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Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markach with their families in Croatia after seven years of grave injustice in the Hague
Prof.Dr. Slobodan Lang: Operation STORM was the first ever military action that prevented genocide
Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markač, Croatian heroes. (AFP: Bas Czerwinski) Mr. Ante Gotovina, Croatian general We owe our deep gratitude to general Gotovina's defense team, led by American lawyer Greg Kehoe
Do the families of Mr. Ante Gotovina and Mr. Mladen Markač deserve any recompensation for their suffering? Or at least one word of apology for seven years of injustice and humiliation?
Dr. Slobodan Lang was the advisor of Croatian president Dr. Franjo Tuđman for humanitarian issues. Photo by the courtesy of dr. Lang.
Mr Ante Gotovina with the first Croatian president Dr. Franjo Tuđman
Our hearts are lifted but we are not satisfied. Judges Agius and Pocar, voted against this decision. Which proves that the highest courts in the world are either corrupted or incompetent and one does not exclude the other.
What will happen to Carla DelPonte?
I suggest that prosecutors who fail to prove their accusations or wrongly accuse others and keep them in prison while trying to prove it, take the double punishment. In the case of Gotovina Markac it would be 30 years of imprisonment for Carla DelPonte.
That kind of law would clear the courts quickly. The moral of the story is that you can not play with other people's lives and bear no consequences.
One point for Croatians around the world. General Gotovina and his attorney Luka Misetic, are both Croatian Diaspora.
And Ministry of Diaspora is nowhere to be seen on the horizon.
BOŽE! Ljubitelju mira. Neprijatelju rata, prolijevanja krvi i svega strašnoga zla koje rada ta neman, rat. Zapovjedi svakom ratnom požaru, koji sada bukti Tvojom zemljom, da se odmah ugasi. Zapovjedi i ratnoj vatri, koja još u pepelu tinja, da se navijek ugasi; i uščuvaj ljudskom rodu, uščuvaj i nama mir!... mir!... Amen.
RAT, braćo moja, riječ je strašna!... strašna miroljubivom građaninu, čije djelo samo u MIRU cvjeta!... Strašna tihom poljodjelcu, koji samo u krilu sigurnosti može čestito obračivati svoja polja! Strašna isto tako i samom razboritom ratniku, koji zna cijeniti vrijednost svoje krvi, svojih zdravih udova i svoga života, i koji ne žari od ponosnog častohleplja, od nečasne požude za grabežom! A zastrašuje li nas već i riječ RAT.... kakvu li tek tjeskobnu strepnju ne stvara u nama sam rat, to najstrašnije od svih zemaljskih zala? Kosti mi se tresu, žile mi drhću, krv mi se ledi kad pomislim na rat u svoj njegovoj grozoti.
Dopustite mi, cijenjena braćo, da vam pred očima oslikam tu odvratnu sliku rata, onako kako se stvorila u mojoj duši, i da vam predstavim
a isto tako
Nipošto ja tu nemam neku, jednom domoljubu nečasnu, nakanu (a svi vi znadete da sam ja domoljub) oslabiti ratničku hrabrost vašu, što mi kod vas i tako ne bi ni pošlo za rukom, jer tko bi mogao shrvati vas, vas hrabre ratnike! Predstavit cu vam STRAHOTE RATA samo zato da bih dijelom mogao pobuditi u vama gađenje prema svakom razvratu, svakoj okrutnosti, svakoj nečovječnosti, što umnožavaju strahote rata; i u vašim srcima pobuditi osjećaje čovjekoljublja, pošteđujućega smilovanja prema nevinim sukršćanima; a dijelom i zato da bih vam posve blizu, posve osjetljivo stavio na srce veliku dužnost moliti za očuvanje mira.
Neka mi vječni otac čovječanstva u ime milosti svoje dadne da uspijem sa svojom nakanom! Amen.
Kakvo li gnusno čudovište vidi duh moj!
Grozna plamteća srdžba mu sijeva iz očiju; škrguće zubima i pjeni se od bijesa. U desnoj mu ruci bodež s kojega kaplje vrela ljudska krv; u lijevoj mu baklja čiji plamen požudno liže za palačama i kolibama. Razjapljene mu ralje gutaju zalihe spremišta i znoj poljodjelaca; glad mu prozdire divljač s polja, ptice s neba, stada s pašnjaka. Pod teškim mu korakom venu usjevi, propadaju plodovi polja i vrtova; kamo god upravi svoj razorni pohod, gore sela, bukte gradovi, opsjedaju se utvrde, udara se na njih, uskoro živalj njihov zahvaća glad, uskoro pada od oštrice mača, imanja cijelih obitelji nestaju u dimu, posvuda se šire kob i uništenje. Da vam kažem ime toga čudovišta?... Rat mu je ime!... O, rate!... Kako li si strašan zemljama po kojima se protegneš!
