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Esther Gitman's interview 2016 about Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac and his role in saving the Jews in Croatia
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  01/7/2016 | Croatian spirituality , Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , Science , Politics , People , History | Unrated
Analized 5000 archival documents in Croatia, as many as 500 of which are signed documents in efforts to save the Jews in Croatia during WW2

Dr Esther Gitman, New York, Sephardic Jew born in Sarajevo. Source of the photo.
The interview below is conducted in English, with subtitles in Croatian.

Interview with Dr Esther Gitman conducted in English by Rev Damir Stojić of the Laudato TV, with subtitles in Croatian.

SUMMARY. Dr Esther Gitman analized about 5000 archival documents kept in various Croatian archives. Especially important among them are 500 signed petitions for the rescue of Jews in Croatia during the WW2. Some of these documents contain as many as 150 names, signed by ordinary people, who risked their lifes in order to save the lifes of their endangered Jewish neighbors and friends. Furthermore, according to Dr Girtman, THOSANDS OF ORDINARY PEOPLE signed these petitions (listen to 14:05-14:45 in the above video), which is a fact totally unknown in historigraphy (not only Croatian). Similar documents in such abundonce, cannot be found in any other European country, said Dr Gitman. We invite you to see and listen to this extremely interesting and important interview, conducted by the Laudato TV in Zagreb, Croatia.

We owe our deep gratitude to Dr Esther Gitman for discovering these documents, as well as to the recently founded Laudato TV and Rev Damir Stojić, for having organized this interview.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Amy)

    Inspirational video and fascinating research done! Cardinal Stepinac's respect for and love of all people make him another much needed role model for our world.
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