Three students of maestro Valter Dešpalj at the Academy of Music in Zagreb performed with the famed orchestra
Latica Anić from Split, Croatia, performs with the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra in Germany
Kristina Winiarski from Sweden, performs with the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra in Germany

Vid Veljak, Croatia, performs with the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra in Germany
International success of Latica Anić, Kristina Winiarski and Vid Veljak, students of maestro Valter Dešpalj at the Academy of Music in Zagreb, Croatia
November 2, 2013
Latica Anic (Croatia), Kristina Winiarski (Sweden) and Vid Veljak (Croatia) are among the most gifted students of maestro Valter Despalj, distinguished professor of violoncello at the Academy of Music of the University of Zagreb. They had a privilege to be elected among nine out of about hundred participants of masterclasses in Rutesheim, Germany, as soloists for the final concert with the internationally known Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra under baton of Aurélien Bello, in November 2013. Congratulations to the Academy of Music in Zagreb, to maestro Valter Dešpalj and his students. Among the former students of maestro Dešpalj is Luka Šulić, a member of globally known 2 CELLOS.
The Stuttgart Chamber Ochestra has been founded by legendary maestro Karl Münchinger.
Maestro Valter Dešpalj is the founder of the Cellomania project in Croatia, initiated in 1991.
The following video recordings from previous years illustrate the mastery of young violoncelists
studying with professor Valter Dešpalj at the Academy of Music of the University Zagreb.
Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations by Latica Anic, Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, Zagreb, March 14, 2012
Kristina Winiarski plays Darius Milhaud Cello Concerto, 3rd mvt., Concert Hall Vatroslav Lisinski in Zagreb, 2013.
Vid Veljak, cello with ZOKOR and Zlatan Srzic, conductor G. Cassado: "Frescobaldi toccata" (Arr. Valter Dešpalj)
Live in Zagreb, 24.5.2013.
Međunarodni uspjeh studenata violončela Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu
18. studenog 2013.
Latica Anić, Kristina Winiarski i Vid Veljak, studenti violončela u klasi prof. Valtera Dešpalja, nastupili su na završnom koncertu Festivala violončela održanom 2. studenog u njemačkom gradu Rutesheimu. Uz pratnju čuvenog Štutgartskog komornog orkestra pod ravnanjem Auréliena Belloa, s velikim su uspjehom izveli djela Carla Stamitza i Gioacchina Rossinija.
U okviru ove velike i sada već tradicionalne međunarodne violončelističke manifestacije održani su i majstorski tečajevi za mlade violončeliste iz cijelog svijeta. Bilo ih je stotinjak, od kojih se devetero izborilo za čast da nastupe uz ovaj svjetski poznati komorni orkestar (čiji je utemeljitelj legendarni maestro Karl Münchinger), a među njima je bio i naš trojac.
Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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