (Rijeka, 1967), University of California, Santa Barbara – engineering, mathematics
  • Nikola Tesla (Smiljan, 1956 – New York, 1943), New York – electrical engineering, physics

(ISBN: 978-953-97325-04-8)

Source Croatian-American Society

Professor Vladimir Naglić hosted by Dr. Branko Leskovar in his house in California, 1885.
Photo by the courtesy of professor Vladimir Naglić.

Professor Vladimir Naglić and Dr. Branko Leskovar at the Grgich Hills winary in California, USA, 1995.
Photo by the courtesy of professor Vladimir Naglić.

Dr. Branko Leskovar, svjetski poznati elektrotehničar i dopisni član Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU) umro je 19. siječnja u Kaliforniji u 86. godini, priopćeno je u četvrtak navečer iz HAZU-a.

Glavna područja istraživanja dr. Leskovara bili su detektori zračenja za akceleratore visokih energija, sigurnost nuklearnih reaktora i razvoj spektroskopskih metoda,  Branko Leskovar rodio se u Zagrebu 1930., gdje je 1954. diplomirao, a 1963. doktorirao na zagrebačkom Elektrotehničkom fakultetu.

Od 1954. do 1963. radio je u Institutu Ruđer Bošković, gdje je sa skupinom istraživača, postavio temelje razvoja i primjene suvremene elektronike i elektroničke instrumentacije u Hrvatskoj.  Od 1963. do 1965. dr. Leskovar bio je izvanredni docent na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Zagrebu, a od 1965. do kraja aktivne karijere, 1994. godine, bio je istraživač na Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Kalifornijskog sveučilišta u Berkeleyu.

Dopisni član HAZU u Razredu za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti bio je od 1988. godine, naveo je Marijan Lipovac iz Ureda za odnose s javnošću i medije HAZU-a.

Izvor HINA

Fourth grade students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Zagreb, 1953. Photo taken in front of the present Mimara Gallery in Zagreb.
Branko Leskovar on the left, wearing dark glasses. Many thanks to professor Vladimir Naglić for this photo.

Branko Leskovar and Vladimir Naglić.

In the same group, we can find professor Branko Souček, distinguished Croatian expert in
digital computer technology, as a student of the University of Zagreb in 1953.
Professor Souček constructed the first Croatian digital computer already in 1958.
Photos by the courtesy of professor Vladimir Naglić.

Doktorska disertacija Branka Leskovara

Doktorska disertacija Branka Leskovara imala je naslov Koherentna detekcija električkih signala [PDF], 94 str. , a obranjena je dne 2. ožujka 1963. pred komisijom koju su činili sljedeći profesori:

  • Danilo Blanuša (predsjednik komisije)
  • Vinko Albert
  • Zlatko Smrkić
  • Vladimir Matković
  • Vladimir Muljević

U vrijeme obrane disertacije, B. Leskovar već ima jedan prihvaćen rad u časopisu Journal of Electronics and Control, 14 (1963), pod naslovom "The mean value of envelope of a sine coherent wave superimposed on the narrow-band Gaussian noise". U uvodnom dijelu se posebno zahvaljuje Dr. ing. M. Konradu za pomoć prilikom izrade radnje.

U kratkoj autobiografiji na kraju svoje doktorske disertacije, Branko Leskovar navodi da je rođen 2. srpnja 1930. godine u Zagrebu. Osnovnu školu i gimnaziju polazio je u Zagrebu, gdje je 1949. godine maturirao. Iste godine upisao se na Elelektrothenički odsjek Tehničkog fakulteta u Zagrebu (koji je godine 1956. postao ETF). Diplomirao je na Odjelu slabe struje 6. svibnja 1954. godine. Od 15. svibnja 1954. radio je na odjelu elektronike Insituta "Ruđer Bošković" (s prekidom od jedne godine 1954/55. zbog odsluženja vojnog roka).

Popis radova dr. Branka Leskovara dostupan je putem mrežnih stranica Središnje knjižnice FER-a.

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