Ali... imaš i jos jednu stranu, kojom mi isto tako strašno odsijevaš. Vidim bojište... užasan prizor! Nagomilan leš na lešu! Očevi nezbrinute djece; sinovi jedinci, oslonci, hranitelji ostarjelih, siromasnih =oditelja... Muškarci, njeznih supruga jedina sreća, jedina radost... Mladići u cvijetu života, klice budućih muževa i stupova država, olovom i macem pokošeni,... neljudska ruka im i odjeću ote, razgaljeni, obliveni strujom svoje prolivene plemenite krvi!... Vidim umiruće... one koji se grče u samrtnim ranama, nesretnike razmrskanih, osakaćenih udova, oni koji se prevrću među svojom već izdahnulom subraćom. Čujem njihov jauk, njihov vapaj... Pomozite! Spasite! (moli jedan). Ubijte me! (zapomaže drugi).
Potresa se duša moja. Odvratite se, oči!... odvratite se od toga groznog prizora!... od tih strašnih posljedica rata.
Daleko od bojnog polja, u tamnoj budućnosti, razaznajem nešto, što se i ne doimlje tako strašnim, ali jedno osjećajno srce ne ostaje ravnodušnim. Bogalji, pritisnuti nedaćom siromaštva,... često popraćenom glađu i bijedom, žalosno, mukotrpno se vucaraju svojim za svaku djelatnost onesposobljenim tijelima! Patnici, koje bez prestanka muči opetovano izbijajuća bol zadobivenih rana! Bolesni, koji od posljedica pretrpljenih ratnih tegoba polako malaksavaju - ne vidi li se na njima strahota rata? O, RATE! Kako li si strašan i samim tim vojskama koje vodiš na, za ljudskom krvlju, žeđajuće MARSOVE poljane!
I vi, braćo moja! Vi ćete stupiti na ta strašna polja? Vas će povesti na nabrušene mačeve, grmeću vatru i smrt sijuće topove pobjedničkih Prusa? Vi ćete protiv jednog velikog FRIDRIKA, kojeg u prošlom ratu pola Europe ne mogaše nadvladati... s njegovim ćete se hrabrim, oružju vičnim ratnicima sukobiti? Vidjeste li ga? KRALJA velikoga? lovorom ovjenčanoga JUNAKA?... Vidjeste li mu vojske pod oružjem? Veličina kraljuje MONARHU na čelu! Veličanstvo! uzvišeno dostojanstvo: ali i plemenitost, i čovjekodušna samilost govori iz njegovih očiju. Na prijestolju je on ANTONIN, u kabinetu SALOMON, na celu je svojih vojski... ne poznajem junaka s kojim bih ga usporedio. Otkako ga svijet upozna, prestaje jednog ALEKSANDRA, jednog CEZARA, jednog POMPEJA, jednog KARLA XII. nazivati VELIKIM... samo su OSVAJAČI, ne JUNACI.
Njegovi bojovnici su kao ANAKOVI sinovi. Njihova hrabrost je lavlja hrabrost. Njihova ljubav prema svomu kralju ljubav je djece prema svomu ocu. Njihovim žilavim rukama vođene sablje srpovi su smrti; iz njihovih vatrocijevi izbacuje MARS najbrže munje; njihovi predvodnici se u ratnoj školi najvećega majstora izvježbaše ratnoj vještini, neodlučnost ne poznaju, naučiše sve što umije ratna vještina, samo ne uzmicati.
Ima medu njima još SCHWERINA, jos WINTERFELDA, jos KLEISTA; i njih cete nadvladati?
O, miru! Miru! ne odstupio ti od nas!...
