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(E,H) Pixeltown in your town Book Signing by Marija Miletic Dail
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  03/20/2006 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
(E,H) Pixeltown in your town Book Signing by Marija Miletic Dail


Pixletown "book signing" 8-og travnja 2006 u San Pedru

Pixletown "book signing" April 8th 2006 in San Pedro



Marija Miletic Dail will have her "Pixletown- the World Found" book signing at the Croatian Cultural Center, 510 7th street in San Pedro - on the 8th of April at 4 PM. She will talk about the book as well as about her career as an animator, director and producer of animation in all of the major studios in Hollywood. The book will be sold at half the price at the signing. Snack and refreshments will be served. All are welcome!


Marija Miletic Dail ce imati "book signing" 8-og travnja u Hrv. Kult. Centru u San Pedru u 4 PM sa zakuskom i picem.Knjiga se zove "Pixletown - the World Found". Moze je se kupiti preko i u Borders book stores, no ja cu je imati u San Pedru u pola cijene, ali to je samo za vrijeme potpisivanja. Ja inace ne prodajem knjigu, vec knjizare i Pokazivat cemo par mojih kratkih filmica ;"Red rock" i "Kolo", a mozda i "Why not?".
Why not?

Svi su dobro dosli, dapace neka nas dodje sto vise. Imam jos jednu vijest: Ako Bog da, na ljeto cu otici u Europu rezirati 78 kratkih filmova za Slovensko/francusku produkciju; sa boravkom u Parizu, te Ljubljani i Zagrebu. Trajat ce blizu dvije godine. To je za sada sve - hvala Ti na usluzi.
Drz se, Nenade i pozdrav od Marije Miletic Dail


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Book Description
Born in Zagreb, Croatia, Marija studied art and worked as an illustrator for the daily newspapers, while still in high school. Her animation career had its beginning at the “Zagreb Film” studio, which “infected” her with enough enthusiasm to last her a lifetime. Daughters Mirna and Vera, the “apples of her eye”, provided her with six beautiful grandchildren and enough stories for another lifetime. Marija spends her time between Carmel Valley and Zagreb, with her artist husband Dr. Sukhdev Singh Dail. “There is nothing new under the sun” has been quoted thousands of times in the centuries past. However, there was something “new” on the horizon, just waiting to be “discovered,” or simply, brought into the light. Such is the case in the story of Pixletown, where a whole world existed, and even thrived, undiscovered for eons, until this century, when the vehicle had been invented to bring it to our attention. That vehicle was the computer.


Marija Miletic Dail


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