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Sretan Uskrs! Happy Easter! Felices Pascuas!
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  03/20/2008 | Culture And Arts , Religion | Unrated
Croatian Easter Eggs - Hrvatske pisanice

Croatian Easter Eggs - pisanice, by Annette Hricko Czupylo, a Ukrainian living in the USA, photo by Vladimir Novak

Croatian Easter Eggs - pisanice, by Annette Hricko Czupylo, photo by Vladimir Novak. Pisanica on the left is decorated with centuries old Croatian Coat of Arms.

Ukrainian Easter Eggs - pysanky, by Annette Hricky Czupylo, photo by Vladimir Novak

Ukrainian Easter Eggs - pysanky, by Annette Hricko Czupylo, photo by Vladimir Novak

Croatian Easter Eggs or pisanice

Pisanice workshop in Đakovo, Croatia

Exhibition of Croatian pisanice in a primary school of Lupoglav near Zagreb

Croats from Bačka, or Bački Hrvati, exhibition of works of art in Trieste, including pisanice; source Hrvatska matica iseljenika

Lace Easter Egg hand-made by a woman from Slavonia on North-East of Croatia; photo by my dear friend Mrs. Julija Vojković, Zagreb


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