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Please help Japan
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  03/13/2011 | Media Watch , Events , Environment | Unrated
Pray for Japan

Kept in the Vatican Museum.
A gift of Kristian Krekovic, Croatian painter, to Pope Paul VI in 1972.

The Embassy of Japan in Zagreb, Croatia.

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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Violi)

    Thank you for the opportunity to say that we are in prayers with the rest of the world for Japan and its people. May their hearts remain strong to overcome the devastation they have recently suffered and enable them to rebuild smoothly to a beautiful place to be.

    The lovely painting by Kristian Krekovic captures the message that our Faith unites all races.

  • Comment #2 (Posted by Ivan Marijan Saric)

    Subject: Humanitarian Aid for Japan

    To: All Croatians at Home and around the World

    I'd like to suggest that the Croatians around the globe (at every Church, School or Social and Cultural Club) as well as those in Croatia organize humanitarian aid for Japan by donating any of the following items for Japan;

    a) Blankets, Quilts, Sleeping Bags, etc
    b) Winter Clothing; All styles; Warm Socks, Gloves, Caps, Jackets and Pants
    c) Winter Shoes; All styles; Boots, Snow Boots, Water Proof Boots, Work Shoes, etc
    d) Non-Perishable Food items, Canned Food with extended Shelf - Life, Water Bottles, etc.
    e) Money, any amount will help
    f) Medical Supplies, Rubbing Alcohol, Vitamins, Aspirins, Soaps, Shampoos, Detergents, Toothbrushes & Toothpaste & Hygiene Supplies, etc
    g) Batteries, Flashlights, Radios, Shovels, Brooms, etc.
    h) Temporary Adoption of their Children who lost their parents, or their homes and schools; so they can continue their education outside of Japan (to be organized through Japanese Embassies around the world)

    Their suffering is infinite and we must help.

    Please post this announcement in your Church, Soccer Club, Folk Dance Club, School, etc.

    Please forward this e-mail to all whom you know since we need to organize world-wide Aid for Japan since everyone can donate something through our Churches and our Societies

    Thanks & God Bless

    Ivan Marijan Saric

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