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Zvonko Martic & Vido Bagur authors of ethno monograph about Croatians in B&H
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  06/1/2011 | Music , Croatian spirituality , Croatians in B&H , Science , Education , Culture And Arts , Religion | Unrated
"Vila bana zvala priko Vrana" - A Fairy Called the Viceroy Over the Mountain of Vran

F. Zvonko Martić, Croatian Carmelite in the Convent of St. Elijah in Buško Blato, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Carmelite Convent of St. Elijah is situated in fantastic ambience near the lake of Buško Blato.

This photo is on the front cover page of the ethnological monograph Vila bana zvala priko Vrana (A Fairy Called the Viceroy Over the Moundatin of Vran)
by Zvonko Martić and Vido Bagur.

The monograph has been published as parallel Croatian and English text.

Vidoslav Vido Bagur is coauthor of the monograph

A valuable ethnological monograph on the Croatians of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Ethnologist Zvonko Martić and Vidoslav Vido Bagur's book Vila bana zvala priko Vrana (The Fairy Called the Ban Over Vrana) was presented at the Croatian Heritage Foundation headquarters in Zagreb this February 9. Many were on hand for the promotion including leading figures in Croatian and Bosnia-Herzegovina society. CHF director Katarina Fuček, the book's reviewers Nevena Škrbić Alempijević from the ethnology and cultural anthropology department of the University of Zagreb's Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Joško Ćaleta, a renowned ethnomusicologist from Zagreb's Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, spoke about the book.

This bilingual ethnological study (in Croatian and English) on 200 pages, with numerous photographs from authentic rural and urban locations, also includes a double digital media featuring the images and sounds of folk songs and dances of Croatians from across Bosnia-Herzegovina, which makes it currently the foremost publishing undertaking in the field of traditional culture in this part of Southeast Europe. Joško Ćaleta noted that the book's title is from the opening line of a folk melody from the Konjica area, symbolising the integrity of Bosnia-Herzegovina's cultural space.

CHF director Fuček said that the permanent presence of traditional culture contributes to the complexity of contemporary Croatian culture (haute, popular, media and other) as a component part of the national culture and its regional and local incarnations.

Traditional culture is expressed in many forms and, while subject to change, is a cornerstone of identity, said Nevena Škrbić Alempijević.

The book is co-published by the Spiritual Centre of the Carmel of St. Elijah monastery at Lake Buško near Tomislavgrad and publisher KIZ of the Croatian Carmelite Province of Saint Joseph in Zagreb.

Ms. Škrbić Alempijević highlighted polyphonic singing, tattooing and the silent round dance (nijemo kolo), relicts of Illyrian culture, as being particularly impressive in the treasury of traditional Croatian culture in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Having suffered the effects of both neglect and war, elements of Croatian national culture from places like Ivanjska near Banja Luka, Unište near Bosansko Grahovo, rural settlements near Sanski Most, Bosanska Gradiška, Bosanska Dubica and Glamoč, once home to vibrant Croatian communities but almost wiped out after World War II and in the 1990s war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, have been snatched from the hands of oblivion said Father Zvonko Martić.
Besides information on the traditional culture of Bosnia-Herzegovina's Croatians, the elements of which form a part of their contemporary identity, readers will also find details of a unique collection of traditional Croatian clothing and jewellery in Bosnia-Herzegovina that includes 140 different complete folk outfits, prominent among which are folk outfits that were called the most beautiful in the world at a festival held a few years ago in China, says co-author Vidoslav Vido Bagur, who invested a great deal of effort to prepare quality video recordings.
The books authors and reviewers are confident that this book will contribute to the better co-existence of the three nations, cultures and religions of modern Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The contemporary presentation of the traditional culture of the Croatians of Bosnia-Herzegovina has found its place in the work of folklore ensembles that perform for the most part at folklore reviews.

Father Zvonko Martić points out that commentaries on some of the issues in the presentation, changes in the new context of traditional dressing, singing and dancing aim to raise awareness of the very important contribution made by traditional culture to the formation of the Croatian ethnic, state-level and regional identity in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Vido Bagur noted with pride that thousands of kilometres had been traversed across Bosnia-Herzegovina to record the sounds and images of the traditional culture preserved at the dawn of the 21st century.

This publishing project was launched with the financial support of Croatian Government provided in the frame of assistance to the Croatians of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Special gratitude for their wholehearted assistance in collecting material for the book, say the authors, is due to Damir Zorić, Jozo Ćurković, Ivan Bagarić, Vlado Kolak, Vinko Ljubičic, Gordan Grlić Radman and Luka Šošić, and all of the donators and supporters of the book and to a project that will see the construction of a Croatian museum of ethnology in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

By preserving tangible and intangible heritage for future generations we will be able to tell our descendants that we did not abandon our cultural wealth in Bosnia-Herzegovina, as much our own as it is the heritage of all people living in the country, to oblivion, say the authors of this ethnological monograph.

Congratulations to the authors were extended from the many experts and journalists on hand for the promotion and by the head of the Independent Service for Croats Abroad and Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Petar Barišić. Congratulations were also in line for the representative of the publisher, the deputy provincial of the Croatian Carmelite Province Father Antonio-Mario Čirko, and for Father Dominik Magdalenić, prior of the Spiritual Centre of the Carmel of St. Elijah, for his understanding and support of father Zvonko Martić's and Vido Bagur's ethnological publishing project.

The CHF presentation was prepared by Srebrenka Šeravić, head of our culture department.


Those wishing to pourchse the book can contact f. Zvonko Martić:

o. Zvonko Martić
tel.       +387 34 205 871
mob.    +387 63 815 017
mob2.  +385 91 732 9962

Carmelite Convent of St. Elijah

We can also recommend another superb book by f. Zvonko Martić:

Zvonko Martic (ed.): Tradicijska odjeca i nakit Hrvata Bosne i Hercegovine (Traditional Attire and Jewelry of the Croatian People of Bosnia-Herzegovina), KIZ - Hrvatska karmelska provincija sv. oca Josipa, Zagreb 2006, ISBN 953-6621-18-5

A view near the Carmelite Convent in Buško Blato. Photo by Tomislav Pintarić.

The Carmelite Convent of St. Elijah in Buško Blato contains the collection of 143 Croatian national costume sets from various parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Convent has a beatiful exhibition of  photos (several meters wide) of Croatian national costumes, which we show below.

Tattooing of Croatian Catholic women in central Bosnia.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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