Ne pomišljajte, braćo moja, da bi moje riječi trebale unijeti strah u vaše srce. Onaj tko si, o svom protivniku stvori pravilnu predodžbu... i drži ga za jaka i hrabra, taj će se tim opreznije, tim smjelije boriti protiv njega. Nije na meni da vas sokolim na srčanost; moram to prepustiti vasim zapovjednicima, koji nato imaju veće pravo. Hoću vas samo zamoliti da se s nama za mir molite - ne za propast vaših neprijatelja
Ako kršćani protiv kršćana mole, kako se to može svidjeti Ocu na nebu, čija smo djeca i mi i oni? Hoću vas samo opomenuti da ne počinjate nikakvih okrutnosti, Da ne otimate, ne pljačkate, ne pustošite vatrom kućišta nedužnih, da nemilosrdno ne ubijate nemoćne starce, tepajuću dojenčad, ne one čija krv za osvetom vapi, da silovanjem ne obešćašćujete žensku nevinost, da se ne predajete zlobnoj obijesti, da ne griješite uništavajući plodove zemlje, ni hranu građana i poljodjelaca i da sami na sebe neumjerenošću i razuzdanošću ne navlačite bolesti i patnje.
Kršćanski vojnik ne smije biti pljačkaš, ni ubojica, ni palikuća, ni neobuzdani razbludnik, ni krvolok, ni životinjski nečovjek. Svi ste vi sljedbenici stare kršćanske vjere. O, budite također svi vi, kao što i vaša vjera traži, vjerni svome BOGU, vjerni svome caru, vjerni svojim stijegovima, pravi kršćani, pravi junaci! Amen.
A Ti, nedokučivi, koji tako često dovikuješ ljudima
glasom svemogućim, kojim iz ničega prizivaš svjetove, božanski poruči onim SILNICIMA koji staviše ruku na mač:
A Remarkable Address Given by a Croatian Minister to Those Going to War 1778
O GOD, the lover of peace, the enemy of war, of bloodshed and of all the terrible evils that the monster, war, creates. Command every conflagration of war now blazing on your earth to be extinguished at this instant. Command also that the fire of war still smouldering in the ashes be put out for ever, and preserve for mantkind, preserve for us also peace!... peace!... Amen.
WAR, my brothers, what a terrible word! ... Terrible to the peaceable townsman, whose trade flourishes only in time of PEACE..., Terrible to the peaceful countryman, who can access till his fields properly only in the embrace of security!... Terrible also to the fighting man himself, who knows the value of his blood, his healthy body and his life, who is not consumed by arrogant ambition, nor by base greed for plunder! If the very word "war" terrifies us, what fearful horror does war itself not cause, the most dreadful of all earthly evils? My bones shake, my heart trembles, my blood runs cold when I imagine war in all its horror.
Allow me, esteemed brothers, to paint for your eyes today the hideous picture of war that my soul has conceived, and of the
and also
In this I have, as a patriot (for you all know that I am a patriot) no shameful intention of weakening your martial courage. Least of all could I succeed in this with you, for who could instil fear in you, brave warriors? I want to lay before you the HORRORS OF WAR only in order to provoke in you an aversion to all excess, to all cruelty, all inhumanity which multiplies the evils of war, and in order to awaken in your hearts a love for humanity, a merciful compassion toward your innocent fellow Christians, and also that the great duty to pray for the preservation of peace should lie very close, very palpable to your hearts. May the eternal Father of mankind enable me to succced in my endeavour, for the sake of His grace, Amen!
What hideous monster does my spirit see? Menacing, blazing wrath flashes from its eyes, it gnashes its teeth and foams with rage. In its right hand it carries a dagger which drips reeking human blood. In its left hand is a torch, whose flame thirsts for palaces and hovels, its gaping jaws gorge on the wealth of the storehouses and the sweat of the countryman, its hunger devours wild game in the field, the birds of the air and flocks in the pastures. Beneath its heavy tread crops wither, the fruits of the fields and gardens are lost. Wherever it takes its devastating course, villages are set aflame, towns are burnt to ashes, fortresses besieged and stormed, their residents soon reduced to starvation; soon they are smitten by the edge of the sword; the possessions of whole families are turned to ashes, calamity and disaster are spread everywhere. Need I tell you the name of this monster?... Its name is war!... Oh war!... How terrible you are to those countries over which you spread your wings!
You have indeed... yet another aspect, which appears to me with equal horror. I see the battlefield. An appalling secne! Corpse upon corpse piled up! Fathers of children left unprovided for; only sons - the support and stay of aged parents; husbands - their tender spouses' only happiness, only delight; young men in the flower of youth - budding men of the future, pillars of society, smitten by the bullet and the sword, robbed of their clothes by the hand of inhumanity, stripped, drenched in rivers of their own noble blood. I see the dying, the unfortunate ones convulsed by their fatal wounds, writhing with shattered, mutilated limbs among their dead companions. I hear their moans, their screams... Help! Save me! (pleads one), Kill me! (cries another). My spirit is shaken. Turn away, my eyes... away from this ghastly scene!... from this terrible consequence of war.
Far away from the battlefield, in the dim future, I perceive things which are not indeed so terrible, though which camot leave a tender heart unmoved. Cripples, miserably dragging amround a body made incapable of earning a living, weighed down by poverty, often even to the point of hunger and wretchedness. The suffering ones, tormented by the constantly recurring pain of their wounds. The sick ones, slowly being consumed in consequence of the hardships of war - is not the horror of war seen in them too? OH, WAR! How dreadful you are even to the armies which you lead on to the fields of MARS thirsting after human blood?
And you, my brothers! Will you march onward to those terrible fields? Will you be led to face the sharpened swords, the thunderous fire, the deathspewing guns of the victorious Prussians? Will you march against the great FREDERICK, whom half of Europe could not defeat in the last war... will you join combat against his brave warriors, drilled in arms?... Have you seen him, the great KING, the laurel-winning HERO?... Have you seen his armed hosts? Greatness is enthroned on the MONARCH'S forehead! Majesty, exalted solemnity - but also magnanimity, also gracious mercy speak from his eyes. On his throne he is an ANTONY, in the council a SOLOMON, at the head of his army... I know no hero with whom I can compare him. Since the world has learnt of him, it has ceased to call an ALEXANDER great, or a CAESAR, a POMPEY, a CHARLES XII... these are CONQUERORS only, not HEROES. His men are like the children of ANAK. Their courage is the courage of a lion; their love for their king is the love of children for their father. The swords held by their sinewy arms are the scythes of death; from their barrels MARS launches the fastest lightning-bolts; their commanders are trained in the art of war at the war school of the greatest master; they know no fear, they have learned the whole art of war, all except retreat. There are more SCHWERINS, more WINTERFELDS, more KLEISTS among them; and will you overcome these? Oh, peace, peace! Do not withdraw from us!
Do not think, my brothers, that the aim of my address is to breathe fear into your hearts. He who makes a favourable image of his adversary for himself and regards him as strong and bold, will fight the more circumspectly, the more boldly against him. It is not for me to spur you on to courage. I must leave this to your commanders, who have a greater right to do so. I want only to ask that you pray with us for peace - not for the destruction of your enemies. If Christians pray against Christians, how can that please the Father in heaven, whose children both we and they are? I will only admonish you not to commit any act of brutality - not to rob, nor plunder, nor destroy the homes of the innocent with fire, nor mercilessly kill the defenceless old, nor babbling babes, nor those whose blood cries for vengeance; that you do not violently besmirch the virginity of women, nor maliciously practise wantonness, nor sinfully destroy the fruits of the earth, the victuals of the townsman and the countryman, nor expose yourselves to sickness and suffering through excess and dissipation. A Christian soldier must not be a robber, nor a murderer, an incendiary, a debauched libertine, a butcher, nor an inhuman brute. You are all followers of the ancient Christian faith. Oh, may you all, as your faith requires, be faithful to your GOD, faithful to your Emperor, faithful to your standards, true Christians, true heroes, Amen!
But you, mysterious One, you who so often speak to men saying:
call with that almighty voice, by which you call worlds into being from nothing, call divinely to those MIGHTY ONES, who have laid hand on sword:
Translations from German version (of the unknown Croatian original) into Croatian and English by Dr. Borislav Arapović, publihed in his important monograph
Borislav Arapović: Hrvatski mirospis 1778, Matica hrvatska, Mostar, 1999, ISBN 9958-9448-2-0
A Remarkable Adress of Croatian Minister, 1778, published in German in the same year
A Remarkable Adress of Croatian Minister, 1778, published in Dutch in the Hague (sic!) in the same year
Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markač in the Zagreb Cathedral, 16th November 2012
H.E. general Slobodan Praljak, defendor of the dignity of Europe, Croatian ambassador in EU, holder of three academic diplomas from the University of Zagreb - in Electrical Engineering, Film Art, and Sociology/Philosophy, portrayed by general Ante Gotovina
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